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Alosaur - Deno web framework with many decorators
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import { getOrSetControllerId } from "../metadata/controller.ts";import { getMetadataArgsStorage } from "../mod.ts";import { RequestMethod } from "../types/request-method.ts";import { ClassMethodDecoratorContext } from "./decorator.models.ts";
/** * Registers an action to be executed when GET request comes on a given route. * Must be applied on a controller action. */export function Get(route?: RegExp): Function;
/** * Registers an action to be executed when GET request comes on a given route. * Must be applied on a controller action. */export function Get(route?: string): Function;
/** * Registers an action to be executed when GET request comes on a given route. * Must be applied on a controller action. */export function Get(route?: string | RegExp): Function { return function (fn: Function, context: ClassMethodDecoratorContext) { const controllerId = getOrSetControllerId(context);
getMetadataArgsStorage().actions.push({ type: RequestMethod.Get, object: fn, target: fn, method: as string, route: route, controllerId: controllerId, }); };}