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Create and manage your GitHub workflows with TypeScript and Deno.
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method Workflow.prototype.on
import { Workflow } from "";

To automatically trigger a workflow, use on to define which events can cause the workflow to run. For a list of available events, see "Events that trigger workflows."

You can define single or multiple events that can a trigger workflow, or set a time schedule. You can also restrict the execution of a workflow to only occur for specific files, tags, or branch changes. These options are described in the following sections.

Using a single event

For example, a workflow with the following on value will run when a push is made to any branch in the workflow's repository:

import { Workflow } from '';

const workflow = Workflow
  .create({ name: 'ci' })

Using multiple events

You can specify a single event or multiple events. For example, a workflow with the following on value will run when a push is made to any branch in the repository or when someone forks the repository:

import { Workflow } from '';

const workflow = Workflow
  .create({ name: 'ci' })

If you specify multiple events, only one of those events needs to occur to trigger your workflow. If multiple triggering events for your workflow occur at the same time, multiple workflow runs will be triggered.

Using activity types

Some events have activity types that give you more control over when your workflow should run. Use on.<event_name>.types to define the type of event activity that will trigger a workflow run.

For example, the issue_comment event has the created, edited, and deleted activity types. If your workflow triggers on the label event, it will run whenever a label is created, edited, or deleted. If you specify the created activity type for the label event, your workflow will run when a label is created but not when a label is edited or deleted.

import { Workflow } from '';

const workflow = Workflow
  .create({ name: 'ci' })
  .on('label', { types: ['created'] });

If you specify multiple activity types, only one of those event activity types needs to occur to trigger your workflow. If multiple triggering event activity types for your workflow occur at the same time, multiple workflow runs will be triggered. For example, the following workflow triggers when an issue is opened or labeled. If an issue with two labels is opened, three workflow runs will start: one for the issue opened event and two for the two issue labeled events.

import { Workflow } from '';

const workflow = Workflow
  .create({ name: 'ci' })
  .on('pull_request', { types: ['opened', 'labeled'] });

For more information about each event and their activity types, see "Events that trigger workflows."

Type Parameters

Options extends WorkflowDispatchOptions


event: "workflow_dispatch"
options: WithContext<Options, Base>


Workflow<CombineAsUnion<Base | { events: "workflow_dispatch"; } | InputKeys<NonNullable<Options["inputs"]>>>>

Type Parameters

Options extends WorkflowCallOptions


event: "workflow_call"
options: WithContext<Options, Base>


Workflow<CombineAsUnion<Base | { events: "workflow_call"; secrets: StringKeyOf<Options["secrets"]>; } | InputKeys<NonNullable<Options["inputs"]>>>>

Type Parameters

Event extends keyof Exclude<WorkflowEvents, "workflow_dispatch" | "workflow_call">


event: Event
...unnamed 1: GetEventOptions<Event, Base | { events: Event; }>


Workflow<CombineAsUnion<Base | { events: Event; }>>