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A minimal and fast πŸƒ web framework for Deno
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Aqua is a minimal and fast web framework.


  • Immediate parsing of the request body, query and the cookie string
  • Middleware functions
  • Possibility for route changes while runtime
  • URL parameters
  • Blazing fast

Example usage

import Aqua from "";

const app = new Aqua(3100);

app.get("/", (req) => {
    return "Hello, World!";


You can either use the short-form syntax for the GET and POST method

app.get("/", (req) => "Hello, World!");"/", (req) => "Hello, World!");

or use the route function

app.route("/", "GET", (req) => "Hello, World!");


You can register middlewares, that will be able to adjust the respond object, the following way:

app.register((req, response) => {
    // Make changes to the response object
    // response.content = response.content.replace("Hello", "Hi");
    return response;

URL parameters

You can define URL parameters by using a colon followed by the key name.

app.get("/api/:action", (req) => {
    return req.parameters.action;

Response value

You can either just return a string

app.get("/", (req) => {
    return "Hello, World!";

or return a response object to also set cookies, headers or a status code

app.get("/", (req) => {
    return {
        statusCode: 200,
        cookies: { hello: "I'm a cookie value" },
        headers: { hello: "I'm a header value" },
        content: "Hello, World!"

Cookies and headers are just getting appended, so no information is getting lost by providing custom ones. However, you can still overwrite existing headers.


Framework Avg RPS Router?
Deno HTTP 23044 No
Aqua 21617 Yes
Drash 17295 Yes
Fastro 16980 Yes
Denotrain 13677 Yes
Attain 9914 Yes

Tested on 2020/07/03 with the newest available version of each framework

More examples

Respond with the content of a file

app.get("/", async (req) => {
    return await app.render("index.html");

Please note that you must run your application with the --allow-read flag.

Provide own fallback handler

Your provided fallback handler will be executed if no route has been found.

app.provideFallback((req) => {
    return "No page found, sorry!";

Redirect a request

app.get("/dashboard", (req) => {
    return { redirect: "/login" };

Regex paths

You can provide a RegExp object instead of a string and receive the matches.

app.get(new RegExp("\/(.*)"), (req) => {
    console.log(req.matches); // GET /hello-world -> [ "hello-world" ]

    return "Hello, World!";


You can enable TLS the following way:

const app = new Aqua(3001, {
    tls: {
        hostname: "localhost",
        certFile: "localhost.crt",
        keyFile: "localhost.key"

The example above would handle requests coming to https://localhost:3001.

Handle HTTP and HTTPS requests

You are able to provide the TLS certificate to a different port and let the default port still handle HTTP requests.

const app = new Aqua(3001, {
    tls: {
        hostname: "localhost",
        certFile: "localhost.crt",
        keyFile: "localhost.key",
        independentPort: 3002

The example above would allow you to handle requests to http://localhost:3001 and https://localhost:3002 at the same time.