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enum PushedAuthReqResponse.Action
import { PushedAuthReqResponse } from "";
const { Action } = PushedAuthReqResponse;

The next action that the service implementation should take.



The request is invalid. The pushed authorization request endpoint should return 400 Bad Request to the client application.


The pushed authorization request has been registered successfully. The endpoint should return 201 Created to the client application.


The client application is not allowed to use the pushed authorization request endpoint. The endpoint should return 403 Forbidden to the client application.


The API call was wrong or an error occurred on Authlete side. The pushed authorization request endpoint should return 500 Internal Server Error to the client application. However, it is up to the authorization server's policy whether to return 500 actually.


The size of the pushed authorization request is too large. The endpoint should return 413 Payload Too Large to the client application.


The client authentication at the pushed authorization request endpoint failed. The endpoint should return 401 Unauthorized to the client application.