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A JSON-like data structure (a CRDT) that can be modified concurrently by different users, and merged again automatically.
function next.change
import { next } from "";
const { change } = next;

Update the contents of an automerge document


A simple change

let doc1 = automerge.init()
doc1 = automerge.change(doc1, d => {
    d.key = "value"
assert.equal(doc1.key, "value")

A change with a message

doc1 = automerge.change(doc1, "add another value", d => {
    d.key2 = "value2"

A change with a message and a timestamp

doc1 = automerge.change(doc1, {message: "add another value", time: 1640995200}, d => {
    d.key2 = "value2"

responding to a patch callback

let patchedPath
let patchCallback = patch => {
   patchedPath = patch.path
doc1 = automerge.change(doc1, {message: "add another value", time: 1640995200, patchCallback}, d => {
    d.key2 = "value2"
assert.equal(patchedPath, ["key2"])


doc: Doc<T>
  • The document to update
options: string | ChangeOptions<T> | ChangeFn<T>
callback: ChangeFn<T>
  • A ChangeFn to be used if options was a string

Note that if the second argument is a function it will be used as the ChangeFn regardless of what the third argument is.