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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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A high-level puppeteer/playwright-like library for Deno
type alias DOMSnapshot_DOMNode
import { type DOMSnapshot_DOMNode } from "";

A Node in the DOM tree.

definition: { nodeType: number; nodeName: string; nodeValue: string; textValue?: string; inputValue?: string; inputChecked?: boolean; optionSelected?: boolean; backendNodeId: DOM_BackendNodeId; childNodeIndexes?: number[]; attributes?: DOMSnapshot_NameValue[]; pseudoElementIndexes?: number[]; layoutNodeIndex?: number; documentURL?: string; baseURL?: string; contentLanguage?: string; documentEncoding?: string; publicId?: string; systemId?: string; frameId?: Page_FrameId; contentDocumentIndex?: number; pseudoType?: DOM_PseudoType; shadowRootType?: DOM_ShadowRootType; isClickable?: boolean; eventListeners?: DOMDebugger_EventListener[]; currentSourceURL?: string; originURL?: string; scrollOffsetX?: number; scrollOffsetY?: number; }