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// apparently based on segmentio xml parser// this is a really bad parser though, TBH
export function readXmlResult(text: string, resultWrapper?: string): XmlNode { const doc = parseXml(text); if (!doc.root) { console.log('Non-XML text:', text); throw new Error(`Response lacking XML root`); }
if (resultWrapper) { const result = doc.root.first(resultWrapper); if (!result) throw new Error(`Result Wrapper ${JSON.stringify(resultWrapper)} is missing. Present keys: ${ =>', ')}`); return result; } return doc.root;}
export interface Document { declaration: XmlDeclaration | null; root: XmlNode | null;}export interface XmlDeclaration { attributes: {[key: string]: string};}export class XmlNode implements Node { name: string; attributes: {[key: string]: string} = {}; content?: string; children: XmlNode[] = []; constructor(name: string) { = name; }
first(name: string, required: true): XmlNode; first<T>(name: string, required: true, accessor: (node: XmlNode) => T | undefined): T; first(name: string, required?: false): XmlNode | undefined; first<T>(name: string, required: false, accessor: (node: XmlNode) => T): T | undefined;
first<T>(name: string, required = false, accessor?: (node: XmlNode) => T): XmlNode | T | undefined { const node = this.children.find(x => === name); if (!node && required) { this.throwMissingKeys([name]); } else if (accessor) { if (node) { const value = accessor(node); if (value != undefined) return value; } if (required) this.throwMissingKeys([name]); } else { return node; } }
getList(...names: string[]): XmlNode[] { // you can just map this let listParent: XmlNode | undefined = this; while (names.length > 1) { listParent = listParent?.first(names.shift() ?? ''); } return listParent?.children.filter(x => === names[0]) ?? []; }
strings< R extends {[key: string]: true}, O extends {[key: string]: true}, >(opts: { required?: R, optional?: O, }): { [key in keyof R]: string } & { [key in keyof O]: string | undefined } { const required: Array<keyof R> = Object.keys(opts.required ?? {}); const optional: Array<keyof O> = Object.keys(opts.optional ?? {}); type T = keyof R | keyof O;
const obj = Object.create(null); const missing = new Set(required); const strings: Set<T> = new Set(new Array<keyof O|keyof R>().concat(required, optional)); for (const child of this.children) { if (strings.has( { obj[ as T] = child.content ?? ''; missing.delete(; } } if (missing.size > 0) this.throwMissingKeys(missing); return obj; }
throwMissingKeys(missingKeys: Iterable<string|number|symbol>): never { throw new Error(`BUG: XmlNode ${JSON.stringify( } missing required keys ${JSON.stringify(Array.from(missingKeys)) } - had keys ${JSON.stringify(Array.from(new Set( =>}`); }}
/** * Parse the given string of `xml`. * * @param {String} xml * @return {Object} * @api public */
export function parseXml(xml: string, inline = false): Document { xml = xml.trim();
// strip comments xml = xml.replace(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g, '');
return { declaration: declaration(), root: tag(), };
/** Declaration. */ function declaration(): XmlDeclaration | null { var m = match(/^<\?xml\s*/); if (!m) return null;
// tag var node: XmlDeclaration = { attributes: {}, };
// attributes while (!(eos() || is('?>'))) { var attr = attribute(); if (!attr) return node; node.attributes[] = attr.value; }
return node; }
/** Tag. */ function tag(): XmlNode | null { var m = match(/^<([\w-:.]+)\s*/); if (!m) return null;
// name var node = new XmlNode(m[1]);
// attributes while (!(eos() || is('>') || is('?>') || is('/>'))) { var attr = attribute(); if (!attr) return node; node.attributes[] = attr.value; }
if (inline) { // self closing tag if (match(/^\s*\/>/)) { return node; }
const first = content(); if (first) { const textNode = new XmlNode(''); textNode.content = first; node.children.push(textNode); }
let any: boolean; do { any = false;
const text = content(); if (text) { const textNode = new XmlNode(''); textNode.content = text; node.children.push(textNode); any = true; }
var child; while ((child = tag())) { node.children.push(child); any = true; } } while (any);
// closing match(/^<\/[\w-:.]+>/);
} else { // self closing tag if (match(/^\s*\/>\s*/)) { return node; }
// content node.content = content();
// children var child; while ((child = tag())) { node.children.push(child); }
// closing match(/^<\/[\w-:.]+>\s*/); }
return node; }
/** Text content. */ function content() { var m = match(/^([^<]*)/); if (m) return decodeXmlEntities(m[1]); return ''; }
/** Attribute. */ function attribute() { var m = match(/([\w:-]+)\s*=\s*("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|\w+)\s*/); if (!m) return; return { name: m[1], value: strip(m[2]) }; }
/** Strip quotes from `val`. */ function strip(val: string) { return val.replace(/^['"]|['"]$/g, ''); }
/** Match `re` and advance the string. */ function match(re: RegExp) { var m = xml.match(re); if (!m) return; xml = xml.slice(m[0].length); return m; }
/** End-of-source. */ function eos() { return 0 == xml.length; }
/** Check for `prefix`. */ function is(prefix: string) { return xml.startsWith(prefix); }}

// XML entity code is based on /x/html_entities://
const ALPHA_INDEX: Record<string,string> = { "&lt;": "<", "&gt;": ">", "&quot;": '"', "&apos;": "'", "&amp;": "&",};const CHAR_S_INDEX: Record<string,string> = { "<": "&lt;", ">": "&gt;", '"': "&quot;", "'": "&apos;", "&": "&amp;",};
export function encodeXmlEntities(str: string) { return str.replace(/<|>|"|'|&/g, function(s) { return CHAR_S_INDEX[s]; });}
export function decodeXmlEntities(str: string) { return str.replace(/&#?[0-9a-zA-Z]+;?/g, function(s) { if (s.charAt(1) === "#") { const code = s.charAt(2).toLowerCase() === "x" ? parseInt(s.substr(3), 16) : parseInt(s.substr(2));
if (isNaN(code) || code < -32768 || code > 65535) { return ""; } return String.fromCharCode(code); } return ALPHA_INDEX[s] || s; });}
export function readXmlMap<K extends string,T>(entries: XmlNode[], valMapper: (node: XmlNode) => T, {keyName='key', valName='value'}: {keyName?: string, valName?: string}): Record<K, T> { const obj: Record<K, T> = Object.create(null); for (const entry of entries) { obj[entry.first(keyName, true, x => (x.content ?? '') as K)] = entry.first(valName, true, valMapper); } return obj;}
export function emitMap<K extends string,V>(obj: Record<K,V> | null | undefined, entryName: string, keyName: string, valEncoder: (val: V) => Node): Partial<Node> { if (obj == null) return {}; if (typeof obj !== 'object') throw new Error(`emitMap got type ${typeof obj}`); const pairs = new Array<Node>(); for (const [key, val] of Object.entries<V>(obj)) { pairs.push({name: entryName, children: [ {name: keyName, content: key}, valEncoder(val), ]}); } return {children: pairs};}
export function parseTimestamp(str: string | undefined): Date { if (str?.includes('T')) return new Date(str); if (str?.length === 10) return new Date(parseInt(str) * 1000) throw new Error(`Timestamp from server is unparsable: '${str}'`);}

export interface Node { name: string; attributes?: {[key: string]: string | undefined}; content?: string | null; children?: Node[];}
export function stringify(root: Node): string { const attrs = root.attributes ? Object.entries(root.attributes) .filter(x => x[1] !== undefined) .map(x => ` ${x[0]}="${encodeXmlEntities(x[1]!)}"`) .join('') : '';
if (root.children && !root.content) { const contents = => stringify(x)).filter(x => x); if (contents.length < 1) { // if (!attrs) return ''; return `<${}${attrs} />`; } return `<${}${attrs}>${contents.join('')}</${}>`;
} else { const contents = root.content !== undefined ? [encodeXmlEntities(root.content ?? '')] : [];
if (contents.length < 1) { if (!attrs) return ''; return `<${}${attrs} />`; } return `<${}${attrs}>${contents.join('')}</${}>`; }}