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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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use indexmap::IndexMap;use path_slash::PathBufExt;use relative_path::RelativePath;use serde::Deserialize;use std::{collections::HashMap, path::Path};
type SpecifierHashMap = HashMap<String, String>;type SpecifierMap = IndexMap<String, String>;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize)]#[serde(deny_unknown_fields)]pub struct ImportHashMap { #[serde(default)] pub imports: SpecifierHashMap, #[serde(default)] pub scopes: HashMap<String, SpecifierHashMap>,}
impl Default for ImportHashMap { fn default() -> Self { ImportHashMap { imports: HashMap::new(), scopes: HashMap::new(), } }}
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]pub struct ImportMap { pub imports: SpecifierMap, pub scopes: IndexMap<String, SpecifierMap>,}
impl ImportMap { pub fn from_hashmap(map: ImportHashMap) -> Self { let mut imports = IndexMap::new(); let mut scopes = IndexMap::new(); for (k, v) in map.imports.iter() { let alias = if v.starts_with("./") { let path = if v.ends_with("/") { RelativePath::new(v) .normalize() .to_relative_path_buf() .join("/") } else { RelativePath::new(v).normalize().to_relative_path_buf() }; format!("/{}", path) } else { v.into() }; imports.insert(k.into(), alias); } for (k, v) in map.scopes.iter() { let mut map = IndexMap::new(); for (k, v) in v.iter() { if v.starts_with("./") { map.insert( k.into(), RelativePath::new(v) .normalize() .to_path(Path::new("/")) .to_slash() .unwrap() .into(), ); } else { map.insert(k.into(), v.into()); } } scopes.insert(k.into(), map); } ImportMap { imports, scopes } }
pub fn resolve(&self, specifier: &str, url: &str) -> String { for (prefix, scope_imports) in self.scopes.iter() { if prefix.ends_with("/") && specifier.starts_with(prefix) { match scope_imports.get(url) { Some(alias) => { return alias.to_owned(); } _ => {} }; for (k, alias) in scope_imports.iter() { if k.ends_with("/") && url.starts_with(k) { let mut alias = alias.to_owned(); alias.push_str(url[k.len()..].into()); return alias; } } } } match self.imports.get(url) { Some(alias) => { return alias.to_owned(); } _ => {} }; for (k, alias) in self.imports.iter() { if k.ends_with("/") && url.starts_with(k) { let mut alias = alias.to_owned(); alias.push_str(url[k.len()..].into()); return alias; } } url.into() }}
#[cfg(test)]mod tests { use super::*;
#[test] fn resolve_import_maps() { let mut imports: SpecifierHashMap = HashMap::new(); let mut scopes: HashMap<String, SpecifierHashMap> = HashMap::new(); let mut scope_imports: SpecifierHashMap = HashMap::new(); imports.insert("@/".into(), "./".into()); imports.insert("~/".into(), "./".into()); imports.insert("comps/".into(), "./components/".into()); imports.insert("lib".into(), "./lib/mod.ts".into()); imports.insert("react".into(), "".into()); imports.insert("react-dom/".into(), "".into()); imports.insert( "".into(), "http://localhost:2020/".into(), ); scope_imports.insert("react".into(), "".into()); scopes.insert("/scope/".into(), scope_imports); let import_map = ImportMap::from_hashmap(ImportHashMap { imports, scopes }); assert_eq!( import_map.resolve("/pages/index.tsx", "@/components/logo.tsx"), "/components/logo.tsx" ); assert_eq!( import_map.resolve("/pages/index.tsx", "~/components/logo.tsx"), "/components/logo.tsx" ); assert_eq!( import_map.resolve("/pages/index.tsx", "comps/logo.tsx"), "/components/logo.tsx" ); assert_eq!(import_map.resolve("/pages/index.tsx", "lib"), "/lib/mod.ts"); assert_eq!( import_map.resolve("/app.tsx", "react"), "" ); assert_eq!( import_map.resolve("/app.tsx", ""), "http://localhost:2020/mod.ts" ); assert_eq!( import_map.resolve("/framework/react/renderer.ts", "react-dom/server"), "" ); assert_eq!( import_map.resolve("/scope/react-dom", "react"), "" ); }}