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From-scratch Typescript client for accessing AWS APIs
Extremely Popular
#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-env --allow-read=${HOME}/.aws --allow-net
// Running this script can cost money!// It also terminates EC2 instances from your region!!// (Hopefully only instances that it launched :)// Please check that all instances are cleaned up after you're doneconst ThisScriptUrl = ``;
import { ApiFactory } from '../client/mod.ts';import { EC2, Instance } from ',DescribeInstances,DescribeAvailabilityZones,DescribeVpcs,DescribeSubnets,DescribeImages,TerminateInstances,GetConsoleOutput';
const ec2 = new ApiFactory().makeNew(EC2);
// List at most 25 running EC2 instances in the region// This uses a .then() pattern to process the results before assigning any variableconsole.log('Checking that the EC2 account is acceptable...');const activeInstances = await ec2 .describeInstances({ MaxResults: 25 }) .then(resp => resp.Reservations .flatMap(x => x.Instances ?? []) .filter(x => x.State?.Name !== 'terminated'));
// Allow checking for / terminating instances that we left laying around previouslyif (Deno.args.includes('--cleanup')) { await performCleanup(activeInstances); Deno.exit(0);}
// Cowardly refuse to run in accounts with a bunch of stuff going onif (activeInstances.length > 5) throw new Error( `This AWS account has multiple other instances running, so I'm leaving it alone.`);
// Pick an AZ from what's availableconst {AvailabilityZones} = await ec2.describeAvailabilityZones();const firstZone = Deno.env.get('AWS_EC2_ZONE') ?? AvailabilityZones[0]?.ZoneName;if (!firstZone) throw new Error( `I couldn't find an availability zone in this account. Weird.`);console.log('Using AZ', firstZone, '- to use a different zone, export AWS_EC2_ZONE=[...]');
// Find the default VPC// This will fail if you deleted yours, but most casual users won'tconst {Vpcs} = await ec2.describeVpcs({ Filters: [ { Name: 'isDefault', Values: ['true'] }, ],});const defaultVpc = Vpcs[0];if (!defaultVpc?.VpcId) throw new Error( `I couldn't find the default VPC in this account. Weird.`);console.log('Using VPC', defaultVpc.VpcId);
// Find the default subnet in that VPC for the AZ we pickedconst {Subnets} = await ec2.describeSubnets({ Filters: [ { Name: 'default-for-az', Values: ['true'] }, { Name: 'vpc-id', Values: [defaultVpc.VpcId] }, { Name: 'availability-zone', Values: [firstZone] }, ],});const defaultSubnet = Subnets[0];if (!defaultSubnet?.SubnetId) throw new Error( `I couldn't find the default Subnet for ${firstZone} in this VPC. Weird.`);console.log('Using Subnet', defaultSubnet.SubnetId);
// Look for an Amazon Linux 2 AMI for arm64const {Images} = await ec2.describeImages({ Owners: ['099720109477'], Filters: [ { Name: 'architecture', Values: ['arm64'] }, { Name: 'state', Values: ['available'] }, { Name: 'virtualization-type', Values: ['hvm'] }, { Name: 'name', Values: ['ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-groovy-20.10-*'] }, ],});// sort newest -> oldestImages?.sort((a, b) => (b.CreationDate ?? '').localeCompare(a.CreationDate ?? ''));const amznImage = Images[0];if (!amznImage?.ImageId) throw new Error( `I couldn't find an Amazon2 AMI in this region. Weird.`);console.log('Using AMI', amznImage.ImageId, '-', amznImage.Name);

// LAUNCH an ec2 instanceconst {Instances: [instance]} = await ec2.runInstances({ InstanceType: "t4g.nano", ImageId: amznImage.ImageId, NetworkInterfaces: [{ DeviceIndex: 0, AssociatePublicIpAddress: true, SubnetId: defaultSubnet.SubnetId, }], TagSpecifications: [{ ResourceType: "instance", Tags: [ { Key: "Name", Value: "deno aws_api example" }, { Key: "DenoExample", Value: ThisScriptUrl }, ], }], MinCount: 1, MaxCount: 1, UserData: btoa(`#!/bin/bash -eux curl -s ''|sed 's/^/- /' `),});if (!instance.InstanceId) throw new Error( `I couldn't launch an EC2 instance. Weird.`);console.log('Launched instance:', instance.InstanceId);

// From here we are done accumulating data and can just run through steps// so below here is just a series of blocks
{ // Wait for 'Ready' const {Reservations: [res]} = await ec2.waitForInstanceRunning({ InstanceIds: [instance.InstanceId], }); console.log('Instance state is now', res?.Instances[0]?.State);}
{ // Wait ages for console output console.log('Waiting for system log to appear... this takes 10 minutes'); const {Output} = await ec2.waitForConsoleOutputAvailable({ InstanceId: instance.InstanceId, }); // Look for and print our specific part of cloud-init const outputLines = atob(Output ?? '').split('\n'); const firstRelevantLine = outputLines.findIndex(x => x.includes(`running 'modules:config'`)); console.log('Console output:'); for (const line of outputLines.slice(firstRelevantLine)) { if (line.includes('cloud-init')) console.log(' |', line); }}
{ // Terminate the instance const {TerminatingInstances} = await ec2.terminateInstances({ InstanceIds: [instance.InstanceId], }); console.log('Terminated:', TerminatingInstances[0]);}
{ // Wait for 'Terminated' const {Reservations: [res]} = await ec2.waitForInstanceTerminated({ InstanceIds: [instance.InstanceId], }); console.log('Instance state is now', res?.Instances[0]?.State);}
console.log('All done! Bye');

// Helper function to clean up existing instances
async function performCleanup(activeInstances: Instance[]) { const ourInstances = activeInstances.filter(x => x.Tags .some(y => y.Key === 'DenoExample' && y.Value === ThisScriptUrl)); if (ourInstances.length == 0) { console.log(`I didn't find any instances to clean up.`); return; } console.log('I found', ourInstances.length, 'instances', 'laying around that look like I made them!'); for (const instance of ourInstances) { console.log(' -', instance.InstanceId, instance.Tags); } await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 2500)); console.log('Terminating...'); const {TerminatingInstances} = await ec2.terminateInstances({ InstanceIds: => x.InstanceId ?? ''), }); console.log('Terminated:', TerminatingInstances);}