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Inspired by Go & Clojure Channels, async_channels provides channels as an asynchronous communication method between asynchronous functions.
import { Channel, Receiver, Sender } from "./channel.ts";import { UnreachableError } from "./internal/errors.ts";import { isReceiver, isSender, sleep } from "./internal/utils.ts";
/** * Extra options used for the `select` function. */export interface SelectOptions<TDefault = never> { default: TDefault; abortCtrl?: AbortController;}
export type SelectGetOperation<T> = Receiver<T>;export type SelectSendOperation<T> = [Sender<T>, T];
export type SelectOperation<T> = | SelectGetOperation<T> | SelectSendOperation<T>;export type SelectDefaultResult<T> = [T, undefined];export type SelectOperationResult<T> = | [T, Receiver<T>] | [true, Sender<T>];export type SelectResult<T, TDefault> = ( | SelectOperationResult<T> | SelectDefaultResult<TDefault>);
export function isSelectSendOperation( x: unknown,): x is SelectSendOperation<unknown> { return Array.isArray(x) && x.length === 2 && isSender(x[0]);}
export function isSelectOperation(x: unknown): x is SelectOperation<unknown> { return isReceiver(x) || isSelectSendOperation(x);}
export async function select( ops: [], options?: | SelectOptions<never> | Omit<SelectOptions<never>, "default">,): Promise<never>;
export async function select<T, TDefault = never>( ops: [SelectOperation<T>], options?: | SelectOptions<TDefault> | Omit<SelectOptions<TDefault>, "default">,): Promise<SelectResult<T, TDefault>>;
export async function select<T1, T2, TDefault = never>( ops: [SelectOperation<T1>, SelectOperation<T2>], options?: | SelectOptions<TDefault> | Omit<SelectOptions<TDefault>, "default">,): Promise< | SelectOperationResult<T1> | SelectOperationResult<T2> | SelectDefaultResult<TDefault>>;export async function select<T, TDefault = never>( ops: Exclude<SelectOperation<T>[], []>, options?: | SelectOptions<TDefault> | Omit<SelectOptions<TDefault>, "default">,): Promise<SelectResult<T, TDefault>>;/** * `select` takes a list of channel operations, and completes **at-most** one of * them (the first operation that is ready). * * If the `default` option is provided, and no operation is immediately read, * then all the operations will be aborted and the default value is returned. * * @template T, TDefault * @param {(Receiver<T> | [Sender<T>, T])[]} ops * A list of channel operations. * Each item in this list can be either a receiver or a tuple of a sender and * the value to send. * @param {SelectOptions<T> | Omit<SelectOptions<T>, "default">} options * The options for `select`. * *Note: `undefined` is considered a valid value for `default`, so if you * want to wait for one of the operations, omit `default` from the options * struct.* * * @return {Promise<[T, Receiver<T>] | [true, Sender<T>] | [TDefault, undefined]>} * If default is provided and no operation was ready, then the tuple * `[default, undefined]` is returned. * * If a `get` operation is completed, then the tuple `[T, Receiver<T>]` * is returned (where `T` is the value received, and `Receiver<T>` is the * receiver channel that returned it). * * If a `send` operation is completed, then the tuple `[true, Sender<T>]` is * returned (where `Sender<T>` is the sender channel that we sent the value * with). */export async function select<T, TDefault = never>( ops: SelectOperation<T>[], options?: | SelectOptions<TDefault> | Omit<SelectOptions<TDefault>, "default">,): Promise<SelectResult<T, TDefault>> { if (ops.length < 1) { throw new TypeError("cannot perform select on less than 1 operation"); } const abortCtrl = options?.abortCtrl || new AbortController(); const selectPromises: Promise<void | T | undefined>[] = => { if (isReceiver(item)) { return item.get(abortCtrl).then(([val]) => val); } return item[0].send(item[1], abortCtrl); });
if (options && "default" in options) { sleep(0).then(() => abortCtrl.abort()); }
const results = await Promise.allSettled([...selectPromises]);
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { const item = ops[i]; const result = results[i]; if (result.status === "rejected") continue;
if (item instanceof Channel) { return [result.value as T, item]; }
if (Array.isArray(item)) { return [true, item[0]]; } }
if (options && "default" in options) { return [options.default, undefined]; }
throw new UnreachableError();}