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Alosaur - Deno web framework with many decorators
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Response cashe is hook, for save response in first, and immidiately send data in next request.

For use this hook provide, CasheStore in root:

const app = new App({
  areas: [CoreArea],
  providers: [{
    token: ResponseCacheStoreToken,
    useClass: MemoryResponseCacheStore, // by default implemented in Alosaur

And use decorator @ResponseCache in controller or action

  @ResponseCache({ duration: 2000 })
  async text() {
    // long task
    await delay(200);
    return "Hello world";



  • duration: number; Time duration cache in ms. Denotes how long the value from the cache will be returned
  • getHash?: (context: Context) => string; Function for gets hash by context, default hash by serverRequest.url