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Inspired by Go & Clojure Channels, async_channels provides channels as an asynchronous communication method between asynchronous functions.
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export LICENSE_BANNER := $(file < LICENSE_BANNER) check-npm: npm --version check-node: node --version check-deno: deno --version check-esbuild: esbuild --version check-nvm: . ${NVM_DIR}/ && nvm --version check-genhtml: genhtml -v all: clean build fmt: check-deno deno fmt src fmt-check: check-deno deno fmt --check src lint: check-deno deno lint src test: check-deno deno test --quiet --shuffle --unstable --reload=file://./src --lock=scripts/test-lock.json --import-map scripts/import_map.json --doc src --coverage=coverage/data test-watch:check-deno deno test --quiet --shuffle --unstable --reload=file://./src --lock=scripts/test-lock.json --import-map scripts/import_map.json --doc src --watch coverage: test deno coverage --unstable --exclude="test(_utils)?\.(js|mjs|ts|jsx|tsx)$$" coverage/data --lcov > coverage/profile.lcov coverage-html: coverage check-genhtml genhtml -o coverage/html coverage/profile.lcov coverage-serve: coverage-html check-deno deno run --allow-net="" --allow-read="." coverage/html benchmark-write: check-deno deno bench --unstable --no-check --quiet --import-map scripts/import_map.json > benchmark.out benchmark: benchmark-write cat benchmark.out benchmark-txt: benchmark-write cat benchmark.out | ansi2txt > benchmark.txt benchmark-html: benchmark-write cat benchmark.out | ansi2html > benchmark.html build: build-npm build-iife build-iife-min build-npm: check-deno deno run --import-map scripts/import_map.json --lock scripts/build-npm-lock.json -A scripts/build-npm.ts build-iife: build-iife-full build-iife-min build-iife-full: check-esbuild esbuild --banner:js="$$LICENSE_BANNER" --bundle --outfile=dist/async_channels.iife.js --format=iife --global-name=async_channels src/mod.ts build-iife-min: check-esbuild esbuild --banner:js="$$LICENSE_BANNER" --bundle --minify --outfile=dist/async_channels.iife.min.js --format=iife --global-name=async_channels src/mod.ts install-nvm: curl -o- | bash install-node: check-nvm . ${NVM_DIR}/ && nvm install --lts install: install-esbuild install-esbuild: check-npm npm i -g esbuild clean: rm -rf dist coverage benchmark.* clear: clear