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Add a notification for insecure versions of your modules.

This is an attempt to bring some of the features of npm audit to Deno.

nest badge


You need to create a JSON database that uses this schema.


  "$schema": "",
  "versions": [
      "tag": "1.2",
      "patch": "1.2.1",
      "note": "https://link/to/the/nocice"
      "tag": "2.6",
      "patch": "2.6.5",
      "note": "This version is vulnerable to XXS"
      "tag": "4.6",
      "patch": "4.6.1",
      "note": "Vulnerability notice"

Then import the audit() function in your module and pass in the required arguments


  1. Your module name
  2. Audit database. (a json file with the list if depricated and insecure versions of you module name)
  3. Current module version


import audit from "";

await audit("testModule", "", "2.6");

// your module code

Do not use a fixed version of the database if you are using git. Use the database directly from the master branch if this is the case.


To run an audit on your application, add --audit flag to your application. This would notify you if you are using an insecure version of any of your dependencies.

NOTE: This will only work for modules which use this module to mark their modules.


This software is distributed under MIT License