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import DependencyContainer from "./types/dependency-container.ts";import { isClassProvider, isFactoryProvider, isNormalToken, isTokenProvider, isValueProvider,} from "./providers/index.ts";import Provider, { isProvider } from "./providers/provider.ts";import FactoryProvider from "./providers/factory-provider.ts";import InjectionToken, { isConstructorToken, isTokenDescriptor, TokenDescriptor,} from "./providers/injection-token.ts";import TokenProvider from "./providers/token-provider.ts";import ValueProvider from "./providers/value-provider.ts";import ClassProvider from "./providers/class-provider.ts";import RegistrationOptions from "./types/registration-options.ts";import constructor from "./types/constructor.ts";import Registry from "./registry.ts";import Lifecycle from "./types/lifecycle.ts";import ResolutionContext from "./resolution-context.ts";import { formatErrorCtor } from "./error-helpers.ts";import { DelayedConstructor } from "./lazy-helpers.ts";
export type Registration<T = any> = { provider: Provider<T>; options: RegistrationOptions; instance?: T;};
export type ParamInfo = TokenDescriptor | InjectionToken<any>;
export const typeInfo = new Map<constructor<any>, ParamInfo[]>();
/** Dependency Container */class InternalDependencyContainer implements DependencyContainer { private _registry = new Registry();
public constructor(private parent?: InternalDependencyContainer) {}
/** * Register a dependency provider. * * @param provider {Provider} The dependency provider */ public register<T>( token: InjectionToken<T>, provider: ValueProvider<T>, ): InternalDependencyContainer; public register<T>( token: InjectionToken<T>, provider: FactoryProvider<T>, ): InternalDependencyContainer; public register<T>( token: InjectionToken<T>, provider: TokenProvider<T>, options?: RegistrationOptions, ): InternalDependencyContainer; public register<T>( token: InjectionToken<T>, provider: ClassProvider<T>, options?: RegistrationOptions, ): InternalDependencyContainer; public register<T>( token: InjectionToken<T>, provider: constructor<T>, options?: RegistrationOptions, ): InternalDependencyContainer; public register<T>( token: InjectionToken<T>, providerOrConstructor: Provider<T> | constructor<T>, options: RegistrationOptions = { lifecycle: Lifecycle.Transient }, ): InternalDependencyContainer { let provider: Provider<T>;
if (!isProvider(providerOrConstructor)) { provider = { useClass: providerOrConstructor }; } else { provider = providerOrConstructor; }
if ( options.lifecycle === Lifecycle.Singleton || options.lifecycle == Lifecycle.ContainerScoped || options.lifecycle == Lifecycle.ResolutionScoped ) { if (isValueProvider(provider) || isFactoryProvider(provider)) { throw new Error( `Cannot use lifecycle "${ Lifecycle[options.lifecycle] }" with ValueProviders or FactoryProviders`, ); } }
this._registry.set(token, { provider, options });
return this; }
public registerType<T>( from: InjectionToken<T>, to: InjectionToken<T>, ): InternalDependencyContainer { if (isNormalToken(to)) { return this.register(from, { useToken: to, }); }
return this.register(from, { useClass: to, }); }
public registerInstance<T>( token: InjectionToken<T>, instance: T, ): InternalDependencyContainer { return this.register(token, { useValue: instance, }); }
public registerSingleton<T>( from: InjectionToken<T>, to: InjectionToken<T>, ): InternalDependencyContainer; public registerSingleton<T>( token: constructor<T>, to?: constructor<any>, ): InternalDependencyContainer; public registerSingleton<T>( from: InjectionToken<T>, to?: InjectionToken<T>, ): InternalDependencyContainer { if (isNormalToken(from)) { if (isNormalToken(to)) { return this.register( from, { useToken: to, }, { lifecycle: Lifecycle.Singleton }, ); } else if (to) { return this.register( from, { useClass: to, }, { lifecycle: Lifecycle.Singleton }, ); }
throw new Error( 'Cannot register a type name as a singleton without a "to" token', ); }
let useClass = from; if (to && !isNormalToken(to)) { useClass = to; }
return this.register( from, { useClass, }, { lifecycle: Lifecycle.Singleton }, ); }
public resolve<T>( token: InjectionToken<T>, context: ResolutionContext = new ResolutionContext(), ): T { const registration = this.getRegistration(token);
if (!registration && isNormalToken(token)) { throw new Error( `Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "${token.toString()}"`, ); }
if (registration) { return this.resolveRegistration(registration, context); }
// No registration for this token, but since it's a constructor, return an instance if (isConstructorToken(token)) { return this.construct(token, context); } throw new Error( "Attempted to construct an undefined constructor. Could mean a circular dependency problem. Try using `delay` function.", ); }
private resolveRegistration<T>( registration: Registration, context: ResolutionContext, ): T { // If we have already resolved this scoped dependency, return it if ( registration.options.lifecycle === Lifecycle.ResolutionScoped && context.scopedResolutions.has(registration) ) { return context.scopedResolutions.get(registration); }
const isSingleton = registration.options.lifecycle === Lifecycle.Singleton; const isContainerScoped = registration.options.lifecycle === Lifecycle.ContainerScoped;
const returnInstance = isSingleton || isContainerScoped;
let resolved: T;
if (isValueProvider(registration.provider)) { resolved = registration.provider.useValue; } else if (isTokenProvider(registration.provider)) { resolved = returnInstance ? registration.instance || (registration.instance = this.resolve( registration.provider.useToken, context, )) : this.resolve(registration.provider.useToken, context); } else if (isClassProvider(registration.provider)) { resolved = returnInstance ? registration.instance || (registration.instance = this.construct( registration.provider.useClass, context, )) : this.construct(registration.provider.useClass, context); } else if (isFactoryProvider(registration.provider)) { resolved = registration.provider.useFactory(this); } else { resolved = this.construct(registration.provider, context); }
// If this is a scoped dependency, store resolved instance in context if (registration.options.lifecycle === Lifecycle.ResolutionScoped) { context.scopedResolutions.set(registration, resolved); }
return resolved; }
public resolveAll<T>( token: InjectionToken<T>, context: ResolutionContext = new ResolutionContext(), ): T[] { const registrations = this.getAllRegistrations(token);
if (!registrations && isNormalToken(token)) { throw new Error( `Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "${token.toString()}"`, ); }
if (registrations) { return => this.resolveRegistration<T>(item, context) ); }
// No registration for this token, but since it's a constructor, return an instance return [this.construct(token as constructor<T>, context)]; }
public isRegistered<T>(token: InjectionToken<T>, recursive = false): boolean { return ( this._registry.has(token) || (recursive && (this.parent || false) && this.parent.isRegistered(token, true)) ); }
public reset(): void { this._registry.clear(); }
public clearInstances(): void { for (const [token, registrations] of this._registry.entries()) { this._registry.setAll( token, registrations // Clear ValueProvider registrations .filter((registration) => !isValueProvider(registration.provider)) // Clear instances .map((registration) => { registration.instance = undefined; return registration; }), ); } }
public createChildContainer(): DependencyContainer { const childContainer = new InternalDependencyContainer(this);
for (const [token, registrations] of this._registry.entries()) { // If there are any ContainerScoped registrations, we need to copy // ALL registrations to the child container, if we were to copy just // the ContainerScoped registrations, we would lose access to the others if ( registrations.some( ({ options }) => options.lifecycle === Lifecycle.ContainerScoped, ) ) { childContainer._registry.setAll( token,<Registration>((registration) => { if (registration.options.lifecycle === Lifecycle.ContainerScoped) { return { provider: registration.provider, options: registration.options, }; }
return registration; }), ); } }
return childContainer; }
private getRegistration<T>(token: InjectionToken<T>): Registration | null { if (this.isRegistered(token)) { return this._registry.get(token)!; }
if (this.parent) { return this.parent.getRegistration(token); }
return null; }
private getAllRegistrations<T>( token: InjectionToken<T>, ): Registration[] | null { if (this.isRegistered(token)) { return this._registry.getAll(token); }
if (this.parent) { return this.parent.getAllRegistrations(token); }
return null; }
private construct<T>( ctor: constructor<T> | DelayedConstructor<T>, context: ResolutionContext, ): T { if (ctor instanceof DelayedConstructor) { return ctor.createProxy((target: constructor<T>) => this.resolve(target, context) ); }
if (ctor.length === 0) { return new ctor(); }
const paramInfo = typeInfo.get(ctor);
if (!paramInfo || paramInfo.length === 0) { throw new Error(`TypeInfo not known for "${}"`); }
const params =, ctor));
return new ctor(...params); }
private resolveParams<T>(context: ResolutionContext, ctor: constructor<T>) { return (param: ParamInfo, idx: number) => { try { if (isTokenDescriptor(param)) { return param.multiple ? this.resolveAll(param.token) : this.resolve(param.token, context); } return this.resolve(param, context); } catch (e) { throw new Error(formatErrorCtor(ctor, idx, e)); } }; }}
export { InternalDependencyContainer };
export const instance: DependencyContainer = new InternalDependencyContainer();
export default instance;