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ArubaOS-CX REST API client for Deno.
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import { assert } from "std/testing/asserts.ts";
/** Cookie header value attribute delimiter. */const ATTR_DELIM = "; ";
/** Turns a set-cookie header into a useable cookie header string value. */function getSetCookie(headers: Headers): string { return [...headers.entries()] .filter(([key]) => key === "set-cookie") .map(([_, value]) => value.split(ATTR_DELIM)[0]) .join(ATTR_DELIM);}
export interface ClientInit { /** Switch IP address or host. */ host: string; /** * Switch REST API version. * If not defined in-code, defaults to `ARUBAOS_CX_VERSION` environment variable. * If not defined as an environment variable, defaults to `latest`. */ version?: "v1" | "v10.04" | "v10.08" | "v10.09" | "v10.10" | "latest"; /** * Switch login username. * If not defined in-code, defaults to `ARUBAOS_CX_USERNAME` environment variable. * If not defined as an environment variable, defaults to `admin`. */ username?: string; /** * Switch login password. * If not defined in-code, defaults to `ARUBAOS_CX_PASSWORD` environment variable. * If not defined as an environment variable, defaults to an empty string. */ password?: string;}
/** * Contains methods for logging in/out and making authenticated requests. * Recommended for multiple requests. * * Example: * ```ts * import { Client } from "$VERSION/mod.ts"; * * const client = new Client({ host: "" }); * await client.login(); * const response1 = await client.fetch("/system"); * const response2 = await client.fetch("/firmware"); * await client.logout(); * ``` */export class Client { #username: string; #password: string; #baseURL: URL; #cookie?: string;
constructor(init: ClientInit) { const version = init.version ?? Deno.env.get("ARUBAOS_CX_VERSION") ?? "latest"; this.#username = init.username ?? Deno.env.get("ARUBAOS_CX_USERNAME") ?? "admin"; this.#password = init.password ?? Deno.env.get("ARUBAOS_CX_PASSWORD") ?? ""; this.#baseURL = new URL("/rest/" + version, "https://" +; }
/** Creates an authenticated request. */ #request(path: string, init?: RequestInit): Request { const request = new Request(this.#baseURL + path, init); if (this.#cookie) { request.headers.set("cookie", this.#cookie!); } return request; }
/** Performs an authenticated request. */ async fetch(path: string, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response> { return await fetch(this.#request(path, init)); }
/** Logs the user in and stores the authentication cookie. */ async login(): Promise<void> { const params = new URLSearchParams({ username: this.#username, password: this.#password, }); const response = await this.fetch("/login?" + params, { method: "POST", }); /** Ensures authentication succeeded. If not, prints the provided reason. */ assert(response.ok, await response.text()); this.#cookie = getSetCookie(response.headers); }
/** Logs the user out and removes the authentication cookie. */ async logout(): Promise<void> { const response = await this.fetch("/logout", { method: "POST", }); /** Ensures deauthentication succeeded. If not, prints the provided reason. */ assert(response.ok, await response.text()); this.#cookie = undefined; }
/** Performs a request inbetween automatic login/logout. */ async fetchOnce(path: string, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response> { await this.login(); const response = await this.fetch(path, init); await this.logout(); return response; }}
/** * Creates a client and performs a request inbetween automatic login/logout. * Recommended for single requests. * * Example: * ```ts * import { fetchOnce } from "$VERSION/mod.ts"; * * const response = await fetchOnce({ host: "" }, "/system"); * ``` */export async function fetchOnce( clientInit: ClientInit, path: string, init?: RequestInit,): Promise<Response> { const client = new Client(clientInit); return await client.fetchOnce(path, init);}