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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { URLPatternCompat, type URLPatternInput } from "../runtime/core/url_pattern.ts";import log from "../lib/log.ts";import util from "../lib/util.ts";import { extname, fromFileUrl, globToRegExp, join, resolve } from "./deps.ts";import depGraph from "./graph.ts";import { builtinModuleExts, fixResponse, getAlephConfig, getFiles, toResponse } from "./helpers.ts";import type { Route, RouteMatch, RouteMeta, Router, RouteRegExp, RouterInit } from "./types.ts";
/** import the route module. */export async function importRouteModule({ filename, pattern }: RouteMeta, appDir?: string) { const config = getAlephConfig(); const routes = config?.router?.routes; if (routes && pattern.pathname in routes) { return routes[pattern.pathname]; }
const version = depGraph.get(filename)?.version; const devPort = Deno.env.get("ALEPH_SERVER_PORT"); let url: string; if (devPort) { url = `http://localhost:${devPort}${filename.slice(1)}?ssr&v=${(version ?? depGraph.globalVersion).toString(36)}`; } else { const root = appDir ?? (config?.baseUrl ? fromFileUrl(new URL(".", config.baseUrl)) : Deno.cwd()); url = `file://${join(root, filename)}${version ? "#" + version.toString(36) : ""}`; } return await import(url);}
export async function fetchRouteData( req: Request, ctx: Record<string, unknown>, router: Router, reqData: boolean,): Promise<Response | void> { const { pathname, host } = new URL(req.url); if (router.routes.length > 0) { let pathnameInput = pathname; if (pathnameInput !== "/") { pathnameInput = util.trimSuffix(pathname, "/"); } let matched: RouteMatch | null = null; // find the direct match for (const [pattern, meta] of router.routes) { const ret = pattern.exec({ host, pathname: pathnameInput }); if (ret) { matched = [ret, meta]; break; } } if (!matched) { // find index route for (const [pattern, meta] of router.routes) { if (meta.pattern.pathname.endsWith("/index")) { const ret = pattern.exec({ host, pathname: pathnameInput + "/index" }); if (ret) { matched = [ret, meta]; break; } } } } if (matched) { const { method } = req; const [ret, meta] = matched; const mod = await importRouteModule(meta, router.appDir); const dataConfig = util.isPlainObject( ? : mod; if (method !== "GET" || mod.default === undefined || reqData) { Object.assign(ctx.params as Record<string, string>, ret.pathname.groups); const anyFetcher = dataConfig.any ?? dataConfig.ANY; if (typeof anyFetcher === "function") { const res = await anyFetcher(req, ctx); if (res instanceof Response) { return res; } } const fetcher = dataConfig[method.toLowerCase()] ?? dataConfig[method]; if (typeof fetcher === "function") { const res = await fetcher(req, ctx); const headers = ctx.headers as unknown as Headers; // todo: set cache for "GET" with `cacheTtl` option headers.set("cache-control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); if (res instanceof Response) { return fixResponse(res, headers, reqData); } return toResponse(res, headers); } return new Response("Method Not Allowed", { status: 405 }); } } }}
/** initialize router from routes config */export async function initRouter(options: RouterInit, appDir?: string): Promise<Router> { const reg = toRouteRegExp(options); const files = await getFiles(appDir ? resolve(appDir) : Deno.cwd()); const routes: Route[] = []; let _app: Route | undefined = undefined; let _404: Route | undefined = undefined; files.forEach((filename) => { const pattern = reg.exec(filename); if (pattern && pattern.pathname !== "/_export" && !pattern.pathname.endsWith("_test")) { const route: Route = [ new URLPatternCompat(pattern), { pattern, filename }, ]; routes.push(route); if (pattern.pathname === "/_app") { _app = route; } else if (pattern.pathname === "/_404") { _404 = route; } } }); if (routes.length > 0) { // sort routes by length of pathname routes.sort((a, b) => getRouteOrder(a) - getRouteOrder(b)); // check nesting routes routes.forEach(([_, meta]) => { const { pattern: { pathname } } = meta; const nesting = pathname === "/_app" || (pathname !== "/" && !pathname.endsWith("/index") && routes.findIndex(([_, { pattern: { pathname: p } }]) => p !== pathname && p.startsWith(pathname + "/")) !== -1); if (nesting) { meta.nesting = true; } }); }
log.debug(`${routes.length} routes found`); return { routes, prefix: reg.prefix, appDir: appDir ? resolve(appDir) : undefined, _404, _app, };}
/* check if the filename is a route */export function isRouteFile(filename: string): boolean { const router: Router | null | undefined = Reflect.get(globalThis, "__ALEPH_ROUTER"); const index = router?.routes.findIndex(([_, meta]) => meta.filename === filename); if (index !== undefined && index !== -1) { return true; } const config = getAlephConfig(); if (config?.router) { const reg = toRouteRegExp(config.router); return reg.test(filename); } return false;}
/** convert route config to `RouteRegExp` */export function toRouteRegExp(init: RouterInit): RouteRegExp { const glob = util.isFilledString(init.glob) ? init.glob : `.${util.cleanPath(init.dir ?? "routes")}/**/*.{${ (init.exts ?? builtinModuleExts).map((s) => util.trimPrefix(s, ".")).join(",") }}`; if (!glob) throw new Error("invalid router options: `glob` is required"); const prefix = util.trimSuffix(util.splitBy(glob, "*")[0], "/"); const reg = globToRegExp("./" + util.trimPrefix(glob, "./")); return { prefix, test: (s: string) => s !== prefix + "/_export.ts" && reg.test(s), exec: (filename: string): URLPatternInput | null => { if (reg.test(filename)) { const parts = util.splitPath(util.trimPrefix(filename, prefix)).map((part) => { // replace `/blog/[...path]` to `/blog/:path+` if (part.startsWith("[...") && part.includes("]") && part.length > 5) { return ":" + part.slice(4).replace("]", "+"); } // replace `/blog/[id]` to `/blog/:id` if (part.startsWith("[") && part.includes("]") && part.length > 2) { return ":" + part.slice(1).replace("]", ""); } // replace `/blog/$id` to `/blog/:id` if (part.startsWith("$") && part.length > 1) { return ":" + part.slice(1); } return part; }); let host: string | undefined = undefined; if (parts.length > 1 && /^@[a-z0-9\.\-]+\.[a-z0-9]+$/.test(parts[0])) { host = parts.shift()!.slice(1); } const basename = parts.pop()!; const pathname = "/" + [, util.trimSuffix(basename, extname(basename))].join("/"); return { host, pathname: pathname === "/index" ? "/" : pathname }; } return null; }, };}
/** get route order by pathname length */function getRouteOrder([_, meta]: Route): number { const { pattern, filename } = meta; switch (pattern.pathname) { case "/_404": case "/_app": return 0; default: return filename.split("/").length + (pattern.pathname.split("/:").length - 1) * 0.01; }}