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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { cleanPath, isLikelyHttpURL, splitBy, trimPrefix } from "../shared/util.ts";import { colors, path, TransformCSSOptions } from "./deps.ts";import { ensureDir, esbuild, transformCSS } from "./deps.ts";import depGraph from "./graph.ts";import { builtinModuleExts, existsDir, existsFile, fetchCode, getAlephConfig, getAlephPkgUri, getAppDir, globalIt, isNpmPkg, restoreUrl, toLocalPath,} from "./helpers.ts";import { parseHtmlLinks } from "./html.ts";import log from "./log.ts";import { initRouter } from "./routing.ts";import type { ConnInfo } from "./types.ts";
export async function build( serverHandler: (req: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo) => Promise<Response> | Response,) { const start =; const appDir = getAppDir(); const alephPkgUri = getAlephPkgUri(); const config = getAlephConfig()!; const options = config?.build ?? {}; const target = options.buildTarget ?? "es2018"; const outputDir = path.join(appDir, options.outputDir ?? "./output");
const request = (url: URL, headers?: HeadersInit) => { const addr: Deno.Addr = { transport: "tcp", hostname: "localhost", port: 80 }; return serverHandler(new Request(url, { headers }), { localAddr: addr, remoteAddr: addr }); };
// clean previous build if (await existsDir(outputDir)) { for await (const entry of Deno.readDir(outputDir)) { await Deno.remove(path.join(outputDir,, { recursive: entry.isDirectory }); } } else { await Deno.mkdir(outputDir, { recursive: true }); }
// find route files by the `routes` config const routeFiles: string[] = []; const ssgOptions = options.ssg === true ? {} : options.ssg ?? false; const ssgPaths: string[] = []; const { routes } = await globalIt("__ALEPH_ROUTER", () => initRouter(appDir, config.router));
routes.forEach(([_, { filename }]) => { routeFiles.push(filename); }); if (ssgOptions && config.ssr) { for (const [_, { pattern }] of routes) { const { pathname } = pattern; if (pathname.includes("/:")) { const url = new URL("http://localhost/__aleph.getStaticPaths"); url.searchParams.set("pattern", pathname); const res = await request(url); if (res.status === 200 && res.headers.get("content-type")?.startsWith("application/json")) { const a = await res.json(); if (Array.isArray(a)) { ssgPaths.push(...a); } } } else if (pathname !== "/_app") { ssgPaths.push(pathname); } } }
if (ssgOptions && config.ssr) { if (typeof ssgOptions.getStaticPaths === "function") { ssgPaths.push(...await ssgOptions.getStaticPaths()); } const finalPaths = ssgPaths.filter((pathname) => { if (ssgOptions?.include) { return ssgOptions.include.test(pathname); } if (ssgOptions?.exclude) { return !ssgOptions.exclude.test(pathname); } return true; }); await Promise.all( (pathname) => { const url = new URL(pathname, "http://localhost"); const res = await request(url, ssgOptions?.clientHeaders); if ( (res.status === 200 || (res.status === 404 && pathname === "/_404")) && res.headers.get("content-type")?.startsWith("text/html") ) { const savePath = path.join(outputDir, `${pathname === "/" ? "/index" : pathname}.html`); const html = await res.text(); await ensureDir(path.dirname(savePath)); await Deno.writeTextFile(savePath, html); } })); console.log(`${"SSG")} ${colors.bold(finalPaths.length.toString())} page generated.`); console.log(, index) => { const tab = index === finalPaths.length - 1 ? "└─" : "├─"; return `${tab} ${pathname}`; }).join("\n"), ); }
// look up client modules let queue = [...routeFiles]; const indexHtml = path.join(appDir, "index.html"); if (await existsFile(indexHtml)) { const html = await Deno.readFile(indexHtml); const links = await parseHtmlLinks(html); for (const src of links) { const url = new URL(src, "http://localhost/"); const ext = splitBy(url.hostname, ".", true)[1].toLowerCase(); if (ext === "css" || builtinModuleExts.includes(ext)) { const specifier = isLikelyHttpURL(src) ? src : "." + cleanPath(src); queue.push(specifier); } } } queue.push(`${alephPkgUri}/framework/core/nomodule.ts`);
// add unocss reset css if (config.atomicCSS?.resetCSS) { queue.push(config.atomicCSS.resetCSS); }
const entryModules = new Map( => [task, 0])); const allClientModules = new Set<string>(); const memFS = new Map<string, string>();
// transform client modules while (queue.length > 0) { const deps = new Set<string>(); await Promise.all( (specifier) => { const url = new URL(isLikelyHttpURL(specifier) ? toLocalPath(specifier) : specifier, "http://localhost"); const isCSS = url.pathname.endsWith(".css"); let savePath = path.join(outputDir, url.pathname); if (isNpmPkg(specifier)) { savePath += ".js"; } else if (isCSS && url.searchParams.has("module")) { savePath += ".js"; } const res = await request(url); if ( res.status !== 200 || res.headers.get("Content-Type")?.startsWith("text/html") || res.headers.has("X-Transform-Error") ) { throw new Error("Transform Error"); } memFS.set(savePath, await res.text()); if (!isCSS) { depGraph?.get(specifier)?.deps?.forEach(({ specifier, dynamic }) => { if (dynamic) { entryModules.set(specifier, 1); } if (specifier.endsWith(".css")) { deps.add(specifier + "?module"); } else { deps.add(specifier); } }); } else if (url.searchParams.has("module")) { deps.add(`${alephPkgUri}/framework/core/style.ts`); } else { await ensureDir(path.dirname(savePath)); await Deno.writeTextFile(savePath, memFS.get(savePath)!); } allClientModules.add(specifier); })); queue = Array.from(deps).filter((specifier) => !allClientModules.has(specifier)); }
const clientModules = new Map(entryModules); const refs = new Map<string, Set<string>>();
// count client module refs for (const [name] of entryModules) { depGraph?.walk(name, ({ specifier }, importer) => { if (importer) { let set = refs.get(specifier); if (!set) { set = new Set<string>(); refs.set(specifier, set); } set.add(importer.specifier); } }); }
// find shared modules for (const [specifier, counter] of refs) { if (counter.size > 1) { clientModules.set(specifier, 2); } }
// hygiene checks, make sure all shared modules are not only referenced by other shared modules for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { const toHygiene = new Set<string>(); for (const [specifier, type] of clientModules) { if (type === 2) { const sharedBy = new Set<string>(); depGraph?.lookup(specifier, (specifier) => { if (clientModules.has(specifier)) { sharedBy.add(specifier); return false; } }); if (sharedBy.size === 1) { toHygiene.add(specifier); } } } // break the loop when there are no more modules to hygiene if (toHygiene.size === 0) { break; } toHygiene.forEach((specifier) => clientModules.delete(specifier)); log.debug(`hygiene#${i + 1}`, toHygiene); }
// bundle client modules await Promise.all( Array.from(clientModules.keys()).map(async (entryPoint) => { const url = new URL(isLikelyHttpURL(entryPoint) ? toLocalPath(entryPoint) : entryPoint, "http://localhost"); if (url.pathname.endsWith(".css")) { return; } let jsFile = path.join(outputDir, url.pathname); if (isNpmPkg(entryPoint)) { jsFile += ".js"; } await{ entryPoints: [jsFile], outfile: jsFile, allowOverwrite: true, platform: "browser", format: "esm", target: [target], bundle: true, minify: true, treeShaking: true, sourcemap: options.sourceMap, plugins: [{ name: "bundle-client-modules", setup(build) { build.onResolve({ filter: /.*/ }, (args) => { let argsPath = args.path; if (argsPath.startsWith("./") || argsPath.startsWith("../")) { argsPath = path.join(args.resolveDir, argsPath); } const [fp, q] = splitBy(argsPath, "?"); const pathname = trimPrefix(fp, outputDir); const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(q); let specifier = "." + pathname; if (args.path.startsWith("/-/")) { specifier = restoreUrl(pathname); searchParams.delete("v"); } if (clientModules.has(specifier) && specifier !== entryPoint) { return { path: [pathname, searchParams.toString()].filter(Boolean).join("?"), external: true, }; } let jsFile = path.join(outputDir, pathname); if (isNpmPkg(specifier)) { jsFile += ".js"; } else if (specifier.endsWith(".css") && searchParams.has("module")) { jsFile += ".js"; } return { path: jsFile }; }); build.onLoad({ filter: /.*/ }, (args) => { return { contents: memFS.get(args.path), loader: "js", }; }); }, }], }); }), );
esbuild.stop(); memFS.clear();`${colors.bold(routeFiles.length.toString())} routes found`);`${colors.bold(clientModules.size.toString())} client modules built`);`Done in ${( - start).toFixed(2)}ms`); Deno.exit(0);}
/** Bundle the css using `parcel-css` with `nesting` and `customMedia` draft support. */export async function bundleCSS( specifier: string, sourceCode: string, options: { asJsModule?: boolean; hmr?: boolean; } & TransformCSSOptions, _tracing = new Set<string>(),): Promise<{ code: string; cssModulesExports?: Record<string, string>; deps?: string[];}> { let { code: css, dependencies, exports } = await transformCSS( specifier, sourceCode, { ...options, analyzeDependencies: { removeImports: true, }, drafts: { nesting: true, customMedia: true, }, }, ); const deps = dependencies?.filter((dep) => dep.type === "import" && ! => { let url = dep.url; if (isLikelyHttpURL(specifier)) { if (!isLikelyHttpURL(url)) { url = new URL(url, specifier).toString(); } } else { url = "." + path.fromFileUrl(new URL(url, `file://${specifier.slice(1)}`)); } return url; }); dependencies?.forEach((dep) => { if (dep.type === "url") { // todo: use magic-string css = css.replace(`url("${dep.placeholder}")`, `url("${dep.url}")`); } }); const eof = options.minify ? "" : "\n"; if (deps) { const imports = await Promise.all( (url) => { if (_tracing.has(url)) { return ""; } _tracing.add(url); const [css] = await fetchCode(url); const { code, deps: subDeps } = await bundleCSS( url, css, { targets: options.targets, minify: options.minify, }, _tracing, ); if (subDeps) { deps.push(...subDeps); } return code; })); css = imports.join(eof) + eof + css; } const cssModulesExports: Record<string, string> = {}; if (exports) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(exports)) { cssModulesExports[key] =; } } if (options.asJsModule) { const alephPkgPath = toLocalPath(getAlephPkgUri()); return { code: [ options.hmr && `import createHotContext from "${alephPkgPath}/framework/core/hmr.ts";`, options.hmr && ` = createHotContext(${JSON.stringify(specifier)});`, `import { applyCSS } from "${alephPkgPath}/framework/core/style.ts";`, `export const css = ${JSON.stringify(css)};`, `export default ${JSON.stringify(cssModulesExports)};`, `applyCSS(${JSON.stringify(specifier)}, css);`, options.hmr && `;`, ].filter(Boolean).join(eof), deps, cssModulesExports, }; } return { code: css, cssModulesExports, deps };}