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method AuthorizationRequestBaseHandler.prototype.authorizationIssue
import { AuthorizationRequestBaseHandler } from "";

Call Authlete /api/auth/authorization/issue API and generate an instance of Deno's standard Response class (defined in according to the value of the action parameter in the response from the API.


ticket: string

An ticket issued by Authlete /auth/authorization API.

subject: string

The subject (= unique identifier) of the end-user.

authTime: number

The time at which the end-user was authenticated. The value should be seconds since the Unix epoch (1970-Jan-1).

acr: string | null

The Authentication Context Class Reference performed for the end-user authentication.

sub: string | null

The value of the "sub" claim which is embedded in an ID token. If this argument is null, the value of 'subject' will be used instead.

claims: { [key: string]: any; } | null

The claims about the end-user.

properties: Property[] | null

Arbitrary properties to be associated with an access token and/or an authorization code.

scopes: string[] | null

Scopes to be associated with an access token and/or an authorization code.