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Inspired by Go & Clojure Channels, async_channels provides channels as an asynchronous communication method between asynchronous functions.
import { Channel, ClosedReceiver, Receiver } from "./channel.ts";import { ignoreAbortedError, makeAbortCtrl } from "./internal/utils.ts";import { ChannelPipeOptions } from "./pipe.ts";
export function merge( inChans: [], options?: ChannelPipeOptions,): ClosedReceiver;export function merge<T>( inChans: [Receiver<T>], options?: ChannelPipeOptions,): Receiver<T>;export function merge<T1 = unknown, T2 = T1>( inChans: [ Receiver<T1>, Receiver<T2>, ], options?: ChannelPipeOptions,): Receiver<T1 | T2>;export function merge<T1 = unknown, T2 = T1, T3 = T2>( inChans: [ Receiver<T1>, Receiver<T2>, Receiver<T3>, ], options?: ChannelPipeOptions,): Receiver<T1 | T2 | T3>;export function merge<T>( inChans: Receiver<T>[], options?: ChannelPipeOptions,): Receiver<T>;/** * Takes a collection of source channels and returns a channel * which contains all values taken from them. * * @template T * @param {Receiver<T>[]} inChans * @param {ChannelPipeOptions} [options={}] * @returns {Receiver<T>} */export function merge<T>( inChans: Receiver<T>[], mergeOpts: ChannelPipeOptions = {},): Receiver<T> { const { signal, ...options } = mergeOpts; const { bufferSize, ...chOpts } = options; const outChan = new Channel<T>(bufferSize, chOpts);
Promise.all( => (async () => { for await (const current of inChan) { await outChan.send(current, makeAbortCtrl(signal)); } })() )).catch(ignoreAbortedError) .catch((err) => outChan.error("merge", err)) .finally(() => outChan.close());
return outChan;}