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A high-level puppeteer/playwright-like library for Deno
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import * as astral from "";



Type Aliases

A node in the accessibility tree.

Unique accessibility node identifier.

Values of AXProperty name:

  • from 'busy' to 'roledescription': states which apply to every AX node
  • from 'live' to 'root': attributes which apply to nodes in live regions
  • from 'autocomplete' to 'valuetext': attributes which apply to widgets
  • from 'checked' to 'selected': states which apply to widgets
  • from 'activedescendant' to 'owns' - relationships between elements other than parent/child/sibling.

A single computed AX property.

Enum of possible native property sources (as a subtype of a particular AXValueSourceType).

A single source for a computed AX property.

Enum of possible property sources.

Enum of possible property types.

Animation instance.

AnimationEffect instance

Keyframes Rule

Keyframe Style

Information about a cookie that is affected by an inspector issue.

Information about the frame affected by an inspector issue.

Information about a request that is affected by an inspector issue.

Details for issues around "Attribution Reporting API" usage. Explainer:

Details for a request that has been blocked with the BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE code. Currently only used for COEP/COOP, but may be extended to include some CSP errors in the future.

Enum indicating the reason a response has been blocked. These reasons are refinements of the net error BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE.

This issue warns about sites in the redirect chain of a finished navigation that may be flagged as trackers and have their state cleared if they don't receive a user interaction. Note that in this context 'site' means eTLD+1. For example, if the URL https://example.test:80/bounce was in the redirect chain, the site reported would be example.test.

This issue tracks client hints related issues. It's used to deprecate old features, encourage the use of new ones, and provide general guidance.

This information is currently necessary, as the front-end has a difficult time finding a specific cookie. With this, we can convey specific error information without the cookie.

Details for a CORS related issue, e.g. a warning or error related to CORS RFC1918 enforcement.

Represents the failure reason when a federated authentication reason fails. Should be updated alongside RequestIdTokenStatus in third_party/blink/public/mojom/devtools/inspector_issue.mojom to include all cases except for success.

Represents the failure reason when a getUserInfo() call fails. Should be updated alongside FederatedAuthUserInfoRequestResult in third_party/blink/public/mojom/devtools/inspector_issue.mojom.

Depending on the concrete errorType, different properties are set.

An inspector issue reported from the back-end.

A unique identifier for the type of issue. Each type may use one of the optional fields in InspectorIssueDetails to convey more specific information about the kind of issue.

This struct holds a list of optional fields with additional information specific to the kind of issue. When adding a new issue code, please also add a new optional field to this type.

A unique id for a DevTools inspector issue. Allows other entities (e.g. exceptions, CDP message, console messages, etc.) to reference an issue.

Details for issues about documents in Quirks Mode or Limited Quirks Mode that affects page layouting.

Details for a issue arising from an SAB being instantiated in, or transferred to a context that is not cross-origin isolated.

This issue warns when a referenced stylesheet couldn't be loaded.

A key-value pair for additional event information to pass along.

The Background Service that will be associated with the commands/events. Every Background Service operates independently, but they share the same API.

Cache identifier.

Cached response

type of HTTP response cached

Unique identifier of the Cache object.

Data entry.

Console message.

CSS keyframe rule representation.

CSS keyframes rule representation.

CSS media rule descriptor.

CSS position-fallback rule representation.

CSS property declaration data.

Representation of a custom property registration through CSS.registerProperty

CSS property at-rule representation.

CSS rule representation.

CSS style representation.

CSS stylesheet metainformation.

CSS try rule representation.

Properties of a web font: and additional information such as platformFontFamily and fontVariationAxes.

Information about font variation axes for variable fonts

Inherited pseudo element matches from pseudos of an ancestor node.

Inherited CSS rule collection from ancestor node.

Media query descriptor.

Media query expression descriptor.

Information about amount of glyphs that were rendered with given font.

CSS rule collection for a single pseudo style.

Match data for a CSS rule.

CSS coverage information.

Selector list data.

Text range within a resource. All numbers are zero-based.

A descriptor of operation to mutate style declaration text.

Stylesheet type: "injected" for stylesheets injected via extension, "user-agent" for user-agent stylesheets, "inspector" for stylesheets created by the inspector (i.e. those holding the "via inspector" rules), "regular" for regular stylesheets.

Data for a simple selector (these are delimited by commas in a selector list).

Database object.

Unique identifier of Database object.

Database error.

Breakpoint identifier.

JavaScript call frame. Array of call frames form the call stack.

Call frame identifier.

Debug symbols available for a wasm script.

Location in the source code.

Scope description.

Enum of possible script languages.

Search match for resource.

A device id.

Device information displayed in a user prompt to select a device.

Device request id.

Backend node with a friendly name.

Unique DOM node identifier used to reference a node that may not have been pushed to the front-end.

Box model.

Document compatibility mode.

ContainerSelector logical axes

DOM interaction is implemented in terms of mirror objects that represent the actual DOM nodes. DOMNode is a base node mirror type.

Unique DOM node identifier.

ContainerSelector physical axes

Pseudo element type.

An array of quad vertices, x immediately followed by y for each point, points clock-wise.


A structure holding an RGBA color.

Shadow root type.

CSS Shape Outside details.

DOM breakpoint type.

Object event listener.

Index of the string in the strings table.

A subset of the full ComputedStyle as defined by the request whitelist.

Document snapshot.

A Node in the DOM tree.

Details of post layout rendered text positions. The exact layout should not be regarded as stable and may change between versions.

Details of an element in the DOM tree with a LayoutObject.

Table of details of an element in the DOM tree with a LayoutObject.

A name/value pair.

Table containing nodes.

Data that is only present on rare nodes.

Index of the string in the strings table.

Table of details of the post layout rendered text positions. The exact layout should not be regarded as stable and may change between versions.

DOM Storage item.

DOM Storage identifier.

Screen orientation.

Corresponds to IdentityRequestAccount

Whether the dialog shown is an account chooser or an auto re-authentication dialog.

Whether this is a sign-up or sign-in action for this account, i.e. whether this account has ever been used to sign in to this RP before.

Authorization challenge for HTTP status code 401 or 407.

Response to an AuthChallenge.

Response HTTP header entry

Unique request identifier.

Stages of the request to handle. Request will intercept before the request is sent. Response will intercept after the response is received (but before response body is received).

Encoding options for a screenshot.

Heap snapshot object id.

Sampling profile.

Sampling Heap Profile node. Holds callsite information, allocation statistics and child nodes.

A single sample from a sampling profile.

Database with an array of object stores.

Data entry.


Key path.

Key range.

Object store.

Object store index.

UTC time in seconds, counted from January 1, 1970.

This is either obtained from another method or specified as blob:<uuid> where <uuid> is an UUID of a Blob.

Information about a compositing layer.

Unique Layer identifier.

Array of timings, one per paint step.

Serialized fragment of layer picture along with its offset within the layer.

Rectangle where scrolling happens on the main thread.

Unique snapshot identifier.

Sticky position constraints.

Log entry.

Violation configuration setting.

Corresponds to kMediaError

Represents logged source line numbers reported in an error. NOTE: file and line are from chromium c++ implementation code, not js.

Corresponds to kMediaEventTriggered

Players will get an ID that is unique within the agent context.

Have one type per entry in MediaLogRecord::Type Corresponds to kMessage

Corresponds to kMediaPropertyChange

Executable module information

Memory pressure level.

Array of heap profile samples.

Heap profile sample.

The reason why request was blocked.

Information about the cached resource.

Whether the request complied with Certificate Transparency policy.

The underlying connection technology that the browser is supposedly using.

Cookie object

Cookie parameter object

Represents the cookie's 'SameSite' status:

The reason why request was blocked.

Network level fetch failure reason.

Request / response headers as keys / values of JSON object.

Information about the request initiator.

Unique intercepted request identifier.

Unique loader identifier.

Monotonically increasing time in seconds since an arbitrary point in the past.

Post data entry for HTTP request

HTTP request data.

Unique request identifier.

Loading priority of a resource request.

Timing information for the request.

Resource type as it was perceived by the rendering engine.

HTTP response data.

Security details about a request.

Source of serviceworker response.

Details of a signed certificate timestamp (SCT).

UTC time in seconds, counted from January 1, 1970.

WebSocket message data. This represents an entire WebSocket message, not just a fragmented frame as the name suggests.

WebSocket request data.

WebSocket response data.

Style information for drawing a box.

Configuration data for the highlighting of Flex container elements.

Configuration data for the highlighting of Flex item elements.

Configuration data for the highlighting of Grid elements.

Configurations for Persistent Grid Highlight

Configuration data for the highlighting of page elements.

Configuration for dual screen hinge

Style information for drawing a line.

Configuration data for drawing the source order of an elements children.

Error while paring app manifest.

Javascript dialog type.

Information about the Frame on the page.

Unique frame identifier.

Information about the Frame hierarchy.

Layout viewport position and dimensions.

Navigation history entry.

Unique script identifier.

Transition type.

Viewport for capturing screenshot.

Visual viewport position, dimensions, and scale.

Run-time execution metric.

See and largest_contentful_paint.idl

TODO( revisit the list of PrefetchStatus and filter out the ones that aren't necessary to the developers.

A key that identifies a preloading attempt.

Lists sources for a preloading attempt, specifically the ids of rule sets that had a speculation rule that triggered the attempt, and the BackendNodeIds of or elements that triggered the attempt (in the case of attempts triggered by a document rule). It is possible for mulitple rule sets and links to trigger a single attempt.

Preloading status values, see also PreloadingTriggeringOutcome. This status is shared by prefetchStatusUpdated and prerenderStatusUpdated.

List of FinalStatus reasons for Prerender2.

Corresponds to SpeculationRuleSet

Unique id

The type of preloading attempted. It corresponds to mojom::SpeculationAction (although PrefetchWithSubresources is omitted as it isn't being used by clients).

Coverage data for a source range.

Coverage data for a JavaScript function.

Specifies a number of samples attributed to a certain source position.


Profile node. Holds callsite information, execution statistics and child nodes.

Coverage data for a JavaScript script.

Represents function call argument. Either remote object id objectId, primitive value, unserializable primitive value or neither of (for undefined) them should be specified.

Stack entry for runtime errors and assertions.

Represents deep serialized value.

Detailed information about exception (or error) that was thrown during script compilation or execution.

Description of an isolated world.

Id of an execution context.

Object internal property descriptor. This property isn't normally visible in JavaScript code.

Object property descriptor.

Mirror object referencing original JavaScript object.

Unique object identifier.

Unique script identifier.

Represents options for serialization. Overrides generatePreview, returnByValue and generateWebDriverValue.

Call frames for assertions or error messages.

Number of milliseconds.

Number of milliseconds since epoch.

Primitive value which cannot be JSON-stringified. Includes values -0, NaN, Infinity, -Infinity, and bigint literals.

Description of the protocol domain.

The action to take when a certificate error occurs. continue will continue processing the request and cancel will cancel the request.

An internal certificate ID value.

A description of mixed content (HTTP resources on HTTPS pages), as defined by

The security level of a page or resource.

An explanation of an factor contributing to the security state.

ServiceWorker error message.

ServiceWorker registration.

ServiceWorker version.

Enum of interest group access types.

Ad advertising element inside an interest group.

The full details of an interest group.

Bundles the parameters for shared storage access events whose presence/absence can vary according to SharedStorageAccessType.

Enum of shared storage access types.

Struct for a single key-value pair in an origin's shared storage.

Details for an origin's shared storage.

Pair of reporting metadata details for a candidate URL for selectURL().

Bundles a candidate URL with its reporting metadata.

Enum of possible storage types.

Usage for a storage type.

Describes a single graphics processor (GPU).

Provides information about the GPU(s) on the system.

Describes a supported image decoding profile with its associated minimum and maximum resolutions and subsampling.

Image format of a given image.

Represents process info.

Describes the width and height dimensions of an entity.

YUV subsampling type of the pixels of a given image.

Describes a supported video decoding profile with its associated minimum and maximum resolutions.

Describes a supported video encoding profile with its associated maximum resolution and maximum framerate.

Unique identifier of attached debugging session.

Configuration for memory dump. Used only when "memory-infra" category is enabled.

Details exposed when memory request explicitly declared. Keep consistent with memory_dump_request_args.h and memory_instrumentation.mojom

Compression type to use for traces returned via streams.

Data format of a trace. Can be either the legacy JSON format or the protocol buffer format. Note that the JSON format will be deprecated soon.

Backend type to use for tracing. chrome uses the Chrome-integrated tracing service and is supported on all platforms. system is only supported on Chrome OS and uses the Perfetto system tracing service. auto chooses system when the perfettoConfig provided to Tracing.start specifies at least one non-Chrome data source; otherwise uses chrome.

Protocol object for AudioListener

Protocol object for AudioNode

Protocol object for AudioParam

Enum of AudioParam::AutomationRate from the spec

Protocol object for BaseAudioContext

Enum of AudioNode::ChannelCountMode from the spec

Enum of AudioNode::ChannelInterpretation from the spec

Fields in AudioContext that change in real-time.

Enum of AudioContextState from the spec

Enum of BaseAudioContext types

An unique ID for a graph object (AudioContext, AudioNode, AudioParam) in Web Audio API

Enum of AudioNode types

Enum of AudioParam types