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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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use crate::import_map::{ImportHashMap, ImportMap};
use indexmap::IndexSet;use path_slash::PathBufExt;use pathdiff::diff_paths;use regex::Regex;use relative_path::RelativePath;use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};use std::{ collections::HashMap, path::{Path, PathBuf}, str::FromStr,};use url::Url;
lazy_static! { pub static ref RE_ENDS_WITH_VERSION: Regex = Regex::new( r"@\d+(\.\d+){0,2}(\-[a-z0-9]+(\.[a-z0-9]+)?)?$" ) .unwrap(); pub static ref RE_REACT_URL: Regex = Regex::new( r"^https?://(|||\d+)?/react(\-dom)?(@[\^|~]{0,1}[0-9a-z\.\-]+)?([/|\?].*)?$" ) .unwrap();}
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize)]#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]pub struct DependencyDescriptor { pub specifier: String, pub is_dynamic: bool,}
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize)]#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]pub struct InlineStyle { pub r#type: String, pub quasis: Vec<String>, pub exprs: Vec<String>,}
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize)]#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "camelCase")]pub struct ReactResolve { #[serde(default)] pub version: String, #[serde(default)] pub esm_sh_build_version: usize,}
/// A Resolver to resolve aleph.js import/export struct Resolver { /// the text specifier associated with the import/export statement. pub specifier: String, /// a flag indicating if the specifier is remote url or not. pub specifier_is_remote: bool, /// dependency graph pub dep_graph: Vec<DependencyDescriptor>, /// inline styles pub inline_styles: HashMap<String, InlineStyle>, /// bundle mode pub bundle_mode: bool, /// bundled modules pub bundle_external: IndexSet<String>, /// star exports pub star_exports: Vec<String>, /// extra imports pub extra_imports: IndexSet<String>, /// builtin jsx tags like `a`, `link`, `head`, etc pub used_builtin_jsx_tags: IndexSet<String>,
// private import_map: ImportMap, aleph_pkg_uri: Option<String>, react: Option<ReactResolve>,}
impl Resolver { pub fn new( specifier: &str, import_map: ImportHashMap, bundle_mode: bool, bundle_external: Vec<String>, aleph_pkg_uri: Option<String>, react: Option<ReactResolve>, ) -> Self { let mut set = IndexSet::<String>::new(); for url in bundle_external { set.insert(url); } Resolver { specifier: specifier.into(), specifier_is_remote: is_remote_url(specifier), used_builtin_jsx_tags: IndexSet::new(), dep_graph: Vec::new(), star_exports: Vec::new(), inline_styles: HashMap::new(), bundle_mode, bundle_external: set, extra_imports: IndexSet::new(), import_map: ImportMap::from_hashmap(import_map), aleph_pkg_uri, react, } }
pub fn get_aleph_pkg_uri(&self) -> String { if let Some(aleph_pkg_uri) = &self.aleph_pkg_uri { return aleph_pkg_uri.into(); } "".into() }
pub fn add_extra_import(&mut self, url: &str) { self.extra_imports.insert(url.into()); }
/// fix import/export url. // - `` -> `/-/` // - `` -> `/-/[base64('target=es2015&dev')]react@17.0.1.js` // - `http://localhost:8080/mod` -> `/-/http_localhost_8080/mod.js` // - `/components/x/./logo.tsx` -> `/components/x/logo.tsx` // - `/components/x/../logo.tsx` -> `/components/logo.tsx` pub fn fix_import_url(&self, url: &str) -> String { let is_remote = is_remote_url(url); if !is_remote { let mut url = url; let mut root = Path::new(""); if url.starts_with("./") { url = url.trim_start_matches("."); root = Path::new("."); } else if url.starts_with("../") { url = url.trim_start_matches(".."); root = Path::new(".."); } return RelativePath::new(url) .normalize() .to_path(root) .to_slash() .unwrap() .to_owned(); } let url = Url::from_str(url).unwrap(); let path = Path::new(url.path()); let mut path_buf = path.to_owned(); let mut ext = ".".to_owned(); ext.push_str(match path.extension() { Some(os_str) => match os_str.to_str() { Some(s) => { if RE_ENDS_WITH_VERSION.is_match(url.path()) { "js" } else { s } } None => "js", }, None => "js", }); if let Some(os_str) = path.file_name() { if let Some(s) = os_str.to_str() { let mut file_name = "".to_owned(); if let Some(q) = url.query() { file_name.push('['); file_name.push_str( base64::encode(q) .replace("+", "") .replace("/", "") .replace("=", "") .as_str(), ); file_name.push(']'); } file_name.push_str(s); if !file_name.ends_with(ext.as_str()) { file_name.push_str(ext.as_str()); } path_buf.set_file_name(file_name); } } let mut p = "/-/".to_owned(); let scheme = url.scheme(); if scheme == "http" { p.push_str("http_"); } p.push_str(url.host_str().unwrap()); if let Some(port) = url.port() { if scheme == "http" && port == 80 { } else if scheme == "https" && port == 443 { } else { p.push('_'); p.push_str(port.to_string().as_str()); } } p.push_str(path_buf.to_str().unwrap()); p }
/// resolve import/export url. // [/pages/index.tsx] // - `` -> `../-/` // - `` -> `../-/${REACT_VERSION}.js` // - `` -> `../-/${ALEPH_VERSION}/mod.ts` // - `../components/logo.tsx` -> `../components/logo.js#/components/logo.tsx@000000` // - `../styles/app.css` -> `../styles/app.css.js#/styles/app.css@000000` pub fn resolve(&mut self, url: &str, is_dynamic: bool) -> (String, String) { // apply import map let url = self.import_map.resolve(self.specifier.as_str(), url); let mut fixed_url: String = if is_remote_url(url.as_str()) { url.into() } else { if self.specifier_is_remote { let mut new_url = Url::from_str(self.specifier.as_str()).unwrap(); if url.starts_with("/") { new_url.set_path(url.as_str()); } else { let mut buf = PathBuf::from(new_url.path()); buf.pop(); buf.push(url); let path = "/".to_owned() + RelativePath::new(buf.to_slash().unwrap().as_str()) .normalize() .as_str(); new_url.set_path(path.as_str()); } new_url.as_str().into() } else { if url.starts_with("/") { url.into() } else { let mut buf = PathBuf::from(self.specifier.as_str()); buf.pop(); buf.push(url); "/".to_owned() + RelativePath::new(buf.to_slash().unwrap().as_str()) .normalize() .as_str() } } }; // fix url if let Some(aleph_pkg_uri) = &self.aleph_pkg_uri { if fixed_url.starts_with("") { fixed_url = format!( "{}/{}", aleph_pkg_uri.as_str(), fixed_url.trim_start_matches("") ); } } // fix react/react-dom url if let Some(react) = &self.react { if RE_REACT_URL.is_match(fixed_url.as_str()) { let caps = RE_REACT_URL.captures(fixed_url.as_str()).unwrap(); let mut host = caps.get(1).map_or("", |m| m.as_str()); let build_version = caps .get(2) .map_or("", |m| m.as_str().trim_start_matches("/v")); let dom = caps.get(3).map_or("", |m| m.as_str()); let ver = caps.get(4).map_or("", |m| m.as_str()); let path = caps.get(5).map_or("", |m| m.as_str()); let (target_build_version, should_replace_build_version) = if build_version != "" && react.esm_sh_build_version > 0 && !build_version.eq(react.esm_sh_build_version.to_string().as_str()) { (react.esm_sh_build_version.to_string(), true) } else { ("".to_owned(), false) }; let non_esm_sh_cdn = match host { "" | "" | "" | "" => false, _ => true, }; if non_esm_sh_cdn { host = "" } if non_esm_sh_cdn || ver != react.version || should_replace_build_version { if should_replace_build_version { fixed_url = format!( "https://{}/v{}/react{}@{}{}", host, target_build_version, dom, react.version, path ); } else if build_version != "" { fixed_url = format!( "https://{}/v{}/react{}@{}{}", host, build_version, dom, react.version, path ); } else { fixed_url = format!("https://{}/react{}@{}{}", host, dom, react.version, path); } } } } let is_remote = is_remote_url(fixed_url.as_str()); let mut resolved_path = if is_remote { if self.specifier_is_remote { let mut buf = PathBuf::from(self.fix_import_url(self.specifier.as_str())); buf.pop(); diff_paths( self.fix_import_url(fixed_url.as_str()), buf.to_slash().unwrap(), ) .unwrap() } else { let mut buf = PathBuf::from(self.specifier.as_str()); buf.pop(); diff_paths( self.fix_import_url(fixed_url.as_str()), buf.to_slash().unwrap(), ) .unwrap() } } else { if self.specifier_is_remote { let mut new_url = Url::from_str(self.specifier.as_str()).unwrap(); if fixed_url.starts_with("/") { new_url.set_path(fixed_url.as_str()); } else { let mut buf = PathBuf::from(new_url.path()); buf.pop(); buf.push(fixed_url.as_str()); let path = "/".to_owned() + RelativePath::new(buf.to_slash().unwrap().as_str()) .normalize() .as_str(); new_url.set_path(path.as_str()); } let mut buf = PathBuf::from(self.fix_import_url(self.specifier.as_str())); buf.pop(); diff_paths( self.fix_import_url(new_url.as_str()), buf.to_slash().unwrap(), ) .unwrap() } else { if fixed_url.starts_with("/") { let mut buf = PathBuf::from(self.specifier.as_str()); buf.pop(); diff_paths(fixed_url.clone(), buf.to_slash().unwrap()).unwrap() } else { PathBuf::from(fixed_url.clone()) } } }; // fix extension & add hash placeholder match resolved_path.extension() { Some(os_str) => match os_str.to_str() { Some(s) => match s { "js" | "jsx" | "ts" | "tsx" | "mjs" => { let mut filename = resolved_path .file_name() .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap() .trim_end_matches(s) .to_owned(); if self.bundle_mode && !is_dynamic { filename.push_str("bundling."); } filename.push_str("js"); if !is_remote && !self.specifier_is_remote { filename.push_str("#"); filename.push_str(fixed_url.as_str()); filename.push_str("@000000"); } resolved_path.set_file_name(filename); } _ => { let mut filename = resolved_path .file_name() .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap() .to_owned(); if self.bundle_mode && !is_dynamic { filename.push_str(".bundling"); } filename.push_str(".js"); if !is_remote && !self.specifier_is_remote { filename.push('#'); filename.push_str(fixed_url.as_str()); filename.push_str("@000000"); } resolved_path.set_file_name(filename); } }, None => {} }, None => {} }; self.dep_graph.push(DependencyDescriptor { specifier: fixed_url.clone(), is_dynamic, }); let path = resolved_path.to_slash().unwrap(); if !path.starts_with("./") && !path.starts_with("../") && !path.starts_with("/") { return (format!("./{}", path), fixed_url); } (path, fixed_url) }}
pub fn is_remote_url(url: &str) -> bool { return url.starts_with("https://") || url.starts_with("http://");}
#[cfg(test)]mod tests { use super::*; use crate::import_map::ImportHashMap; use std::collections::HashMap;
#[test] fn resolver_fix_import_url() { let resolver = Resolver::new( "/app.tsx", ImportHashMap::default(), false, vec![], None, None, ); assert_eq!( resolver.fix_import_url(""), "/-/" ); assert_eq!( resolver.fix_import_url(""), "/-/[dGFyZ2V0PWVzMjAxNSZkZXY]react@17.0.1.js" ); assert_eq!( resolver.fix_import_url("http://localhost:8080/mod"), "/-/http_localhost_8080/mod.js" ); assert_eq!( resolver.fix_import_url("/components/foo/./logo.tsx"), "/components/foo/logo.tsx" ); assert_eq!( resolver.fix_import_url("/components/foo/../logo.tsx"), "/components/logo.tsx" ); assert_eq!( resolver.fix_import_url("/components/../foo/logo.tsx"), "/foo/logo.tsx" ); assert_eq!( resolver.fix_import_url("/components/logo.tsx"), "/components/logo.tsx" ); assert_eq!( resolver.fix_import_url("../components/logo.tsx"), "../components/logo.tsx" ); assert_eq!(resolver.fix_import_url("./button.tsx"), "./button.tsx"); }
#[test] fn resolve_local() { let mut imports: HashMap<String, String> = HashMap::new(); imports.insert("@/".into(), "./".into()); imports.insert("~/".into(), "./".into()); imports.insert("react".into(), "".into()); imports.insert("react-dom/".into(), "".into()); imports.insert( "".into(), "http://localhost:2020/".into(), ); let mut resolver = Resolver::new( "/pages/index.tsx", ImportHashMap { imports, scopes: HashMap::new(), }, false, vec![], None, Some(ReactResolve { version: "17.0.2".into(), esm_sh_build_version: 2, }), ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("", false), ( "../-/".into(), "".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("", false), ( "../-/".into(), "".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve( "", false ), ( "../-/http_localhost_2020/framework/react/components/Link.js".into(), "http://localhost:2020/framework/react/components/Link.ts".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("", false), ( "../-/".into(), "".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("", false), ( "../-/".into(), "".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("", false), ( "../-/".into(), "".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("", false), ( "../-/".into(), "".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("", false), ( "../-/".into(), "".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("react-dom/server", false), ( "../-/".into(), "".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("react", false), ( "../-/".into(), "".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("", false), ( "../-/http_localhost_2020/mod.js".into(), "http://localhost:2020/mod.ts".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("../components/logo.tsx", false), ( "../components/logo.js#/components/logo.tsx@000000".into(), "/components/logo.tsx".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("../styles/app.css", false), ( "../styles/app.css.js#/styles/app.css@000000".into(), "/styles/app.css".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("", false), ( "../-/".into(), "".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("@/components/logo.tsx", false), ( "../components/logo.js#/components/logo.tsx@000000".into(), "/components/logo.tsx".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("~/components/logo.tsx", false), ( "../components/logo.js#/components/logo.tsx@000000".into(), "/components/logo.tsx".into() ) ); }
#[test] fn resolve_remote_1() { let mut resolver = Resolver::new( "", ImportHashMap::default(), false, vec![], None, Some(ReactResolve { version: "17.0.2".into(), esm_sh_build_version: 2, }), ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("", false), ( "../".into(), "".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve( "", false ), ( "../".into(), "".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("./react", false), ( "./react@17.0.2.js".into(), "".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("/react", false), ( "./react@17.0.2.js".into(), "".into() ) ); }
#[test] fn resolve_remote_2() { let mut resolver = Resolver::new( "", ImportHashMap::default(), false, vec![], None, Some(ReactResolve { version: "17.0.2".into(), esm_sh_build_version: 2, }), ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve( "", false ), ( "../../".into(), "".into() ) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("../preact", false), ("../preact.js".into(), "".into()) ); assert_eq!( resolver.resolve("/preact", false), ("../preact.js".into(), "".into()) ); }}