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Inspired by Go & Clojure Channels, async_channels provides channels as an asynchronous communication method between asynchronous functions.
import { Channel, ChannelOptions, Closer, Receiver, Sender,} from "./channel.ts";import { ignoreAbortedError, makeAbortCtrl } from "./internal/utils.ts";import { ChannelPipeOptions } from "./pipe.ts";import { select, SelectOperation } from "./select.ts";
type SendCloser<T> = Sender<T> & Closer;
export type Subscribable<TMsg, TTopic> = Pick< BroadcastChannel<TMsg, TTopic>, "subscribe" | "subscribeFn">;
type TopicFn<T> = (topic: T) => boolean;
export type BroadcastSendMode = | "WaitForAll" | "WaitForOne" | "ReturnImmediately";
export const defaultBroadcastSendMode: BroadcastSendMode = "ReturnImmediately";
export function isBroadcastSendMode(x: unknown): x is BroadcastSendMode { return ([ "WaitForAll", "WaitForOne", "ReturnImmediately", ] as unknown[]).includes(x);}
export type BroadcastSubscribeOptions = Omit<ChannelPipeOptions, "signal">;
export interface BroadcastChannelOptions extends ChannelOptions { sendMode?: BroadcastSendMode;}export type BroadcastChannelPipeOptions = & BroadcastChannelOptions & Omit<ChannelPipeOptions, "bufferSize">;
export class BroadcastChannel<TMsg, TTopic> implements SendCloser<TMsg> { protected subscribers = new Map< [TTopic, "topic"] | [TopicFn<TTopic>, "topicFn"], Set<SendCloser<TMsg>> >(); protected readonly options: BroadcastChannelOptions;
#isOpen = true; public get isOpen() { return this.#isOpen; }
constructor( protected readonly topicFn: (val: TMsg) => TTopic, options?: BroadcastChannelOptions, ) { const { sendMode, ...chanOpts } = options ?? {}; this.options = { ...chanOpts, sendMode: sendMode ?? defaultBroadcastSendMode, }; }
static from<TMsg, TTopic>( input: Iterable<TMsg> | AsyncIterable<TMsg>, topicFn: (val: TMsg) => TTopic, pipeOpts?: BroadcastChannelPipeOptions, ): Subscribable<TMsg, TTopic> { const { signal, ...options } = pipeOpts ?? {}; const outChan = new BroadcastChannel<TMsg, TTopic>(topicFn, options);
(async () => { for await (const item of input) { await outChan.send(item, makeAbortCtrl(signal)); } })().catch(ignoreAbortedError) .catch((err) => outChan.error("BroadcastChannel.from", err)) .finally(() => outChan.close());
return outChan; }
async send(msg: TMsg, abortCtrl?: AbortController): Promise<void> { const topic = this.topicFn(msg);
const targets: SendCloser<TMsg>[] = [];
for (const [tuple, tupleTargets] of this.subscribers) { if (tuple[1] === "topic" && tuple[0] !== topic) continue; if (tuple[1] === "topicFn" && !tuple[0](topic)) continue; tupleTargets.forEach((target) => targets.push(target)); }
switch (this.options.sendMode) { case "ReturnImmediately": for (const target of targets) { await select([[target, msg]], { default: void 0, abortCtrl }); } return; case "WaitForOne": if (targets.length === 0) { throw new Error( "sending on BroadcastChannel (WaitForOne) requires at least 1 subscriber", ); } await select( => [target, msg] as SelectOperation<TMsg>), { abortCtrl }, ); return; case "WaitForAll": await Promise.all( => { return target.send(msg, makeAbortCtrl(abortCtrl?.signal)); })); return; default: throw new TypeError( `${this.options.sendMode} is not a valid BroadcastChannel sendMode`, ); } }
protected doSubscribe( tuple: [TopicFn<TTopic>, "topicFn"] | [TTopic, "topic"], subOpts?: BroadcastSubscribeOptions, ): [Receiver<TMsg>, () => void] { if (!this.isOpen) { throw new TypeError("Cannot subscribe to a closed BroadcastChannel"); }
const { bufferSize, debugExtra, ...options } = subOpts ?? {};
const ch = new Channel<TMsg>(bufferSize, { ...options, debugExtra: { [tuple[1]]: tuple[0], ...debugExtra }, });
if (!this.subscribers.has(tuple)) { this.subscribers.set(tuple, new Set()); } this.subscribers.get(tuple)?.add(ch); const unsubscribe = () => { this.subscribers.get(tuple)?.delete(ch); ch.close(); };
return [ch, unsubscribe]; }
subscribeFn( topicFn: TopicFn<TTopic>, subOpts?: BroadcastSubscribeOptions, ): [Receiver<TMsg>, () => void] { return this.doSubscribe([topicFn, "topicFn"], subOpts); }
subscribe( topic: TTopic, subOpts?: BroadcastSubscribeOptions, ): [Receiver<TMsg>, () => void] { return this.doSubscribe([topic, "topic"], subOpts); }
close() { this.#isOpen = false; this.subscribers.forEach((channels) => { channels.forEach((ch) => { ch.close(); }); }); }
error(...args: unknown[]) { console.error(...args, { topicFn: this.topicFn, ...(this.options?.debugExtra ?? {}), }); }
debug(...args: unknown[]) { if (this.options?.debug) { console.debug(...args, { topicFn: this.topicFn, ...(this.options?.debugExtra ?? {}), }); } }}