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interactive command-line prompts for deno
class default
import { default } from "";


default(opts?: GlobalPromptOpts)

Creates an ask instance. You can pass global options to it to customize behavior across all questions.


confirm(opts: ConfirmOpts): Promise<Result<boolean>>

Will ask a yes/no question and return an object with a single property, which is the name of the question. The value is a boolean, depending on the provided answer.

input(opts: PromptOpts): Promise<Result<string | undefined>>

Will ask for a string input and will return an object with a single property, which is the name of the question. The value is a string or undefined.

number(opts: NumberOpts): Promise<Result<number>>

Will ask for a number input and will return an object with a single property, which is the name of the question. The value is a number.

prompt(questions: Array<PromptOpts | ConfirmOpts | NumberOpts>): Promise<Result<
| string
| number
| boolean
| undefined

Takes an array of prompts, which can be of multiple differing types. Will return an object where each key corresponds to the name of each individual question and the values are results, depending on the type of the question.