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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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use indexmap::IndexSet;use sha1::{Digest, Sha1};use std::rc::Rc;use swc_common::{SourceMap, Spanned, DUMMY_SP};use swc_ecma_ast::*;use swc_ecma_utils::{private_ident, quote_ident};use swc_ecma_visit::{noop_fold_type, Fold};
pub fn react_refresh_fold( refresh_reg: &str, refresh_sig: &str, emit_full_signatures: bool, source: Rc<SourceMap>,) -> impl Fold { ReactRefreshFold { source, signature_index: 0, registration_index: 0, registrations: vec![], signatures: vec![], refresh_reg: refresh_reg.into(), refresh_sig: refresh_sig.into(), emit_full_signatures, }}
/// react refresh fold.////// @ref struct ReactRefreshFold { source: Rc<SourceMap>, signature_index: u32, registration_index: u32, registrations: Vec<(Ident, String)>, signatures: Vec<Signature>, refresh_reg: String, refresh_sig: String, emit_full_signatures: bool,}
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]struct Signature { parent_ident: Option<Ident>, handle_ident: Ident, hook_calls: Vec<HookCall>,}
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]struct HookCall { obj: Option<Ident>, ident: Ident, key: String, is_builtin: bool,}
impl ReactRefreshFold { fn create_registration_handle_ident(&mut self) -> Ident { let mut registration_handle_name = String::from("_c"); self.registration_index += 1; if self.registration_index > 1 { registration_handle_name.push_str(&self.registration_index.to_string()); }; private_ident!(registration_handle_name.as_str()) }
fn get_persistent_fn( &mut self, bindings: &IndexSet<String>, ident: Option<&Ident>, block_stmt: &mut BlockStmt, ) -> (Option<Ident>, Option<Signature>) { let fc_id = match ident { Some(ident) => { if is_componentish_name(ident.as_ref()) { Some(ident.clone()) } else { None } } None => None, }; let mut bindings_scope = IndexSet::<String>::new(); let mut hook_calls = Vec::<HookCall>::new(); let mut exotic_signatures = Vec::<(usize, Signature, Option<Expr>)>::new(); let mut index: usize = 0; let stmts = &mut block_stmt.stmts;
// marge top bindings for id in bindings.iter() { bindings_scope.insert(id.to_string()); }
// collect scope bindings stmts.into_iter().for_each(|stmt| { match stmt { // function useFancyState() {} Stmt::Decl(Decl::Fn(FnDecl { ident, .. })) => { bindings_scope.insert(ident.sym.as_ref().into()); } Stmt::Decl(Decl::Var(VarDecl { decls, .. })) => { decls.into_iter().for_each(|decl| match decl { VarDeclarator { name: Pat::Ident(BindingIdent { id, .. }), init: Some(init_expr), .. } => match init_expr.as_ref() { // const useFancyState = function () {} Expr::Fn(_) => { bindings_scope.insert(id.sym.as_ref().into()); } // const useFancyState = () => {} Expr::Arrow(_) => { bindings_scope.insert(id.sym.as_ref().into()); } _ => {} }, _ => {} }); } _ => {} } });
stmts.into_iter().for_each(|stmt| { match stmt { // function useFancyState() {} Stmt::Decl(Decl::Fn(FnDecl { ident, function: Function { body: Some(body), .. }, .. })) => { if let (_, Some(signature)) = self.get_persistent_fn(&bindings_scope, Some(ident), body) { exotic_signatures.push((index, signature, None)); } } // var ... Stmt::Decl(Decl::Var(VarDecl { decls, .. })) => { decls.into_iter().for_each(|decl| match decl { VarDeclarator { name, init: Some(init_expr), .. } => match init_expr.as_mut() { // const useFancyState = function () {} Expr::Fn(FnExpr { function: Function { body: Some(body), .. }, .. }) => match name { Pat::Ident(BindingIdent { id, .. }) => { if let (_, Some(signature)) = self.get_persistent_fn(&bindings_scope, Some(id), body) { exotic_signatures.push((index, signature, None)); } } _ => {} }, // const useFancyState = () => {} Expr::Arrow(ArrowExpr { body: BlockStmtOrExpr::BlockStmt(body), .. }) => match name { Pat::Ident(BindingIdent { id, .. }) => { if let (_, Some(signature)) = self.get_persistent_fn(&bindings_scope, Some(id), body) { exotic_signatures.push((index, signature, None)); } } _ => {} }, // cosnt [state, setState] = useSate() Expr::Call(call) => match self.get_hook_call(Some(name), call) { Some(hc) => hook_calls.push(hc), _ => {} }, _ => {} }, _ => {} }); } // useEffect() Stmt::Expr(ExprStmt { expr, .. }) => match expr.as_ref() { Expr::Call(call) => match self.get_hook_call(None, call) { Some(hc) => hook_calls.push(hc), _ => {} }, _ => {} }, // return .. Stmt::Return(ReturnStmt { arg: Some(arg), .. }) => match arg.as_mut() { // return function() {} Expr::Fn(FnExpr { function: Function { body: Some(body), .. }, .. }) => { if let (_, Some(signature)) = self.get_persistent_fn(&bindings_scope, None, body) { exotic_signatures.push((index, signature, Some(arg.as_ref().clone()))); } } // return () => {} Expr::Arrow(ArrowExpr { body: BlockStmtOrExpr::BlockStmt(body), .. }) => { if let (_, Some(signature)) = self.get_persistent_fn(&bindings_scope, None, body) { exotic_signatures.push((index, signature, Some(arg.as_ref().clone()))); } } _ => {} }, _ => {} } index += 1; });
// ! insert // _s(); let mut inserted: usize = 0; let signature = if hook_calls.len() > 0 { let mut handle_ident = String::from("_s"); self.signature_index += 1; if self.signature_index > 1 { handle_ident.push_str(self.signature_index.to_string().as_str()); }; let handle_ident = private_ident!(handle_ident.as_str()); block_stmt.stmts.insert( 0, Stmt::Expr(ExprStmt { span: DUMMY_SP, expr: Box::new(Expr::Call(CallExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, callee: ExprOrSuper::Expr(Box::new(Expr::Ident(handle_ident.clone()))), args: vec![], type_args: None, })), }), ); inserted += 1; Some(Signature { parent_ident: match ident { Some(ident) => Some(ident.clone()), None => None, }, handle_ident, hook_calls, }) } else { None };
if exotic_signatures.len() > 0 { // ! insert // var _s = $RefreshSig$(), _s2 = $RefreshSig$(); block_stmt.stmts.insert( inserted, Stmt::Decl(Decl::Var(VarDecl { span: DUMMY_SP, kind: VarDeclKind::Var, declare: false, decls: exotic_signatures .clone() .into_iter() .map(|signature| VarDeclarator { span: DUMMY_SP, name: Pat::Ident(BindingIdent { id: signature.1.handle_ident, type_ann: None, }), init: Some(Box::new(Expr::Call(CallExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, callee: ExprOrSuper::Expr(Box::new(Expr::Ident(quote_ident!(self .refresh_sig .as_str())))), args: vec![], type_args: None, }))), definite: false, }) .collect(), })), ); inserted += 1;
for (index, exotic_signature, return_expr) in exotic_signatures { let mut args = self.create_arguments_for_signature(&bindings_scope, &exotic_signature); if let Some(return_expr) = return_expr { args.insert( 0, ExprOrSpread { spread: None, expr: Box::new(return_expr), }, ); block_stmt.stmts[index + inserted] = Stmt::Return(ReturnStmt { span: DUMMY_SP, arg: Some(Box::new(Expr::Call(CallExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, callee: ExprOrSuper::Expr(Box::new(Expr::Ident( exotic_signature.handle_ident.clone(), ))), args, type_args: None, }))), }); } else { block_stmt.stmts.insert( index + inserted + 1, Stmt::Expr(ExprStmt { span: DUMMY_SP, expr: Box::new(Expr::Call(CallExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, callee: ExprOrSuper::Expr(Box::new(Expr::Ident( exotic_signature.handle_ident.clone(), ))), args, type_args: None, })), }), ); inserted += 1 } } } (fc_id, signature) }
fn get_hook_call(&self, pat: Option<&Pat>, call: &CallExpr) -> Option<HookCall> { if let Some((obj, ident)) = get_call_callee(call) { let ident_str = ident.sym.as_ref(); let is_builtin = is_builtin_hook( match &obj { Some(obj) => Some(obj), None => None, }, ident_str, ); if is_builtin || (ident_str.len() > 3 && ident_str.starts_with("use") && ident_str[3..].starts_with(char::is_uppercase)) { let mut key = ident_str.to_owned(); match pat { Some(pat) => { let name = self.source.span_to_snippet(pat.span()).unwrap(); key.push('{'); key.push_str(name.as_str()); // `useState` first argument is initial state. if call.args.len() > 0 && is_builtin && ident_str == "useState" { key.push('('); key.push_str( self .source .span_to_snippet(call.args[0].span()) .unwrap() .as_str(), ); key.push(')'); } // `useReducer` second argument is initial state. if call.args.len() > 1 && is_builtin && ident_str == "useReducer" { key.push('('); key.push_str( self .source .span_to_snippet(call.args[1].span()) .unwrap() .as_str(), ); key.push(')'); } key.push('}'); } _ => key.push_str("{}"), }; return Some(HookCall { obj, ident, key, is_builtin, }); } } None }
fn find_inner_component( &mut self, bindings: &IndexSet<String>, parent_name: &str, call: &mut CallExpr, ) -> bool { if !is_componentish_name(parent_name) && !parent_name.starts_with("%default%") { return false; }
if call.args.len() == 0 { return false; }
// first arg should be a function or call match call.args[0].expr.as_ref() { Expr::Fn(_) => {} Expr::Arrow(_) => {} Expr::Call(_) => {} _ => return false, }
if let Some((obj, ident)) = get_call_callee(call) { let mut ident_str = parent_name.to_owned(); ident_str.push('$'); match obj { Some(obj) => { ident_str.push_str(obj.sym.as_ref()); ident_str.push('.'); } _ => {} } ident_str.push_str(ident.sym.as_ref()); match call.args[0].expr.as_mut() { Expr::Call(inner_call) => { if let Some(_) = get_call_callee(inner_call) { let ok = self.find_inner_component(bindings, ident_str.as_str(), inner_call); if ok { let handle_ident = self.create_registration_handle_ident(); self .registrations .push((handle_ident.clone(), ident_str.clone())); call.args[0] = ExprOrSpread { spread: None, expr: Box::new(Expr::Assign(AssignExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, op: AssignOp::Assign, left: PatOrExpr::Expr(Box::new(Expr::Ident(handle_ident))), right: Box::new(Expr::Call(inner_call.clone())), })), } } return ok; } } _ => {} }
let handle_ident = self.create_registration_handle_ident(); self.registrations.push((handle_ident.clone(), ident_str)); match call.args[0].expr.as_mut() { Expr::Fn(fn_expr) => { let mut right = Box::new(Expr::Fn(fn_expr.clone())); match &mut fn_expr.function { Function { body: Some(body), .. } => { if let (_, Some(signature)) = self.get_persistent_fn(bindings, None, body) { let mut args = self.create_arguments_for_signature(bindings, &signature); args.insert( 0, ExprOrSpread { spread: None, expr: Box::new(Expr::Fn(fn_expr.clone())), }, ); right = Box::new(Expr::Call(CallExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, callee: ExprOrSuper::Expr(Box::new(Expr::Ident(signature.handle_ident.clone()))), args, type_args: None, })); self.signatures.push(signature); } } _ => {} }; call.args[0] = ExprOrSpread { spread: None, expr: Box::new(Expr::Assign(AssignExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, op: AssignOp::Assign, left: PatOrExpr::Expr(Box::new(Expr::Ident(handle_ident))), right, })), } } Expr::Arrow(arrow_expr) => { let mut right = Box::new(Expr::Arrow(arrow_expr.clone())); match &mut arrow_expr.body { BlockStmtOrExpr::BlockStmt(body) => { if let (_, Some(signature)) = self.get_persistent_fn(bindings, None, body) { let mut args = self.create_arguments_for_signature(bindings, &signature); args.insert( 0, ExprOrSpread { spread: None, expr: Box::new(Expr::Arrow(arrow_expr.clone())), }, ); right = Box::new(Expr::Call(CallExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, callee: ExprOrSuper::Expr(Box::new(Expr::Ident(signature.handle_ident.clone()))), args, type_args: None, })); self.signatures.push(signature); } } _ => {} }; call.args[0] = ExprOrSpread { spread: None, expr: Box::new(Expr::Assign(AssignExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, op: AssignOp::Assign, left: PatOrExpr::Expr(Box::new(Expr::Ident(handle_ident))), right, })), } } _ => {} } return true; } false }
fn create_arguments_for_signature( &self, bindings: &IndexSet<String>, signature: &Signature, ) -> Vec<ExprOrSpread> { let mut key = Vec::<String>::new(); let mut custom_hooks_in_scope = Vec::<(Option<Ident>, Ident)>::new(); let mut args: Vec<ExprOrSpread> = vec![]; match &signature.parent_ident { Some(parent_ident) => args.push(ExprOrSpread { spread: None, expr: Box::new(Expr::Ident(parent_ident.clone())), }), None => {} } let mut force_reset = false; // todo: parse @refresh reset command signature.hook_calls.clone().into_iter().for_each(|call| { key.push(call.key); if !call.is_builtin { match call.obj { Some(obj) => { if bindings.contains(obj.sym.as_ref().into()) { custom_hooks_in_scope.push((Some(obj.clone()), call.ident.clone())); } else { force_reset = true } } None => { if bindings.contains(call.ident.sym.as_ref().into()) { custom_hooks_in_scope.push((None, call.ident.clone())); } else { force_reset = true; } } } } }); let mut key = key.join("\n"); if !self.emit_full_signatures { let mut hasher = Sha1::new(); hasher.update(key); key = base64::encode(hasher.finalize()); } args.push(ExprOrSpread { spread: None, expr: Box::new(Expr::Lit(Lit::Str(Str { span: DUMMY_SP, value: key.into(), has_escape: false, kind: Default::default(), }))), }); if force_reset || custom_hooks_in_scope.len() > 0 { args.push(ExprOrSpread { spread: None, expr: Box::new(Expr::Lit(Lit::Bool(Bool { span: DUMMY_SP, value: force_reset, }))), }); } if custom_hooks_in_scope.len() > 0 { args.push(ExprOrSpread { spread: None, expr: Box::new(Expr::Arrow(ArrowExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, params: vec![], body: BlockStmtOrExpr::Expr(Box::new(Expr::Array(ArrayLit { span: DUMMY_SP, elems: custom_hooks_in_scope .into_iter() .map(|hook| { let (obj, id) = hook; if let Some(obj) = obj { Some(ExprOrSpread { spread: None, expr: Box::new(Expr::Member(MemberExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, obj: ExprOrSuper::Expr(Box::new(Expr::Ident(obj.clone()))), prop: Box::new(Expr::Ident(id.clone())), computed: false, })), }) } else { Some(ExprOrSpread { spread: None, expr: Box::new(Expr::Ident(id.clone())), }) } }) .collect(), }))), is_async: false, is_generator: false, type_params: None, return_type: None, })), }); } args }}
impl Fold for ReactRefreshFold { noop_fold_type!();
fn fold_module_items(&mut self, module_items: Vec<ModuleItem>) -> Vec<ModuleItem> { let mut items = Vec::<ModuleItem>::new(); let mut raw_items = Vec::<ModuleItem>::new(); let mut bindings = IndexSet::<String>::new();
// collect top bindings for item in module_items.clone() { match item { // import React, {useState} from "/react.js" ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(ModuleDecl::Import(ImportDecl { specifiers, .. })) => { specifiers .into_iter() .for_each(|specifier| match specifier { ImportSpecifier::Named(ImportNamedSpecifier { local, .. }) | ImportSpecifier::Default(ImportDefaultSpecifier { local, .. }) | ImportSpecifier::Namespace(ImportStarAsSpecifier { local, .. }) => { bindings.insert(local.sym.as_ref().into()); } }); }
// export function App() {} ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(ModuleDecl::ExportDecl(ExportDecl { decl: Decl::Fn(FnDecl { ident, .. }), .. })) => { bindings.insert(ident.sym.as_ref().into()); }
// export default function App() {} ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(ModuleDecl::ExportDefaultDecl(ExportDefaultDecl { decl: DefaultDecl::Fn(FnExpr { ident: Some(ident), .. }), .. })) => { bindings.insert(ident.sym.as_ref().into()); }
// function App() {} ModuleItem::Stmt(Stmt::Decl(Decl::Fn(FnDecl { ident, .. }))) => { bindings.insert(ident.sym.as_ref().into()); }
// const Foo = () => {} // export const App = () => {} ModuleItem::Stmt(Stmt::Decl(Decl::Var(VarDecl { decls, .. }))) | ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(ModuleDecl::ExportDecl(ExportDecl { decl: Decl::Var(VarDecl { decls, .. }), .. })) => { decls.into_iter().for_each(|decl| match decl { VarDeclarator { name: Pat::Ident(BindingIdent { id, .. }), .. } => { bindings.insert(id.sym.as_ref().into()); } _ => {} }); }
_ => {} }; }
for mut item in module_items { let mut persistent_fns = Vec::<(Option<Ident>, Option<Signature>)>::new(); let mut hocs = Vec::<(Ident, Ident)>::new(); match &mut item { // export function App() {} ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(ModuleDecl::ExportDecl(ExportDecl { decl: Decl::Fn(FnDecl { ident, function: Function { body: Some(body), .. }, .. }), .. })) => persistent_fns.push(self.get_persistent_fn(&bindings, Some(ident), body)),
// export default function App() {} ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(ModuleDecl::ExportDefaultDecl(ExportDefaultDecl { decl: DefaultDecl::Fn(FnExpr { ident: Some(ident), function: Function { body: Some(body), .. }, .. }), .. })) => persistent_fns.push(self.get_persistent_fn(&bindings, Some(ident), body)),
// export default React.memo(() => {}) ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(ModuleDecl::ExportDefaultExpr(ExportDefaultExpr { expr, .. })) => match expr.as_mut() { Expr::Call(call) => { if self.find_inner_component(&bindings, "%default%", call) { let handle_ident = self.create_registration_handle_ident(); self .registrations .push((handle_ident.clone(), "%default%".into())); // export default _c2 = React.memo(_c = () => {}) item = ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(ModuleDecl::ExportDefaultExpr(ExportDefaultExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, expr: Box::new(Expr::Assign(AssignExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, op: AssignOp::Assign, left: PatOrExpr::Expr(Box::new(Expr::Ident(handle_ident))), right: Box::new(Expr::Call(call.clone())), })), })); } } _ => {} },
// function App() {} ModuleItem::Stmt(Stmt::Decl(Decl::Fn(FnDecl { ident, function: Function { body: Some(body), .. }, .. }))) => persistent_fns.push(self.get_persistent_fn(&bindings, Some(ident), body)),
// const Foo = () => {} // export const App = () => {} ModuleItem::Stmt(Stmt::Decl(Decl::Var(VarDecl { decls, .. }))) | ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(ModuleDecl::ExportDecl(ExportDecl { decl: Decl::Var(VarDecl { decls, .. }), .. })) => { decls.into_iter().for_each(|decl| match decl { VarDeclarator { name: Pat::Ident(BindingIdent { id, .. }), init: Some(init_expr), .. } => { match init_expr.as_mut() { // const Foo = function () {} Expr::Fn(FnExpr { function: Function { body: Some(body), .. }, .. }) => persistent_fns.push(self.get_persistent_fn(&bindings, Some(id), body)), // const Foo = () => {} Expr::Arrow(ArrowExpr { body: BlockStmtOrExpr::BlockStmt(body), .. }) => persistent_fns.push(self.get_persistent_fn(&bindings, Some(id), body)), // const Bar = () => <div /> Expr::Arrow(ArrowExpr { body: BlockStmtOrExpr::Expr(expr), .. }) => match expr.as_ref() { Expr::JSXElement(jsx) => match jsx.as_ref() { JSXElement { .. } => persistent_fns.push((Some(id.clone()), None)), }, _ => {} }, // const A = forwardRef(function() {}); Expr::Call(call) => { if self.find_inner_component(&bindings, id.sym.as_ref(), call) { let handle_ident = self.create_registration_handle_ident(); self .registrations .push((handle_ident.clone(), id.sym.as_ref().into())); hocs.push((id.clone(), handle_ident)) } } _ => {} } } _ => {} }); }
_ => {} };
for (fc_id, signature) in persistent_fns { if let Some(fc_id) = fc_id { let registration_handle_id = self.create_registration_handle_ident(); self .registrations .push((registration_handle_id.clone(), fc_id.sym.as_ref().into()));
// ! insert // _c = App; // _c2 = Foo; raw_items.push(ModuleItem::Stmt(Stmt::Expr(ExprStmt { span: DUMMY_SP, expr: Box::new(Expr::Assign(AssignExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, op: AssignOp::Assign, left: PatOrExpr::Pat(Box::new(Pat::Ident(BindingIdent { id: registration_handle_id, type_ann: None, }))), right: Box::new(Expr::Ident(fc_id)), })), }))); }
if let Some(signature) = signature { self.signatures.push(signature); } }
// ! insert (hoc) // _c = App; // _c2 = Foo; for (hoc_handle_id, hoc_id) in hocs { raw_items.push(ModuleItem::Stmt(Stmt::Expr(ExprStmt { span: DUMMY_SP, expr: Box::new(Expr::Assign(AssignExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, op: AssignOp::Assign, left: PatOrExpr::Pat(Box::new(Pat::Ident(BindingIdent { id: hoc_handle_id, type_ann: None, }))), right: Box::new(Expr::Ident(hoc_id)), })), }))); } }
// ! insert // var _c, _c2; if self.registrations.len() > 0 { items.push(ModuleItem::Stmt(Stmt::Decl(Decl::Var(VarDecl { span: DUMMY_SP, kind: VarDeclKind::Var, declare: false, decls: self .registrations .clone() .into_iter() .map(|registration| VarDeclarator { span: DUMMY_SP, name: Pat::Ident(BindingIdent { id: registration.0, type_ann: None, }), init: None, definite: false, }) .collect(), })))); }
// ! insert // var _s = $RefreshSig$(), _s2 = $RefreshSig$(); if self.signatures.len() > 0 { items.push(ModuleItem::Stmt(Stmt::Decl(Decl::Var(VarDecl { span: DUMMY_SP, kind: VarDeclKind::Var, declare: false, decls: self .signatures .clone() .into_iter() .map(|signature| VarDeclarator { span: DUMMY_SP, name: Pat::Ident(BindingIdent { id: signature.handle_ident, type_ann: None, }), init: Some(Box::new(Expr::Call(CallExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, callee: ExprOrSuper::Expr(Box::new(Expr::Ident(quote_ident!(self .refresh_sig .as_str())))), args: vec![], type_args: None, }))), definite: false, }) .collect(), })))); }
// ! insert raw items for item in raw_items { items.push(item); }
// ! insert // _s(App, "useState{[count, setCount](0)}\nuseEffect{}"); for signature in &self.signatures { match signature.parent_ident { Some(_) => { let args = self.create_arguments_for_signature(&bindings, &signature); items.push(ModuleItem::Stmt(Stmt::Expr(ExprStmt { span: DUMMY_SP, expr: Box::new(Expr::Call(CallExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, callee: ExprOrSuper::Expr(Box::new(Expr::Ident(signature.handle_ident.clone()))), args, type_args: None, })), }))); } None => {} } }
// ! insert // $RefreshReg$(_c, "App"); // $RefreshReg$(_c2, "Foo"); for (registration_id, fc_name) in self.registrations.clone() { items.push(ModuleItem::Stmt(Stmt::Expr(ExprStmt { span: DUMMY_SP, expr: Box::new(Expr::Call(CallExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, callee: ExprOrSuper::Expr(Box::new(Expr::Ident(quote_ident!(self .refresh_reg .as_str())))), args: vec![ ExprOrSpread { spread: None, expr: Box::new(Expr::Ident(registration_id)), }, ExprOrSpread { spread: None, expr: Box::new(Expr::Lit(Lit::Str(Str { span: DUMMY_SP, value: fc_name.into(), has_escape: false, kind: Default::default(), }))), }, ], type_args: None, })), }))); } items }}
fn is_componentish_name(name: &str) -> bool { name.starts_with(char::is_uppercase)}
fn is_builtin_hook(obj: Option<&Ident>, id: &str) -> bool { let ok = match id { "useState" | "useReducer" | "useEffect" | "useLayoutEffect" | "useMemo" | "useCallback" | "useRef" | "useContext" | "useImperativeHandle" | "useDebugValue" => true, _ => false, }; match obj { Some(obj) => match obj.sym.as_ref() { "React" => ok, _ => false, }, None => ok, }}
fn get_call_callee(call: &CallExpr) -> Option<(Option<Ident>, Ident)> { let callee = match &call.callee { ExprOrSuper::Super(_) => return None, ExprOrSuper::Expr(callee) => callee.as_ref(), };
match callee { // useState() Expr::Ident(id) => Some((None, id.clone())), // React.useState() Expr::Member(expr) => match &expr.obj { ExprOrSuper::Expr(obj) => match obj.as_ref() { Expr::Ident(obj) => match expr.prop.as_ref() { Expr::Ident(prop) => Some((Some(obj.clone()), prop.clone())), _ => None, }, _ => None, }, _ => None, }, _ => None, }}
#[cfg(test)]mod tests { use super::*; use crate::swc::SWC; use std::cmp::min; use swc_common::Globals;
fn t(specifier: &str, source: &str, expect: &str) -> bool { let module = SWC::parse(specifier, source, None).expect("could not parse module"); let (code, _) = swc_common::GLOBALS.set(&Globals::new(), || { module .apply_transform( react_refresh_fold( "$RefreshReg$", "$RefreshSig$", true, module.source_map.clone(), ), false, ) .expect("could not transpile module") });
if code != expect { let mut p: usize = 0; for i in 0..min(code.len(), expect.len()) { if code.get(i..i + 1) != expect.get(i..i + 1) { p = i; break; } } println!( "{}\x1b[0;31m{}\x1b[0m", code.get(0..p).unwrap(), code.get(p..).unwrap() ); } code == expect }
#[test] fn fast_refresh() { let source = r#" function Hello() { return <h1>Hi</h1>; } Hello = connect(Hello); const Bar = () => { return <Hello />; }; var Baz = () => <div />; export default function App() { const [foo, setFoo] = useState(0); const bar = useState(() => 0); const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState, init); React.useEffect(() => {}, []); return <h1>{foo}</h1>; } "#; let expect = r#"var _c, _c2, _c3, _c4;var _s = $RefreshSig$();function Hello() { return <h1 >Hi</h1>;}_c = Hello;Hello = connect(Hello);const Bar = ()=>{ return <Hello />;};_c2 = Bar;var Baz = ()=><div />;_c3 = Baz;export default function App() { _s(); const [foo, setFoo] = useState(0); const bar = useState(()=>0 ); const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState, init); React.useEffect(()=>{ }, []); return <h1 >{foo}</h1>;};_c4 = App;_s(App, "useState{[foo, setFoo](0)}\nuseState{bar(() => 0)}\nuseReducer{[state, dispatch](initialState)}\nuseEffect{}");$RefreshReg$(_c, "Hello");$RefreshReg$(_c2, "Bar");$RefreshReg$(_c3, "Baz");$RefreshReg$(_c4, "App");"#; assert!(t("/app.jsx", source, expect)); }
#[test] fn fast_refresh_custom_hooks() { let source = r#" const useFancyEffect = () => { React.useEffect(() => { }); }; function useFancyState() { const [foo, setFoo] = React.useState(0); useFancyEffect(); return foo; } function useFoo() { const [x] = useBar(1, 2, 3); useBarEffect(); } export default function App() { const bar = useFancyState(); return <h1>{bar}</h1>; } "#; let expect = r#"var _c;var _s = $RefreshSig$(), _s2 = $RefreshSig$(), _s3 = $RefreshSig$(), _s4 = $RefreshSig$();const useFancyEffect = ()=>{ _s(); React.useEffect(()=>{ });};function useFancyState() { _s2(); const [foo, setFoo] = React.useState(0); useFancyEffect(); return foo;}function useFoo() { _s3(); const [x] = useBar(1, 2, 3); useBarEffect();}export default function App() { _s4(); const bar = useFancyState(); return <h1 >{bar}</h1>;};_c = App;_s(useFancyEffect, "useEffect{}");_s2(useFancyState, "useState{[foo, setFoo](0)}\nuseFancyEffect{}", false, ()=>[ useFancyEffect ]);_s3(useFoo, "useBar{[x]}\nuseBarEffect{}", true);_s4(App, "useFancyState{bar}", false, ()=>[ useFancyState ]);$RefreshReg$(_c, "App");"#; assert!(t("/app.jsx", source, expect)); }
#[test] fn fast_refresh_exotic_signature() { let source = r#" import FancyHook from 'fancy';
export default function App() { const useFancyState = () => { const [foo, setFoo] = React.useState(0); useFancyEffect(); return foo; } const bar = useFancyState(); const baz = FancyHook.useThing(); React.useState(); useThePlatform(); useFancyEffect();
function useFancyEffect() { useEffect(); }
return <h1>{bar}{baz}</h1>; } "#; let expect = r#"var _c;var _s3 = $RefreshSig$();import FancyHook from 'fancy';export default function App() { _s3(); var _s = $RefreshSig$(), _s2 = $RefreshSig$(); const useFancyState = ()=>{ _s(); const [foo, setFoo] = React.useState(0); useFancyEffect(); return foo; }; _s(useFancyState, "useState{[foo, setFoo](0)}\nuseFancyEffect{}", false, ()=>[ useFancyEffect ] ); const bar = useFancyState(); const baz = FancyHook.useThing(); React.useState(); useThePlatform(); useFancyEffect(); function useFancyEffect() { _s2(); useEffect(); } _s2(useFancyEffect, "useEffect{}"); return <h1 >{bar}{baz}</h1>;};_c = App;_s3(App, "useFancyState{bar}\nuseThing{baz}\nuseState{}\nuseThePlatform{}\nuseFancyEffect{}", true, ()=>[ FancyHook.useThing ]);$RefreshReg$(_c, "App");"#; assert!(t("/app.jsx", source, expect)); }
#[test] fn fast_refresh_hocs() { let source = r#" const A = forwardRef(function() { return <h1>Foo</h1>; }); const B = memo(React.forwardRef(() => { return <h1>Foo</h1>; })); const C = forwardRef(memo(forwardRef(()=>null))) export const D = React.memo(React.forwardRef((props, ref) => { const [foo, setFoo] = useState(0); React.useEffect(() => {}); return <h1 ref={ref}>{foo}</h1>; })); export const E = React.memo(React.forwardRef(function(props, ref) { const [foo, setFoo] = useState(0); React.useEffect(() => {}); return <h1 ref={ref}>{foo}</h1>; })); function hoc() { return function Inner() { const [foo, setFoo] = useState(0); React.useEffect(() => {}); return <h1 ref={ref}>{foo}</h1>; }; } const F = memo('Foo'); const G = forwardRef(memo(forwardRef())); const I = forwardRef(memo(forwardRef(0, () => {}))); export let H = hoc(); export default React.memo(forwardRef((props, ref) => { return <h1>Foo</h1>; })); "#; let expect = r#"var _c, _c2, _c3, _c4, _c5, _c6, _c7, _c8, _c9, _c10, _c11, _c12, _c13, _c14, _c15, _c16, _c17, _c18;var _s = $RefreshSig$(), _s2 = $RefreshSig$();const A = forwardRef(_c = function() { return <h1 >Foo</h1>;});A = _c2;const B = memo(_c4 = React.forwardRef(_c3 = ()=>{ return <h1 >Foo</h1>;}));B = _c5;const C = forwardRef(_c8 = memo(_c7 = forwardRef(_c6 = ()=>null)));C = _c9;export const D = React.memo(_c11 = React.forwardRef(_c10 = _s((props, ref)=>{ _s(); const [foo, setFoo] = useState(0); React.useEffect(()=>{ }); return <h1 ref={ref}>{foo}</h1>;}, "useState{[foo, setFoo](0)}\nuseEffect{}")));D = _c12;export const E = React.memo(_c14 = React.forwardRef(_c13 = _s2(function(props, ref) { _s2(); const [foo, setFoo] = useState(0); React.useEffect(()=>{ }); return <h1 ref={ref}>{foo}</h1>;}, "useState{[foo, setFoo](0)}\nuseEffect{}")));E = _c15;function hoc() { var _s3 = $RefreshSig$(); return _s3(function Inner() { _s3(); const [foo, setFoo] = useState(0); React.useEffect(()=>{ }); return <h1 ref={ref}>{foo}</h1>; }, "useState{[foo, setFoo](0)}\nuseEffect{}");}const F = memo('Foo');const G = forwardRef(memo(forwardRef()));const I = forwardRef(memo(forwardRef(0, ()=>{})));export let H = hoc();export default _c18 = React.memo(_c17 = forwardRef(_c16 = (props, ref)=>{ return <h1 >Foo</h1>;}));$RefreshReg$(_c, "A$forwardRef");$RefreshReg$(_c2, "A");$RefreshReg$(_c3, "B$memo$React.forwardRef");$RefreshReg$(_c4, "B$memo");$RefreshReg$(_c5, "B");$RefreshReg$(_c6, "C$forwardRef$memo$forwardRef");$RefreshReg$(_c7, "C$forwardRef$memo");$RefreshReg$(_c8, "C$forwardRef");$RefreshReg$(_c9, "C");$RefreshReg$(_c10, "D$React.memo$React.forwardRef");$RefreshReg$(_c11, "D$React.memo");$RefreshReg$(_c12, "D");$RefreshReg$(_c13, "E$React.memo$React.forwardRef");$RefreshReg$(_c14, "E$React.memo");$RefreshReg$(_c15, "E");$RefreshReg$(_c16, "%default%$React.memo$forwardRef");$RefreshReg$(_c17, "%default%$React.memo");$RefreshReg$(_c18, "%default%");"#; assert!(t("/app.jsx", source, expect)); }
#[test] fn fast_refresh_ignored() { let source = r#" const NotAComp = 'hi'; export { Baz, NotAComp }; export function sum() {} export const Bad = 42;
let connect = () => { function Comp() { const handleClick = () => {}; return <h1 onClick={handleClick}>Hi</h1>; } return Comp; }; function withRouter() { return function Child() { const handleClick = () => {}; return <h1 onClick={handleClick}>Hi</h1>; } };
let A = foo ? () => { return <h1>Hi</h1>; } : null; const B = (function Foo() { return <h1>Hi</h1>; })(); let C = () => () => { return <h1>Hi</h1>; }; let D = bar && (() => { return <h1>Hi</h1>; });
const throttledAlert = throttle(function () { alert('Hi'); }); const TooComplex = function () { return hello; }(() => {}); if (cond) { const Foo = thing(() => {}); }
export default function() {} "#; let expect = r#"const NotAComp = 'hi';export { Baz, NotAComp };export function sum() {}export const Bad = 42;let connect = ()=>{ function Comp() { const handleClick = ()=>{ }; return <h1 onClick={handleClick}>Hi</h1>; } return Comp;};function withRouter() { return function Child() { const handleClick = ()=>{ }; return <h1 onClick={handleClick}>Hi</h1>; };};let A = foo ? ()=>{ return <h1 >Hi</h1>;} : null;const B = (function Foo() { return <h1 >Hi</h1>;})();let C = ()=>()=>{ return <h1 >Hi</h1>; };let D = bar && (()=>{ return <h1 >Hi</h1>;});const throttledAlert = throttle(function() { alert('Hi');});const TooComplex = function() { return hello;}(()=>{});if (cond) { const Foo = thing(()=>{ });}export default function() {};"#; assert!(t("/app.jsx", source, expect)); }}