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Inspired by Go & Clojure Channels, async_channels provides channels as an asynchronous communication method between asynchronous functions.
import { Channel, ChannelOptions, Receiver } from "./channel.ts";import { ignoreAbortedError, isPositiveSafeInteger, makeAbortCtrl, recordWithDefaults,} from "./internal/utils.ts";export * from "./subscribe.ts";
/** * Options for pipe operations. */export interface ChannelPipeOptions extends ChannelOptions { /** * A safe integer representing the channel buffer size. * A `bufferSize` of `0` indicates a channel without any buffer. * A negative `bufferSize` indicates a channel with an endless buffer. * @type {number} */ bufferSize?: number; /** * If provided, the pipe operation will halt when the signal is triggered. * * @type {AbortSignal} */ signal?: AbortSignal;}
export function map<T, TOut>( fn: (val: T) => TOut | Promise<TOut>, pipeOpts?: ChannelPipeOptions,) { return (target: Receiver<T>): Receiver<TOut> => { const { signal, bufferSize, ...options } = pipeOpts ?? {}; const outChan = new Channel<TOut>( bufferSize ?? target.bufferSize, options, ); (async () => { while (true) { const res = await target.get(makeAbortCtrl(signal)); if (!res[1]) return; await outChan.send(await fn(res[0]), makeAbortCtrl(signal)); } })().catch(ignoreAbortedError) .catch((err) => target.error("map", fn, err)) .finally(() => outChan.close()); return outChan; };}
export function flat<TElem>( pipeOpts?: ChannelPipeOptions,) { return (target: Receiver<Iterable<TElem> | AsyncIterable<TElem>>) => { const { signal, bufferSize, ...options } = pipeOpts ?? {}; const outChan = new Channel<TElem>( bufferSize ?? target.bufferSize, options, ); (async () => { while (true) { const res = await target.get(makeAbortCtrl(signal)); if (!res[1]) return;
for await (const item of res[0]) { await outChan.send(item, makeAbortCtrl(signal)); } } })().catch(ignoreAbortedError) .catch((err) => target.error("flat", err)) .finally(() => outChan.close());
return outChan; };}
export function flatMap<T, TOut>( fn: (val: T) => | Iterable<TOut> | AsyncIterable<TOut> | Promise<Iterable<TOut>> | Promise<AsyncIterable<TOut>>, pipeOpts?: ChannelPipeOptions,) { return (target: Receiver<T>) => { const { signal, bufferSize, ...options } = pipeOpts ?? {}; const outChan = new Channel<TOut>( bufferSize ?? target.bufferSize, options, ); (async () => { while (true) { const res = await target.get(makeAbortCtrl(signal)); if (!res[1]) return; for await (const item of await fn(res[0])) { await outChan.send(item, makeAbortCtrl(signal)); } } })().catch(ignoreAbortedError) .catch((err) => target.error("flatMap", fn, err)) .finally(() => outChan.close()); return outChan; };}
export function forEach<T>( fn: (val: T) => unknown | Promise<unknown>, pipeOpts?: ChannelPipeOptions,) { return (target: Receiver<T>) => { const { signal, bufferSize, ...options } = pipeOpts ?? {}; const outChan = new Channel<void>( bufferSize ?? target.bufferSize, options, ); (async () => { while (true) { const res = await target.get(makeAbortCtrl(signal)); if (!res[1]) return; await fn(res[0]); } })().catch(ignoreAbortedError) .catch((err) => target.error("forEach", fn, err)) .finally(() => outChan.close()); return outChan; };}
export function filter<T>( fn: (val: T) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, pipeOpts?: ChannelPipeOptions,) { return (target: Receiver<T>) => { const { signal, bufferSize, ...options } = pipeOpts ?? {}; const outChan = new Channel<T>(bufferSize ?? target.bufferSize, options); (async () => { while (true) { const res = await target.get(makeAbortCtrl(signal)); if (!res[1]) return; if (!(await fn(res[0]))) continue; await outChan.send(res[0], makeAbortCtrl(signal)); } })().catch(ignoreAbortedError) .catch((err) => target.error("filter", fn, err)) .finally(() => outChan.close()); return outChan; };}
export function reduce<T>( fn: (prev: T, current: T) => T | Promise<T>, pipeOpts?: ChannelPipeOptions,) { return (target: Receiver<T>) => { const { signal, bufferSize, ...options } = pipeOpts ?? {}; const outChan = new Channel<T>(bufferSize ?? target.bufferSize, options);
(async () => { let prev: T;
const res = await target.get(makeAbortCtrl(signal)); if (!res[1]) return; prev = res[0];
while (true) { const res = await target.get(makeAbortCtrl(signal)); if (!res[1]) { return await outChan.send(prev, makeAbortCtrl(signal)); } prev = await fn(prev, res[0]); } })().catch(ignoreAbortedError) .catch((err) => target.error("reduce", fn, err)) .finally(() => outChan.close());
return outChan; };}
export function groupBy<T, TKey extends (string | symbol)>( fn: (val: T) => TKey | Promise<TKey>, pipeOpts?: ChannelPipeOptions,) { return (target: Receiver<T>) => { const { signal, bufferSize, debugExtra, ...options } = pipeOpts ?? {}; const out = recordWithDefaults( {} as Record<TKey, Channel<T>>, (prop) => { return new Channel<T>(bufferSize ?? target.bufferSize, { ...options, debugExtra: { prop, ...debugExtra }, }); }, );
(async () => { while (true) { const res = await target.get(makeAbortCtrl(signal)); if (!res[1]) return; const key = await fn(res[0]); await out[key].send(res[0], makeAbortCtrl(signal)); } })().catch(ignoreAbortedError) .catch((err) => target.error("groupBy", fn, err)) .finally(() => { Object.values<Channel<T>>(out).forEach((ch) => ch.close()); });
return out; };}
export type ChannelDuplicateSendMode = | "WaitForAll" | "WaitForOne" | "ContinueImmediately";
export interface ChannelDuplicateOptions extends ChannelPipeOptions { sendMode: ChannelDuplicateSendMode;}
export function duplicate<T>(n = 2, pipeOpts?: ChannelDuplicateOptions) { return (target: Receiver<T>) => { const { sendMode: sendModesTmp, signal, bufferSize, debugExtra, ...options } = pipeOpts ?? {}; const sendMode = sendModesTmp ?? "WaitForAll"; if (!isPositiveSafeInteger(n)) { throw new TypeError(`${n} is not a safe integer larger than 1`); } if (n < 2) throw new RangeError(`${n} is not a safe integer larger than 1`); const arrOut = [] as Channel<T>[]; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { arrOut[i] = new Channel(bufferSize ?? target.bufferSize, { ...options, debugExtra: { i, ...debugExtra }, }); }
(async () => { while (true) { const res = await target.get(makeAbortCtrl(signal)); if (!res[1]) return;
switch (sendMode) { case "WaitForAll": await Promise.all( => ch.send(res[0], makeAbortCtrl(signal))), ); break;
case "WaitForOne": await Promise.race( => ch.send(res[0], makeAbortCtrl(signal))), ); break;
case "ContinueImmediately": Promise.all( => ch.send(res[0], makeAbortCtrl(signal))), ) .catch((err) => target.error("duplicate", n, err)); break; } } })().catch(ignoreAbortedError) .catch((err) => target.error("duplicate", n, err)) .finally(() => arrOut.forEach((ch) => ch.close()));
return arrOut; };}