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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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use crate::resolve_fold::RE_CSS_MODULES;use crate::resolver::{is_remote_url, InlineStyle, Resolver};use sha1::{Digest, Sha1};use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};use swc_common::{SourceMap, Spanned, DUMMY_SP};use swc_ecma_ast::*;use swc_ecma_utils::quote_ident;use swc_ecma_visit::{noop_fold_type, Fold, FoldWith};
pub fn jsx_magic_fold(resolver: Rc<RefCell<Resolver>>, source: Rc<SourceMap>) -> impl Fold { JSXMagicFold { resolver: resolver.clone(), source, inline_style_idx: 0, }}
pub fn jsx_magic_pass_2_fold( resolver: Rc<RefCell<Resolver>>, source: Rc<SourceMap>, is_dev: bool,) -> impl Fold { JSXMagicPass2Fold { resolver: resolver.clone(), source, is_dev, }}
/// JSX magic fold, core functions include:/// - add `__sourceFile` prop in development mode/// - resolve `a` to `Anchor`/// - resolve `head` to `Head`/// - resolve `link` to `StyleLink`/// - resolve `style` to `InlineStyle`/// - resolve `script` to `CustomScript`/// - optimize `img` in producation modestruct JSXMagicFold { resolver: Rc<RefCell<Resolver>>, source: Rc<SourceMap>, inline_style_idx: i32,}
impl JSXMagicFold { fn new_inline_style_ident(&mut self) -> String { let resolver = self.resolver.borrow(); let mut ident: String = "inline-style-".to_owned(); let mut hasher = Sha1::new(); self.inline_style_idx = self.inline_style_idx + 1; hasher.update(resolver.specifier.clone()); hasher.update(self.inline_style_idx.to_string()); ident.push_str( base64::encode(hasher.finalize()) .replace("+", "") .replace("/", "") .replace("=", "") .as_str(), ); ident }
fn fold_jsx_opening_element( &mut self, mut el: JSXOpeningElement, ) -> (JSXOpeningElement, Option<(String, String)>) { let mut inline_style: Option<(String, String)> = None;
match & { JSXElementName::Ident(id) => { let name = id.sym.as_ref(); match name { "head" => { let mut resolver = self.resolver.borrow_mut(); resolver.used_builtin_jsx_tags.insert("Head".into()); = JSXElementName::Ident(quote_ident!("__ALEPH__Head")); }
"script" => { let mut resolver = self.resolver.borrow_mut(); resolver.used_builtin_jsx_tags.insert("CustomScript".into()); = JSXElementName::Ident(quote_ident!("__ALEPH__CustomScript")); }
"a" => { let mut resolver = self.resolver.borrow_mut(); let mut should_replace = true;
for attr in &el.attrs { match &attr { JSXAttrOrSpread::JSXAttr(JSXAttr { name: JSXAttrName::Ident(id), value: Some(JSXAttrValue::Lit(Lit::Str(Str { value, .. }))), .. }) => { let key = id.sym.as_ref(); let value = value.as_ref(); if (key == "href" && is_remote_url(value)) || (key == "target" && value == "_blank") { should_replace = false } } _ => {} }; }
if should_replace { resolver.used_builtin_jsx_tags.insert("Anchor".into()); = JSXElementName::Ident(quote_ident!("__ALEPH__Anchor")); } }
"link" => { let mut should_replace = false;
for attr in &el.attrs { match &attr { JSXAttrOrSpread::JSXAttr(JSXAttr { name: JSXAttrName::Ident(id), value: Some(JSXAttrValue::Lit(Lit::Str(Str { value, .. }))), .. }) => { if id.sym.eq("rel") && (value.eq("stylesheet") || value.eq("style")) { should_replace = true; break; } } _ => {} }; }
if should_replace { let mut href_prop_index: i32 = -1; let mut href_prop_value = "";
for (i, attr) in el.attrs.iter().enumerate() { match &attr { JSXAttrOrSpread::JSXAttr(JSXAttr { name: JSXAttrName::Ident(id), value: Some(JSXAttrValue::Lit(Lit::Str(Str { value, .. }))), .. }) => match id.sym.as_ref() { "href" => { href_prop_index = i as i32; href_prop_value = value.as_ref(); } _ => {} }, _ => continue, }; }
let mut resolver = self.resolver.borrow_mut(); let (resolved_path, fixed_url) = resolver.resolve(href_prop_value, false); resolver.add_extra_import(resolved_path.as_str());
if href_prop_index >= 0 { el.attrs[href_prop_index as usize] = JSXAttrOrSpread::JSXAttr(JSXAttr { span: DUMMY_SP, name: JSXAttrName::Ident(quote_ident!("href")), value: Some(JSXAttrValue::Lit(Lit::Str(Str { span: DUMMY_SP, value: fixed_url.into(), has_escape: false, kind: Default::default(), }))), }); }
if name.eq("link") { resolver.used_builtin_jsx_tags.insert("StyleLink".into()); = JSXElementName::Ident(quote_ident!("__ALEPH__StyleLink")); } } }
"style" => { let mut id_prop_index: i32 = -1; let mut type_prop_value = "css".to_owned();
for (i, attr) in el.attrs.iter().enumerate() { match &attr { JSXAttrOrSpread::JSXAttr(JSXAttr { name: JSXAttrName::Ident(id), value: Some(JSXAttrValue::Lit(Lit::Str(Str { value, .. }))), .. }) => match id.sym.as_ref() { "__styleId" => { id_prop_index = i as i32; } "type" => { type_prop_value = value.as_ref().trim_start_matches("text/").to_string(); } _ => {} }, _ => continue, }; }
let id = self.new_inline_style_ident(); let id_attr = JSXAttrOrSpread::JSXAttr(JSXAttr { span: DUMMY_SP, name: JSXAttrName::Ident(quote_ident!("__styleId")), value: Some(JSXAttrValue::Lit(Lit::Str(Str { span: DUMMY_SP, value: id.clone().into(), has_escape: false, kind: Default::default(), }))), }); if id_prop_index >= 0 { el.attrs[id_prop_index as usize] = id_attr; } else { el.attrs.push(id_attr); }
let mut resolver = self.resolver.borrow_mut(); resolver.used_builtin_jsx_tags.insert("InlineStyle".into()); = JSXElementName::Ident(quote_ident!("__ALEPH__InlineStyle")); inline_style = Some((type_prop_value, id.into())); }
"img" => { //todo: optimize img }
_ => {} } } _ => {} };
(el, inline_style) }}
impl Fold for JSXMagicFold { noop_fold_type!();
fn fold_jsx_element(&mut self, mut el: JSXElement) -> JSXElement { if el.span == DUMMY_SP { return el; }
let mut children: Vec<JSXElementChild> = vec![]; let (opening, inline_style) = self.fold_jsx_opening_element(el.opening); match inline_style { Some(ref inline_style) => { if el.children.len() == 1 { match el.children.first().unwrap() { JSXElementChild::JSXExprContainer(JSXExprContainer { expr: JSXExpr::Expr(expr), .. }) => match expr.as_ref() { Expr::Tpl(Tpl { exprs, quasis, .. }) => { let mut resolver = self.resolver.borrow_mut(); let mut es: Vec<String> = vec![]; let mut qs: Vec<String> = vec![]; for expr in exprs { let raw = self .source .span_to_snippet(expr.as_ref().span().clone()) .unwrap(); es.push(raw.into()); } for quasi in quasis { qs.push(quasi.raw.value.to_string()); } let (t, id) = inline_style; resolver.inline_styles.insert( id.into(), InlineStyle { r#type: t.into(), exprs: es, quasis: qs, }, ); el.children = vec![JSXElementChild::JSXExprContainer(JSXExprContainer { span: DUMMY_SP, expr: JSXExpr::Expr(Box::new(Expr::Lit(Lit::Str(Str { span: DUMMY_SP, value: format!("%%{}-placeholder%%", id).into(), has_escape: false, kind: Default::default(), })))), })]; } _ => {} }, _ => {} } } } _ => {} } for child in el.children { children.push(child.fold_children_with(self)); } JSXElement { span: DUMMY_SP, opening, children, ..el } }}
struct JSXMagicPass2Fold { resolver: Rc<RefCell<Resolver>>, source: Rc<SourceMap>, is_dev: bool,}
impl JSXMagicPass2Fold { fn record_jsx_class_name(&mut self, expr: Box<Expr>) { match expr.as_ref() { Expr::Lit(Lit::Str(Str { value, .. })) => { let s = value.as_ref(); if s != "" { self .resolver .borrow_mut() .jsx_static_class_names .insert(s.into()); } } Expr::Lit(Lit::JSXText(JSXText { value, .. })) => { let s = value.as_ref(); if s != "" { self .resolver .borrow_mut() .jsx_static_class_names .insert(s.into()); } } Expr::Cond(CondExpr { cons, alt, .. }) => { self.record_jsx_class_name(cons.clone()); self.record_jsx_class_name(alt.clone()); } Expr::Bin(BinExpr { op, left, right, .. }) => { if *op == BinaryOp::Add { self.record_jsx_class_name(left.clone()); self.record_jsx_class_name(right.clone()); } } Expr::Tpl(Tpl { exprs, quasis, .. }) => { for expr in exprs { self.record_jsx_class_name(expr.clone()); } let mut resolver = self.resolver.borrow_mut(); for quasi in quasis { let s = quasi.raw.value.as_ref(); if s != "" { resolver.jsx_static_class_names.insert(s.into()); } } } _ => {} } }
fn fold_jsx_opening_element(&mut self, mut el: JSXOpeningElement) -> JSXOpeningElement { let extra_imports = self.resolver.borrow().extra_imports.clone(); let mut css_modules = false;
for imp in extra_imports { if RE_CSS_MODULES.is_match(imp.as_str()) { css_modules = true; break; } }
let mut class_name_index: Option<usize> = None; let mut class_name_cx_expr: Option<Box<Expr>> = None;
for (index, attr) in el.attrs.iter().enumerate() { match &attr { JSXAttrOrSpread::JSXAttr(JSXAttr { name: JSXAttrName::Ident(id), value: Some(value), .. }) => { if id.sym.eq("className") { match value { JSXAttrValue::Lit(lit) => { self.record_jsx_class_name(Box::new(Expr::Lit(lit.clone()))); if css_modules { class_name_cx_expr = Some(Box::new(Expr::Call(CallExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, callee: ExprOrSuper::Expr(Box::new(Expr::Ident(quote_ident!("__ALEPH__CX")))), args: vec![ExprOrSpread { spread: None, expr: Box::new(Expr::Lit(lit.clone())), }], type_args: None, }))) } } JSXAttrValue::JSXExprContainer(JSXExprContainer { expr, .. }) => { if let JSXExpr::Expr(expr) = expr { self.record_jsx_class_name(expr.clone()); if css_modules { class_name_cx_expr = Some(Box::new(Expr::Call(CallExpr { span: DUMMY_SP, callee: ExprOrSuper::Expr(Box::new(Expr::Ident(quote_ident!("__ALEPH__CX")))), args: vec![ExprOrSpread { spread: None, expr: expr.clone(), }], type_args: None, }))) } } } _ => {} }; class_name_index = Some(index); break; } } _ => {} }; }
if let Some(index) = class_name_index { if let Some(expr) = class_name_cx_expr { el.attrs[index] = JSXAttrOrSpread::JSXAttr(JSXAttr { span: DUMMY_SP, name: JSXAttrName::Ident(quote_ident!("className")), value: Some(JSXAttrValue::JSXExprContainer(JSXExprContainer { span: DUMMY_SP, expr: JSXExpr::Expr(expr), })), }); } }
// copy from if self.is_dev { let resolver = self.resolver.borrow(); match self.source.span_to_lines(el.span) { Ok(file_lines) => { el.attrs.push(JSXAttrOrSpread::JSXAttr(JSXAttr { span: DUMMY_SP, name: JSXAttrName::Ident(quote_ident!("__source")), value: Some(JSXAttrValue::JSXExprContainer(JSXExprContainer { span: DUMMY_SP, expr: JSXExpr::Expr(Box::new( ObjectLit { span: DUMMY_SP, props: vec![ PropOrSpread::Prop(Box::new(Prop::KeyValue(KeyValueProp { key: PropName::Ident(quote_ident!("fileName")), value: Box::new(Expr::Lit(Lit::Str(Str { span: DUMMY_SP, value: resolver.specifier.as_str().into(), has_escape: false, kind: Default::default(), }))), }))), PropOrSpread::Prop(Box::new(Prop::KeyValue(KeyValueProp { key: PropName::Ident(quote_ident!("lineNumber")), value: Box::new(Expr::Lit(Lit::Num(Number { span: DUMMY_SP, value: (file_lines.lines[0].line_index + 1) as _, }))), }))), ], } .into(), )), })), })); } _ => {} }; }
el }}
impl Fold for JSXMagicPass2Fold { noop_fold_type!();
fn fold_jsx_element(&mut self, el: JSXElement) -> JSXElement { let mut children: Vec<JSXElementChild> = vec![]; let opening = self.fold_jsx_opening_element(el.opening);
for child in el.children { children.push(child.fold_children_with(self)); }
JSXElement { span: DUMMY_SP, opening, children, ..el } }}
#[cfg(test)]mod tests { use crate::swc::st;
#[test] fn resolve_jsx_builtin_tags() { let source = r#" import React from "" export default function Index() { return ( <> <head> <title>Hello World!</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../style/index.css" /> </head> <a href="/about">About</a> <a href="">About</a> <a href="/about" target="_blank">About</a> <script src="ga.js"></script> <script>{` function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments) } window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; gtag("js", new Date()); gtag("config", "G-1234567890"); `}</script> </> ) } "#; let (code, resolver) = st("/pages/index.tsx", source, false); let r = resolver.borrow_mut(); assert!(code.contains( "import __ALEPH__Anchor from \"../-/\"" )); assert!(code.contains( "import __ALEPH__Head from \"../-/\"" )); assert!(code.contains( "import __ALEPH__StyleLink from \"../-/\"" )); assert!(code.contains( "import __ALEPH__CustomScript from \"../-/\"" )); assert!(code.contains("React.createElement(\"a\",")); assert!(code.contains("React.createElement(__ALEPH__Anchor,")); assert!(code.contains("React.createElement(__ALEPH__Head,")); assert!(code.contains("React.createElement(__ALEPH__StyleLink,")); assert!(code.contains("React.createElement(__ALEPH__CustomScript,")); assert!(code.contains("href: \"/style/index.css\"")); assert!(code.contains( format!( "import \"../style/index.css.js#{}@000000\"", "/style/index.css" ) .as_str() )); assert_eq!( r.deps .iter() .map(|g| { g.specifier.as_str() }) .collect::<Vec<&str>>(), vec![ "/style/index.css", "", "", "", "", "" ] ); }
#[test] fn resolve_jsx_css_modules() { let source = r#" import React from ""
export default function Index() { return ( <> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../style/app.module.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../style/index.module.css" /> <h2 className="$title $bold">Hi :)</h2> <p className={'$' + 'desc'}>Welcome</p> <p className={`bold ${'lg'}`}>Thanks</p> </> ) } "#; let (code, resolver) = st("/pages/index.tsx", source, false); let r = resolver.borrow_mut(); assert!(code.contains( "import __ALEPH__StyleLink from \"../-/\"" )); assert!(code.contains("React.createElement(__ALEPH__StyleLink,")); assert!(code.contains("href: \"/style/index.module.css\"")); assert!(code.contains( format!( "import __ALEPH__CSS_MODULES_0 from \"../style/app.module.css.js#{}@000000\"", "/style/app.module.css" ) .as_str() )); assert!(code.contains( format!( "import __ALEPH__CSS_MODULES_1 from \"../style/index.module.css.js#{}@000001\"", "/style/index.module.css" ) .as_str() )); assert!(code.contains("const __ALEPH__CX = (c)=>typeof c === \"string\" ? c.split(\" \").map((n)=>n.charAt(0) === \"$\" ? __ALEPH__CSS_MODULES_ALL[n.slice(1)] || n : n\n ).join(\" \") : c")); assert!(code.contains("className: __ALEPH__CX(\"$title $bold\")")); assert!(code.contains("className: __ALEPH__CX('$' + 'desc')")); assert!(code.contains("className: __ALEPH__CX(`bold ${'lg'}`)")); assert_eq!(r.jsx_static_class_names.len(), 5); assert_eq!( r.deps .iter() .map(|g| { g.specifier.as_str() }) .collect::<Vec<&str>>(), vec![ "/style/app.module.css", "/style/index.module.css", "", "" ] ); }
#[test] fn resolve_inlie_style() { let source = r#" export default function Index() { const [color, setColor] = useState('white');
return ( <> <style>{` :root { --color: ${color}; } `}</style> <style>{` h1 { font-size: 12px; } `}</style> </> ) } "#; let (code, resolver) = st("/pages/index.tsx", source, false); let r = resolver.borrow_mut(); assert!(code.contains( "import __ALEPH__InlineStyle from \"../-/\"" )); assert!(code.contains("React.createElement(__ALEPH__InlineStyle,")); assert!(code.contains("__styleId: \"inline-style-")); assert!(r.inline_styles.len() == 2); }}