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From-scratch Typescript client for accessing AWS APIs
Extremely Popular
/** The AWS credentials to use for signing. */export interface Credentials { awsAccessKeyId: string; awsSecretKey: string; sessionToken?: string; expiresAt?: Date; region?: string;}export interface CredentialsProvider { getCredentials(): Promise<Credentials>;}
/** Generic AWS Signer interface */export interface Signer { sign: (service: string, request: Request) => Promise<Request>;}
export interface EndpointParameters { apiMetadata: ApiMetadata; region: string; hostPrefix?: string; requestPath: string;}export interface ResolvedEndpoint { url: URL; partition?: string; signingRegion: string;}export interface EndpointResolver { resolveUrl: (parameters: EndpointParameters) => ResolvedEndpoint;}
/** Request options that are provided by the original caller */export interface RequestOptions { /** An `AbortSignal` object instance; allows you to communicate with an AWS request and abort it if desired via an `AbortController`. */ signal?: AbortSignal;}
/** The HTTP contract expected by all service API implementations */export interface ApiRequestConfig { // fixed per operation action: string; method?: "POST" | "GET" | "HEAD" | "DELETE" | "PUT" | "PATCH"; requestUri?: string; responseCode?: number; hostPrefix?: string; // dynamic per call region?: string; headers?: Headers; query?: URLSearchParams; body?: URLSearchParams | JSONObject | Uint8Array | string | null; /** @deprecated Instead use authType: 'anonymous' */ skipSigning?: true; // for unauthenticated APIs (STS, cognito) authType?: 'anonymous' | 'unsigned-payload'; // extra stuff from the user opts?: RequestOptions;}
export function getRequestId(headers: Headers) { return headers.get('x-amzn-requestid') ?? headers.get('x-amz-request-id');}
// Things that JSON can handle directlyexport type JSONPrimitive = string | number | boolean | null | undefined;export type JSONValue = JSONPrimitive | JSONObject | JSONArray;export type JSONObject = { [member: string]: JSONValue };export type JSONArray = JSONValue[];
export interface ApiFactory { buildServiceClient(apiMetadata: ApiMetadata, extras?: ServiceClientExtras): ServiceClient; makeNew<T>(apiConstructor: ServiceApiClass<T>): T;}export interface ServiceClient { performRequest(request: ApiRequestConfig): Promise<Response>;}export interface ServiceApiClass<T> { new (apiFactory: ApiFactory): T;}
/** Internal configuration to control a service's ApiClient behavior.*/export interface ServiceClientExtras { /** Pre-signing hook for basic tasks like tweaking request headers. */ mutateRequest?: (request: Request) => Request | Promise<Request>; // /** Called after a response is returned. */ // mutateResponse?: (response: Response, request: Request) => Response | Promise<Response>; /** Called just before a request is sent. Useful for logging. */ // beforeFetch?: (request: Request) => void | Promise<void>; /** Called after a response is returned. Useful for logging. */ afterFetch?: (response: Response, request: Request) => void | Promise<void>; // /** Provides a Response without hitting network. Useful for mocking. */ // injectResponse?: (request: Request) => Response | Promise<Response>;}
// our understanding of how APIs can describe themselvesexport interface ApiMetadata { "apiVersion": string; "checksumFormat"?: "md5" | "sha256"; "endpointPrefix": string; "jsonVersion"?: "1.0" | "1.1", "globalEndpoint"?: string; "protocol": "rest-xml" | "query" | "ec2" | "json" | "rest-json"; "protocolSettings"?: { "h2": "eventstream"; // only for kinesis }; "serviceAbbreviation"?: string; "serviceFullName": string; "serviceId": string; "signatureVersion": "v2" | "v4" | "s3" | "s3v4"; "signingName"?: string; "targetPrefix"?: string; "uid"?: string; "xmlNamespace"?: string;};

// how universal is this structure?export type ServiceError = { "Code": string; "Message"?: string | null; "Type"?: "Sender" | string; [key: string]: string | number | null | undefined;}
export class AwsServiceError extends Error { origResponse: Response; code: string; shortCode: string; errorType: string; requestId: string; internal: ServiceError;
constructor(resp: Response, code: string, error: ServiceError, requestId?: string | null) { requestId = requestId ?? "MISSING REQUEST ID"; const shortCode = code.split(':')[0].split('#').slice(-1)[0]; const typePart = error.Type ? `Type: ${error.Type}, ` : ''; super(`${shortCode}: ${error.Message ||} [${typePart}Request ID: ${requestId}]`);
this.origResponse = resp; this.code = code; this.shortCode = shortCode; this.errorType = error.Type ?? 'Unknown'; this.requestId = requestId; this.internal = error; =; if (Error.captureStackTrace) { Error.captureStackTrace(this,; } }
get originalMessage() { return this.internal.Message; }}
///////////////////////////////////////////////// SHA-256 routines powered by Subtle Crypto
const hmacSha256Alg = { name: 'HMAC', hash: { name: 'SHA-256' } };const encoder = new TextEncoder();
/** Generate SHA-256 hash of a string with an HMAC byte-buffer key */export async function hmacSha256(key: Uint8Array, body: string) { const cryptoKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', key, hmacSha256Alg, false, ['sign']); const buffer = await crypto.subtle.sign('HMAC', cryptoKey, encoder.encode(body)); return new Uint8Array(buffer);}
/** Generate SHA-256 hash of a byte-buffer */export async function hashSha256(content: Uint8Array) { const buffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', content); return new Uint8Array(buffer);}
/** Return a hex representation of a byte-buffer */export function bytesAsHex(buffer: Uint8Array) { return [...buffer].map(x => x.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('');}