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use import_map::ImportMap;use path_slash::PathBufExt;use pathdiff::diff_paths;use regex::Regex;use serde::Serialize;use std::collections::HashMap;use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};use std::str::FromStr;use swc_common::Span;use url::Url;
lazy_static! { pub static ref RE_REACT_URL: Regex = Regex::new(r"^https?://(esm\.sh|cdn\.esm\.sh)(/v\d+)?/react(\-dom)?(@[^/]+)?(/.*)?$").unwrap(); pub static ref RE_PROTOCOL_URL: Regex = Regex::new(r"^(mailto:|[a-z]+://)").unwrap();}
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize)]#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]pub struct DependencyDescriptor { pub specifier: String, pub import_url: String, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub loc: Option<Span>, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "is_false")] pub dynamic: bool,}
/// A Resolver to resolve esm import/export struct Resolver { /// aleph pkg uri pub aleph_pkg_uri: String, /// the text specifier associated with the import/export statement. pub specifier: String, /// a flag indicating if the specifier is a remote(http) url. pub specifier_is_remote: bool, /// a ordered dependencies of the module pub deps: Vec<DependencyDescriptor>, /// jsx runtime: react | preact pub jsx_runtime: Option<String>, /// development mode pub is_dev: bool, /// the deployment id pub global_version: Option<String>, // internal import_map: ImportMap, resolve_remote_deps: bool, jsx_runtime_version: Option<String>, jsx_runtime_cdn_version: Option<String>, graph_versions: HashMap<String, String>,}
impl Resolver { pub fn new( specifier: &str, aleph_pkg_uri: &str, jsx_runtime: Option<String>, jsx_runtime_version: Option<String>, jsx_runtime_cdn_version: Option<String>, import_map: ImportMap, graph_versions: HashMap<String, String>, global_version: Option<String>, is_dev: bool, resolve_remote_deps: bool, ) -> Self { Resolver { aleph_pkg_uri: aleph_pkg_uri.into(), specifier: specifier.into(), specifier_is_remote: is_http_url(specifier), deps: Vec::new(), jsx_runtime, jsx_runtime_version, jsx_runtime_cdn_version, import_map, graph_versions, global_version, is_dev, resolve_remote_deps, } }
/// fix remote url for dev mode. // - `` -> `/-/` // - `` -> `/-/` // - `http://localhost:8080/mod.ts` -> `/-/http_localhost_8080/mod.ts` pub fn to_local_path(&self, url: &str) -> String { let url = Url::from_str(url).unwrap(); let pathname = Path::new(url.path()); let mut local_path = "/-/".to_owned(); let scheme = url.scheme(); if scheme == "http" { local_path.push_str("http_"); } local_path.push_str(url.host_str().unwrap()); if let Some(port) = url.port() { if scheme == "http" && port == 80 { } else if scheme == "https" && port == 443 { } else { local_path.push('_'); local_path.push_str(port.to_string().as_str()); } } local_path.push_str(pathname.to_owned().to_slash().unwrap().as_str()); if let Some(query) = url.query() { local_path.push('?'); local_path.push_str(query); } local_path }
/// Resolve import/export URLs. pub fn resolve(&mut self, url: &str, dynamic: bool, loc: Option<Span>) -> String { let referrer = if self.specifier_is_remote { Url::from_str(self.specifier.as_str()).unwrap() } else { Url::from_str(&("file://".to_owned() + self.specifier.trim_start_matches('.'))).unwrap() }; let resolved_url = if let Ok(ret) = self.import_map.resolve(url, &referrer) { ret.to_string() } else { url.into() }; let mut import_url = if resolved_url.starts_with("file://") { let path = resolved_url.strip_prefix("file://").unwrap(); if !self.specifier_is_remote { let mut buf = PathBuf::from(self.specifier.trim_start_matches('.')); buf.pop(); let mut path = diff_paths(&path, buf).unwrap().to_slash().unwrap().to_string(); if !path.starts_with("./") && !path.starts_with("../") { path = "./".to_owned() + &path } path } else { ".".to_owned() + path } } else { resolved_url.clone() }; let mut fixed_url: String = if resolved_url.starts_with("file://") { ".".to_owned() + resolved_url.strip_prefix("file://").unwrap() } else { resolved_url.into() }; let is_remote = is_http_url(&fixed_url);
// fix react/react-dom url if is_remote && RE_REACT_URL.is_match(fixed_url.as_str()) { if let Some(jsx_runtime_version) = &self.jsx_runtime_version { let caps = RE_REACT_URL.captures(fixed_url.as_str()).unwrap(); let host = caps.get(1).map_or("", |m| m.as_str()); let build_version = caps.get(2).map_or("", |m| m.as_str().strip_prefix("/v").unwrap()); let dom = caps.get(3).map_or("", |m| m.as_str()); let ver = caps.get(4).map_or("", |m| m.as_str()); let path = caps.get(5).map_or("", |m| m.as_str()); let target_build_version = if let Some(jsx_runtime_cdn_version) = &self.jsx_runtime_cdn_version { if build_version != "" && !build_version.eq(jsx_runtime_cdn_version) { Some(jsx_runtime_cdn_version.clone()) } else { None } } else { None }; if ver != jsx_runtime_version || target_build_version.is_some() { if let Some(target_build_version) = target_build_version { fixed_url = format!( "https://{}/v{}/react{}@{}{}", host, target_build_version, dom, jsx_runtime_version, path ); } else if build_version != "" { fixed_url = format!( "https://{}/v{}/react{}@{}{}", host, build_version, dom, jsx_runtime_version, path ); } else { fixed_url = format!("https://{}/react{}@{}{}", host, dom, jsx_runtime_version, path); } import_url = fixed_url.clone(); } } }
if self.is_dev && is_esm_sh_url(&fixed_url) { if fixed_url.contains("?") { fixed_url = fixed_url + "&dev" } else { fixed_url = fixed_url + "?dev" } import_url = fixed_url.clone(); }
if is_css_url(&import_url) { if import_url.contains("?") { import_url = import_url + "&module" } else { import_url = import_url + "?module" } }
if is_remote { // fix remote url to local path if allowed if self.resolve_remote_deps { import_url = self.to_local_path(&import_url); if !self.is_dev { if let Some(global_version) = &self.global_version { if import_url.contains("?") { import_url = format!("{}&v={}", import_url, global_version); } else { import_url = format!("{}?v={}", import_url, global_version); } } } } } else { // apply graph version if exists let v = if self.graph_versions.contains_key(&fixed_url) { self.graph_versions.get(&fixed_url) } else { self.global_version.as_ref() }; if let Some(version) = v { if import_url.contains("?") { import_url = format!("{}&v={}", import_url, version); } else { import_url = format!("{}?v={}", import_url, version); } } }
// update dep graph self.deps.push(DependencyDescriptor { specifier: fixed_url.clone(), import_url: import_url.clone(), loc, dynamic, });
import_url }}
pub fn is_http_url(url: &str) -> bool { return url.starts_with("https://") || url.starts_with("http://");}
pub fn is_esm_sh_url(url: &str) -> bool { return url.starts_with("") || url.starts_with("");}
pub fn is_css_url(url: &str) -> bool { if is_esm_sh_url(url) { let url = Url::from_str(url).unwrap(); for (key, _value) in url.query_pairs() { if key.eq("css") { return true; } } } return url.ends_with(".css") || url.contains(".css?");}
fn is_false(value: &bool) -> bool { return !*value;}