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method AccessTokenValidator.prototype.validate
import { AccessTokenValidator } from "";

Validate an access token.

On entry, as the first step, the implementation of this method resets the following properties to false or undefined.

  • isValid
  • introspectionResult
  • introspectionError
  • errorResponse

Then, this method internally calls Authlete /api/auth/introspection API to get information about the access token.

If the API call failed, the exception thrown by the API call is set to the introspectionError property and an error response (500 Internal Server Error) that should be returned to the client application is set to the errorResponse property. Then, this method sets false to the isValid property and returns false.

If the API call succeeded, the response from the API is set to the introspectionResult property. Then, the implementation of this method checks the value of the action parameter in the response from the API.

If the value of the action parameter is OK, this method sets true to the isValid property and returns true.

If the value of the action parameter is not OK, this method builds an error response that should be returned to the client application and sets it to the errorResponse property. Then, this method sets false to the isValid property and returns false.


accessToken: string

An access token to be validated.

requiredScopes: string[]

Scopes that the access token should have. If a non-empty value is given to this parameter, the implementation of Authlete /api/auth/introspection API checks whether the access token covers all the required scopes.

requiredSubject: string

Subject (= unique identifier of an end-user) that the access token should be associated with. If a non-empty value is given to this parameter, the implementation of Authlete /api/auth/introspection API checks whether the access token is associated with the required subject.