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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import type { ConnInfo, ServeInit } from "";import type { Comment, Element, TextChunk } from "";import type { UserConfig } from "../lib/@unocss/core.ts";import type { RouteModule } from "../runtime/core/route.ts";export type { Route, RouteMatch, RouteMeta, Router, RouteRegExp } from "../runtime/core/route.ts";export type { Comment, ConnInfo, Element, RouteModule, ServeInit, TextChunk };
export type AlephConfig = { /** The base url of the server. */ baseUrl?: string; /** The router options for the file-system based routing. */ router?: RouterInit; /** The module loaders. */ loaders?: ModuleLoader[]; /** The server middlewares. */ middlewares?: Middleware[]; /** The options for session. */ session?: SessionOptions; /** The options for SSR. */ ssr?: SSR; /* The options for optimization */ optimization?: OptimizationOptions; /** The config for UnoCSS. */ unocss?: UnoConfig;};
/** The router options for the file-system based routing. */export interface RouterInit { /** The glob to match routes. */ glob?: string; /** The directory of the FS routing. */ dir?: string; /** The extnames to match routes. */ exts?: string[]; /** The pre-built routes. */ routes?: Record<string, Record<string, unknown>>;}
/** The config for UnoCSS. */export type UnoConfig = UserConfig & { test?: RegExp; resetCSS?: "normalize" | "eric-meyer" | "tailwind" | "antfu";};
export type CookieOptions = { expires?: number | Date; maxAge?: number; domain?: string; path?: string; httpOnly?: boolean; secure?: boolean; sameSite?: "lax" | "strict" | "none";};
export interface Cookies { get(key: string): string | undefined; set(key: string, value: string, options?: CookieOptions): void; delete(key: string, options?: CookieOptions): void;}
export interface SessionStorage { get(sid: string): Promise<Record<string, unknown> | undefined>; set(sid: string, data: Record<string, unknown>, expires: number): Promise<void>; delete(sid: string): Promise<void>;}
export type SessionCookieOptions = { name?: string; domain?: string; path?: string; secure?: boolean; sameSite?: "lax" | "strict" | "none";};
export type SessionOptions = { storage?: SessionStorage; cookie?: SessionCookieOptions; secret?: string; maxAge?: number;};
export interface Session<T> { store: T | undefined; update(store: T | ((store: T | undefined) => T)): Promise<string>; end(): Promise<string>;}
export interface HTMLRewriterHandlers { element?: (element: Element) => void; comments?: (comment: Comment) => void; text?: (text: TextChunk) => void;}
export interface HTMLRewriter { on: (selector: string, handlers: HTMLRewriterHandlers) => void;}
export interface Context extends Record<string, unknown> { readonly connInfo?: ConnInfo; readonly params: Record<string, string>; readonly headers: Headers; readonly cookies: Cookies; readonly htmlRewriter: HTMLRewriter; getSession<T extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>>(): Promise<Session<T>>;}
export interface Middleware { readonly name?: string; readonly eager?: boolean; fetch( request: Request, context: Context, ): Promise<Response | (() => void) | void> | Response | (() => void) | void;}
export type ImportMap = { readonly __filename: string; readonly imports: Record<string, string>; readonly scopes: Record<string, Record<string, string>>;};
export type JSXConfig = { jsxPragma?: string; jsxPragmaFrag?: string; jsxImportSource?: string;};
export type ModuleLoaderEnv = { isDev?: boolean; importMap?: ImportMap; jsxConfig?: JSXConfig; sourceMap?: boolean; ssr?: boolean; hydratable?: boolean;};
export type ModuleLoaderOutput = { code: string; inlineCSS?: string; lang?: "js" | "jsx" | "ts" | "tsx"; map?: string;};
export interface ModuleLoader { test(path: string): boolean; load( specifier: string, content: string, env: ModuleLoaderEnv, ): Promise<ModuleLoaderOutput> | ModuleLoaderOutput;}
/** The optimization options for the server. */export type OptimizationOptions = { /** The output directory, default is './out'. */ outputDir?: string; /** The built target for esbuild, default is 'es2018'. */ buildTarget?: "es2015" | "es2016" | "es2017" | "es2018" | "es2019" | "es2020" | "es2021" | "es2022"; /** The SSG options for the FS routing. */ ssg?: SSGOptions;};
/** The SSG options for the FS routing. */export type SSGOptions = { include?: RegExp; exclude?: RegExp; getStaticPaths?: () => string[] | Promise<string[]>; clientHeaders?: HeadersInit;};
export type SSRContext = { readonly url: URL; readonly routeModules: RouteModule[]; readonly headCollection: string[]; readonly dataDefer: boolean; readonly signal: AbortSignal; readonly bootstrapScripts?: string[]; readonly onError?: (error: unknown) => void;};
export type SSRFn = { (ssr: SSRContext): Promise<ReadableStream | string> | ReadableStream | string;};
// Options for the content-security-policy// type CSP = { getPolicy: (url: URL, nonce?: string) => string | null; nonce?: boolean;};
export type SSR = { cacheControl?: "private" | "public"; CSP?: CSP; dataDefer: true; render: (ssr: SSRContext) => Promise<ReadableStream> | ReadableStream;} | { cacheControl?: "private" | "public"; CSP?: CSP; dataDefer?: false; render: SSRFn;} | SSRFn;
export type SSRResult = { context: SSRContext; body: ReadableStream | string; deferedData: Record<string, unknown>; nonce?: string; is404?: boolean;};
export interface FetchHandler { ( request: Request, context: Record<string, unknown>, ): Promise<Response> | Response;}
export type ErrorHandler = { ( error: unknown, cause: { by: "route-data-fetch" | "ssr" | "transform" | "fs" | "middleware"; url: string; context?: Record<string, unknown>; }, ): Response | void;};