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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { serve as stdServe, serveTls } from "./deps.ts";import { createHandler } from "./handler.ts";import log, { type LevelName } from "./log.ts";import { build } from "./build.ts";import { watch } from "./dev.ts";import { getAppDir } from "./helpers.ts";import type { AlephConfig, ServeInit } from "./types.ts";export type { Context, Middleware } from "./types.ts";
/** The options for Aleph.js server. */export type ServeOptions = AlephConfig & Omit<ServeInit, "onError">;
/** Start the Aleph.js server. */export async function serve(options?: ServeOptions): Promise<void> { const isDev = Deno.args.includes("--dev"); const { hostname, port, signal, onListen: _onListen, plugins, ...config } = options ?? {};
// use plugins if (plugins) { for (const plugin of plugins) { try { await plugin.setup(config, { isDev }); log.debug(`plugin ${ ?? "Unnamed"} setup`); } catch (err) { log.fatal(`[plugin:${}] ${err.message}`); } } }
// inject the config to global Reflect.set(globalThis, "__ALEPH_CONFIG", config);
const handler = createHandler(config);
// build the app for production if (Deno.args.includes("--build")) { return build(handler); }
// watch file changes in development mode if (isDev) { watch(getAppDir(), config.router?.onChange); }
const { tls } = config; const onListen = (arg: { port: number; hostname: string }) => { const origin = `${tls ? "https" : "http"}://${hostname ?? "localhost"}:${arg.port}`; Reflect.set(globalThis, "__ALEPH_SERVER_ORIGIN", origin);`Server ready on ${origin}`); _onListen?.(arg); }; const serveOptions = { hostname, port, signal, onListen }; const flagPort = Number(Deno.args.join(" ").match(/--port=(\d+)/)?.[1]); if (flagPort) { serveOptions.port = flagPort; } if (tls) { return serveTls(handler, { ...tls, ...serveOptions }); } return stdServe(handler, serveOptions);}
/** Set the log level. */export function setLogLevel(level: LevelName) { log.setLevel(level);}
// set log level to debug when debug aleph.js itself.if (import.meta.url.startsWith("file:")) { log.setLevel("debug");}