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From-scratch Typescript client for accessing AWS APIs
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-env --allow-read=${HOME}/.aws --allow-net
import { ApiFactory } from '../client/mod.ts';import { Kinesis } from '../services/kinesis/mod.ts';
const kinesis = new ApiFactory().makeNew(Kinesis);const StreamName = 'deno-aws-test';
// Provision a single-shard streamawait kinesis.createStream({ StreamName, ShardCount: 1 });await kinesis.waitForStreamExists({ StreamName });
// Stuff a little bit of data into it// The partition key values have no ordering impact here// because we created a single-shard stream.await kinesis.putRecords({ StreamName, Records: [ { PartitionKey: 'hi', Data: 'this is record #1' }, { PartitionKey: 'hey', Data: 'this is record #2' }, { PartitionKey: 'hi', Data: 'this is record #3' },]});await kinesis.putRecords({ StreamName, Records: [ { PartitionKey: 'hi', Data: 'this is record #4' }, { PartitionKey: 'hey', Data: 'this is record #5' },]});
// Get the shard list to find our data// If you have multiple shards this whole procedure becomes really complicated!// The official "Kinesis Consumer Library" has complex logic to handle shardsconst {Shards} = await kinesis.listShards({ StreamName });
// Get a pointer to the very beginning of this shardconst {ShardIterator} = await kinesis.getShardIterator({ StreamName, ShardId: Shards![0].ShardId, ShardIteratorType: "TRIM_HORIZON",});
// Get a batch of our records and print themconst {Records, MillisBehindLatest} = await kinesis.getRecords({ ShardIterator: ShardIterator!,});console.log('Received records:');for (const record of Records) { console.log(record.SequenceNumber, new TextDecoder().decode(record.Data));}console.log('Reportedly', MillisBehindLatest, 'milliseconds behind the latest record');
// Clean upawait kinesis.deleteStream({ StreamName });await kinesis.waitForStreamNotExists({ StreamName });