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Alosaur - Deno web framework with many ES Decorators
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import { RouteMetadata } from "../metadata/route.ts";import { RouteParam } from "./route.models.ts";
const allowedMethod = ( routeMethod: string, requestMethod?: string,): boolean => { return !requestMethod || routeMethod === requestMethod;};
/// '/home/test/:id/test' => [{i: 3, el: "id"}]export const getRouteParams: (route: string) => RouteParam[] = (route) => route.split("/").reduce((acc: RouteParam[], el, i) => { if (/:[A-Za-z1-9]{1,}/.test(el)) { const result: string = el.replace(":", ""); acc.push({ i, el: result }); } return acc; }, []);
/// '/home/test/:id/test' => \/home\/test\/[A-Za-z1-9]{1,}\/testconst getRouteParamPattern: (route: string) => string = (route) => route.replace(/\/\:[^/]{1,}/gi, "/[^/]{1,}").replace(/\//g, "\\/");
export const getRouteWithRouteParams = ( routes: RouteMetadata[], pathname: string, method?: string,): any => { return routes .filter((r) => r.route.includes("/:") && allowedMethod(r.method, method)) .find((r) => { return new RegExp("^" + getRouteParamPattern(r.route) + "$").test( pathname, ); });};
export const getRouteFromFullPath = ( routes: RouteMetadata[], pathname: string, method?: string,): RouteMetadata | undefined => { return routes.find((r) => allowedMethod(r.method, method) && r.route === pathname);};
export const getRouteWithRegex = ( routes: RouteMetadata[], pathname: string, method?: string,): any => { return routes .filter((r) => r.regexpRoute && allowedMethod(r.method.toString(), method)) .find((r) => { const baseRouteRegex: RegExp = new RegExp("^" + r.route);
return baseRouteRegex.test(pathname) && // @ts-ignore: Object is possibly 'null'. r.regexpRoute.test(pathname.replace(baseRouteRegex, "")); });};
export function getPathNameFromUrl(url: string): string { return getParsedUrl(url).pathname;}
const parsedUrlMap: Map<string, URL> = new Map<string, URL>();// TODO: use normal parser// need for parseexport function getParsedUrl(url: string): URL { if (!parsedUrlMap.has(url)) { parsedUrlMap.set(url, new URL(url)); } return parsedUrlMap.get(url) as URL;}