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A minimal and fast πŸƒ web framework for Deno
import { exec, OutputMode } from "";import { serve } from "";import Aqua from "";import { Drash } from "";import { Server } from "";import { Application as ABCApplication } from "";
class Benchmark { private results: { name: string; result: { average: number; min: number; max: number }; }[] = [];
public async test(name: string, port: number) { const { average, min, max }: { average: number; min: number; max: number } = JSON.parse( (await exec(`npx autocannon -c100 -j localhost:${port}`, { output: OutputMode.Capture, })).output, ).requests;
console.log(`Tested ${name} - AVG: ${average}`); this.results.push({ name, result: { average, min, max, }, }); }
get result(): string { return{ name, result: { average, min, max } }) => { return `${name}: [AVG: ${average}; MIN: ${min}; MAX: ${max}]`; }).join("\n"); }}
const benchmark = new Benchmark();
const s = serve({ port: 3000 });(async () => { for await (const req of s) { req.respond({ body: "Hello Deno!" }); }})();await benchmark.test("HTTP Deno", 3000);
// Aquaconst aqua = new Aqua(3001);aqua.get("/", (req: any) => { return "Hello Deno!";});await benchmark.test("aqua", 3001);
// Drashclass HomeResource extends Drash.Http.Resource { static paths = ["/"]; public GET() { this.response.body = "Hello Deno!"; return this.response; }}const drash = new Drash.Http.Server({ response_output: "text/html", resources: [HomeResource],});{ hostname: "localhost", port: 3002,});await benchmark.test("drash", 3002);
// Fenconst fenServer = new Server();fenServer.setController(async (context: any) => { context.body = "Hello Deno!";});fenServer.port = 3003;fenServer.start();await benchmark.test("fen", 3003);
// Abcconst abcServer = new ABCApplication();abcServer .get("/hello", (c: any) => { return "Hello Deno!"; }) .start({ port: 3004 });await benchmark.test("abc", 3004);