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// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright 2020-2021 postUI Lab. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use crate::error::{DiagnosticBuffer, ErrorBuffer};use crate::fast_refresh::fast_refresh_fold;use crate::fixer::{compat_fixer_fold, jsx_link_fixer_fold};use crate::jsx::aleph_jsx_fold;use crate::resolve::{aleph_resolve_fold, Resolver};use crate::source_type::SourceType;
use std::{cell::RefCell, path::Path, rc::Rc};use swc_common::{ chain, comments::SingleThreadedComments, errors::{Handler, HandlerFlags}, FileName, Globals, Mark, SourceMap,};use swc_ecma_transforms_compat::{es2015, es2016, es2017, es2018, es2020};use swc_ecma_transforms_proposal::decorators;use swc_ecma_transforms_typescript::strip;use swc_ecmascript::{ ast::{Module, Program}, codegen::{text_writer::JsWriter, Node}, parser::{lexer::Lexer, EsConfig, JscTarget, StringInput, Syntax, TsConfig}, transforms::{fixer, helpers, hygiene, pass::Optional, react}, visit::{Fold, FoldWith},};
/// Options for transpiling a module.#[derive(Debug, Clone)]pub struct EmitOptions { pub target: JscTarget, pub jsx_factory: String, pub jsx_fragment_factory: String, pub is_dev: bool, pub source_map: bool,}
impl Default for EmitOptions { fn default() -> Self { EmitOptions { target: JscTarget::Es2020, jsx_factory: "React.createElement".into(), jsx_fragment_factory: "React.Fragment".into(), is_dev: false, source_map: false, } }}
#[derive(Clone)]pub struct ParsedModule { pub specifier: String, pub module: Module, pub source_type: SourceType, pub source_map: Rc<SourceMap>, pub comments: SingleThreadedComments,}
impl ParsedModule { /// parse the source of the module. /// /// ### Arguments /// /// - `specifier` - The module specifier for the module. /// - `source` - The source code for the module. /// - `target` - The target for the module. /// pub fn parse( specifier: &str, source: &str, source_type: Option<SourceType>, ) -> Result<Self, anyhow::Error> { let source_map = SourceMap::default(); let source_file = source_map.new_source_file( FileName::Real(Path::new(specifier).to_path_buf()), source.into(), ); let sm = &source_map; let error_buffer = ErrorBuffer::new(); let source_type = match source_type { Some(source_type) => source_type, None => SourceType::from(Path::new(specifier)), }; let syntax = get_syntax(&source_type); let input = StringInput::from(&*source_file); let comments = SingleThreadedComments::default(); let lexer = Lexer::new(syntax, JscTarget::Es2020, input, Some(&comments)); let mut parser = swc_ecmascript::parser::Parser::new_from(lexer); let handler = Handler::with_emitter_and_flags( Box::new(error_buffer.clone()), HandlerFlags { can_emit_warnings: true, dont_buffer_diagnostics: true, ..HandlerFlags::default() }, ); let module = parser .parse_module() .map_err(move |err| { let mut diagnostic = err.into_diagnostic(&handler); diagnostic.emit(); DiagnosticBuffer::from_error_buffer(error_buffer, |span| sm.lookup_char_pos(span.lo)) }) .unwrap();
Ok(ParsedModule { specifier: specifier.into(), module, source_type, source_map: Rc::new(source_map), comments, }) }
/// Transform a JS/TS/JSX file into a JS file, based on the supplied options. /// /// ### Arguments /// /// - `resolver` - a resolver to resolve import/export url. /// - `options` - the options for emit code. /// pub fn transpile( self, resolver: Rc<RefCell<Resolver>>, options: &EmitOptions, ) -> Result<(String, Option<String>), anyhow::Error> { swc_common::GLOBALS.set(&Globals::new(), || { let specifier_is_remote = resolver.borrow().specifier_is_remote; let bundle_mode = resolver.borrow().bundle_mode; let is_ts = match self.source_type { SourceType::TypeScript => true, SourceType::TSX => true, _ => false, }; let is_jsx = match self.source_type { SourceType::JSX => true, SourceType::TSX => true, _ => false, }; let (aleph_jsx_fold, aleph_jsx_builtin_resolve_fold) = aleph_jsx_fold( resolver.clone(), self.source_map.clone(), options.is_dev && !specifier_is_remote, ); let root_mark = Mark::fresh(Mark::root()); let mut passes = chain!( aleph_resolve_fold(resolver.clone(), self.source_map.clone()), Optional::new(aleph_jsx_fold, is_jsx), Optional::new(aleph_jsx_builtin_resolve_fold, is_jsx), Optional::new(jsx_link_fixer_fold(resolver.clone()), is_jsx && bundle_mode), Optional::new( fast_refresh_fold( "$RefreshReg$", "$RefreshSig$", false, self.source_map.clone() ), options.is_dev && !specifier_is_remote ), Optional::new( react::jsx( self.source_map.clone(), Some(&self.comments), react::Options { pragma: options.jsx_factory.clone(), pragma_frag: options.jsx_fragment_factory.clone(), // this will use `Object.assign()` instead of the `_extends` helper when spreading props. use_builtins: true, ..Default::default() }, ), is_jsx ), decorators::decorators(decorators::Config { legacy: true, emit_metadata: false }), Optional::new(es2020(), < JscTarget::Es2020), Optional::new(strip(), is_ts), Optional::new(es2018(), < JscTarget::Es2018), Optional::new(es2017(), < JscTarget::Es2017), Optional::new(es2016(), < JscTarget::Es2016), Optional::new( es2015(root_mark, Default::default()), < JscTarget::Es2015 ), Optional::new(compat_fixer_fold(), < JscTarget::Es2015), Optional::new( helpers::inject_helpers(), < JscTarget::Es2020 ), Optional::new(hygiene(), < JscTarget::Es2020), fixer(Some(&self.comments)), );
self.apply_transform(&mut passes, options.source_map) }) }
/// Apply transform with fold. pub fn apply_transform<T: Fold>( &self, mut tr: T, source_map: bool, ) -> Result<(String, Option<String>), anyhow::Error> { let program = Program::Module(self.module.clone()); let program = helpers::HELPERS.set(&helpers::Helpers::new(false), || program.fold_with(&mut tr)); let mut buf = Vec::new(); let mut src_map_buf = Vec::new(); let src_map = if source_map { Some(&mut src_map_buf) } else { None }; { let writer = Box::new(JsWriter::new( self.source_map.clone(), "\n", &mut buf, src_map, )); let mut emitter = swc_ecmascript::codegen::Emitter { cfg: swc_ecmascript::codegen::Config { minify: false, // todo: use swc minify in the future, currently use terser }, comments: Some(&self.comments), cm: self.source_map.clone(), wr: writer, }; program.emit_with(&mut emitter).unwrap(); } let src = String::from_utf8(buf).unwrap(); if source_map { let mut buf = Vec::new(); self .source_map .build_source_map_from(&mut src_map_buf, None) .to_writer(&mut buf) .unwrap(); Ok((src, Some(String::from_utf8(buf).unwrap()))) } else { Ok((src, None)) } }}
fn get_es_config(jsx: bool) -> EsConfig { EsConfig { class_private_methods: true, class_private_props: true, class_props: true, dynamic_import: true, export_default_from: true, export_namespace_from: true, import_meta: true, jsx, nullish_coalescing: true, num_sep: true, optional_chaining: true, top_level_await: true, ..EsConfig::default() }}
fn get_ts_config(tsx: bool) -> TsConfig { TsConfig { tsx, decorators: true, dynamic_import: true, ..TsConfig::default() }}
fn get_syntax(source_type: &SourceType) -> Syntax { match source_type { SourceType::JavaScript => Syntax::Es(get_es_config(false)), SourceType::JSX => Syntax::Es(get_es_config(true)), SourceType::TypeScript => Syntax::Typescript(get_ts_config(false)), SourceType::TSX => Syntax::Typescript(get_ts_config(true)), _ => Syntax::Es(get_es_config(false)), }}
#[cfg(test)]mod tests { use super::*; use crate::aleph::VERSION; use crate::import_map::ImportHashMap; use crate::resolve::{DependencyDescriptor, Resolver, HASH_PLACEHOLDER}; use sha1::{Digest, Sha1};
fn t(specifer: &str, source: &str, bundling: bool) -> (String, Rc<RefCell<Resolver>>) { let module = ParsedModule::parse(specifer, source, None).expect("could not parse module"); let resolver = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Resolver::new( specifer, ImportHashMap::default(), None, bundling, vec![], ))); let (code, _) = module .transpile(resolver.clone(), &EmitOptions::default()) .expect("could not transpile module"); println!("{}", code); (code, resolver) }
#[test] fn test_transpile_ts() { let source = r#" enum D { A, B, C, }
function enumerable(value: boolean) { return function ( _target: any, _propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor, ) { descriptor.enumerable = value; }; }
export class A { private b: string; protected c: number = 1; e: "foo"; constructor (public d = D.A) { const e = "foo" as const; this.e = e; } @enumerable(false) bar() {} } "#; let (code, _) = t("", source, false); assert!(code.contains("var D;\n(function(D) {\n")); assert!(code.contains("_applyDecoratedDescriptor(")); }
#[test] fn test_transpile_jsx() { let source = r#" import React from "" export default function Index() { return ( <> <h1 className="title">Hello World</h1> </> ) } "#; let (code, _) = t("/pages/index.tsx", source, false); assert!(code.contains("React.createElement(React.Fragment, null")); assert!(code.contains("React.createElement(\"h1\", {")); assert!(code.contains("className: \"title\"")); assert!(code.contains("import React from \"../-/\"")); }
#[test] fn test_sign_use_deno() { let specifer = "/pages/index.tsx"; let source = r#" export default function Index() { const verison = useDeno(() => Deno.version) const verison = useDeno(async function() { return await readJson("./data.json") }, 1000) return ( <> <p>Deno v{version.deno}</p> <V8 /> <TS /> </> ) } "#;
let mut hasher = Sha1::new(); hasher.update(specifer.clone()); hasher.update("1"); hasher.update("() => Deno.version"); let id_1 = base64::encode(hasher.finalize()) .replace("/", "") .replace("+", ""); let id_1 = id_1.trim_end_matches('=');
let mut hasher = Sha1::new(); hasher.update(specifer.clone()); hasher.update("2"); hasher.update( r#"async function() { return await readJson("./data.json") }"#, ); let id_2 = base64::encode(hasher.finalize()) .replace("/", "") .replace("+", ""); let id_2 = id_2.trim_end_matches('=');
for _ in 0..3 { let (code, _) = t(specifer, source, false); assert!(code.contains(format!("0, \"useDeno-{}\"", id_1).as_str())); assert!(code.contains(format!("1000, \"useDeno-{}\"", id_2).as_str())); let (code, _) = t(specifer, source, true); assert!(code.contains(format!("null, 0, \"useDeno-{}\"", id_1).as_str())); assert!(code.contains(format!("null, 1000, \"useDeno-{}\"", id_2).as_str())); } }
#[test] fn test_transpile_jsx_builtin_tags() { let source = r#" import React from "" export default function Index() { return ( <> <head> <title>Hello World!</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../style/index.css" /> </head> <a href="/about">About</a> <a href="">About</a> <a href="/about" target="_blank">About</a> <script src="ga.js"></script> <script>{` function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments) } window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; gtag("js", new Date()); gtag("config", "G-1234567890"); `}</script> </> ) } "#; let (code, resolver) = t("/pages/index.tsx", source, false); assert!(code.contains( format!( "import __ALEPH_Anchor from \"../-/{}/framework/react/anchor.js\"", VERSION.as_str() ) .as_str() )); assert!(code.contains( format!( "import __ALEPH_Head from \"../-/{}/framework/react/head.js\"", VERSION.as_str() ) .as_str() )); assert!(code.contains( format!( "import __ALEPH_Link from \"../-/{}/framework/react/link.js\"", VERSION.as_str() ) .as_str() )); assert!(code.contains( format!( "import __ALEPH_Script from \"../-/{}/framework/react/script.js\"", VERSION.as_str() ) .as_str() )); assert!(code.contains("React.createElement(\"a\",")); assert!(code.contains("React.createElement(__ALEPH_Anchor,")); assert!(code.contains("React.createElement(__ALEPH_Head,")); assert!(code.contains("React.createElement(__ALEPH_Link,")); assert!(code.contains( format!( "href: \"../style/index.css.{}.js\"", HASH_PLACEHOLDER.as_str() ) .as_str() )); assert!(code.contains("__url: \"/style/index.css\"")); assert!(code.contains("__base: \"/pages\"")); assert!(code.contains("React.createElement(__ALEPH_Script,")); let r = resolver.borrow_mut(); assert_eq!( r.dep_graph, vec![ DependencyDescriptor { specifier: "".into(), is_dynamic: false, rel: None, }, DependencyDescriptor { specifier: "/style/index.css".into(), is_dynamic: true, rel: Some("stylesheet".into()), }, DependencyDescriptor { specifier: format!( "{}/framework/react/head.ts", VERSION.as_str() ), is_dynamic: false, rel: None, }, DependencyDescriptor { specifier: format!( "{}/framework/react/link.ts", VERSION.as_str() ), is_dynamic: false, rel: None, }, DependencyDescriptor { specifier: format!( "{}/framework/react/anchor.ts", VERSION.as_str() ), is_dynamic: false, rel: None, }, DependencyDescriptor { specifier: format!( "{}/framework/react/script.ts", VERSION.as_str() ), is_dynamic: false, rel: None, } ] ); }
#[test] fn test_transpile_inlie_style() { let source = r#" export default function Index() { const [color, setColor] = useState('white');
return ( <> <style>{` :root { --color: ${color}; } `}</style> <style>{` h1 { font-size: 12px; } `}</style> </> ) } "#; let (code, resolver) = t("/pages/index.tsx", source, false); assert!(code.contains( format!( "import __ALEPH_Style from \"../-/{}/framework/react/style.js\"", VERSION.as_str() ) .as_str() )); assert!(code.contains("React.createElement(__ALEPH_Style,")); assert!(code.contains("__styleId: \"inline-style-")); let r = resolver.borrow_mut(); assert!(r.inline_styles.len() == 2); }
#[test] fn test_transpile_bundling_import() { let source = r#" import React, { useState, useEffect as useEffect_ } from "" import * as React_ from "" import Logo from '../components/logo.ts' import Nav from '../components/nav.ts' import '../shared/iife.ts' export default function Index() { return ( <> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../style/index.css" /> <head></head> <Logo /> <Nav /> <h1>Hello World</h1> </> ) } "#; let module = ParsedModule::parse("/pages/index.tsx", source, None).expect("could not parse module"); let resolver = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Resolver::new( "/pages/index.tsx", ImportHashMap::default(), None, true, vec!["/components/logo.ts".into(), "/shared/iife.ts".into()], ))); let (code, _) = module .transpile(resolver.clone(), &EmitOptions::default()) .expect("could not transpile module"); println!("{}", code); assert!(code.contains("React = __ALEPH.pack[\"\"].default")); assert!(code.contains("useState = __ALEPH.pack[\"\"].useState")); assert!(code.contains("useEffect_ = __ALEPH.pack[\"\"].useEffect")); assert!(code.contains("React_ = __ALEPH.pack[\"\"]")); assert!(code.contains("Logo = __ALEPH.pack[\"/components/logo.ts\"].default")); assert!(!code.contains("Nav = __ALEPH.pack[\"/components/nav.ts\"].default")); assert!(code.contains("import Nav from \"")); assert!(code.contains("import \"../style/index.css.xxxxxxxxx.js\"")); assert!(!code.contains("__ALEPH.pack[\"/shared/iife.ts\"]")); assert!(code.contains( format!( "__ALEPH_Head = __ALEPH.pack[\"{}/framework/react/head.ts\"].default", VERSION.as_str() ) .as_str() )); }
#[test] fn test_transpile_bundling_export() { let source = r#" export {default as React, useState, useEffect as useEffect_ } from "" export * as React_ from "" export * from "" "#; let (code, _) = t("/pages/index.tsx", source, true); assert!(code.contains("__ALEPH.exportFrom(\"/pages/index.tsx\", \"\", {")); assert!( code.contains("__ALEPH.exportFrom(\"/pages/index.tsx\", \"\", \"*\")") ); assert!(code.contains("\"default\": \"React\"")); assert!(code.contains("\"useState\": \"useState\"")); assert!(code.contains("\"useEffect\": \"useEffect_\"")); assert!(code.contains("\"*\": \"React_\"")); }}