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From-scratch Typescript client for accessing AWS APIs
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// Autogenerated API client for: Amazon EC2 Container Registry
export * from "./structs.ts";import * as Base64 from "";import * as client from "../../client/common.ts";import * as cmnP from "../../encoding/common.ts";import * as jsonP from "../../encoding/json.ts";import type * as s from "./structs.ts";function serializeBlob(input: string | Uint8Array | null | undefined) { if (input == null) return input; return Base64.encode(input);}
export class ECR { #client: client.ServiceClient; constructor(apiFactory: client.ApiFactory) { this.#client = apiFactory.buildServiceClient(ECR.ApiMetadata); }
static ApiMetadata: client.ApiMetadata = { "apiVersion": "2015-09-21", "endpointPrefix": "api.ecr", "jsonVersion": "1.1", "protocol": "json", "serviceAbbreviation": "Amazon ECR", "serviceFullName": "Amazon EC2 Container Registry", "serviceId": "ECR", "signatureVersion": "v4", "signingName": "ecr", "targetPrefix": "AmazonEC2ContainerRegistry_V20150921", "uid": "ecr-2015-09-21" };
async batchCheckLayerAvailability( params: s.BatchCheckLayerAvailabilityRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.BatchCheckLayerAvailabilityResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], layerDigests: params["layerDigests"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "BatchCheckLayerAvailability", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "layers": [toLayer], "failures": [toLayerFailure], }, }, await resp.json()); }
async batchDeleteImage( params: s.BatchDeleteImageRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.BatchDeleteImageResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], imageIds: params["imageIds"]?.map(x => fromImageIdentifier(x)), }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "BatchDeleteImage", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "imageIds": [toImageIdentifier], "failures": [toImageFailure], }, }, await resp.json()); }
async batchGetImage( params: s.BatchGetImageRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.BatchGetImageResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], imageIds: params["imageIds"]?.map(x => fromImageIdentifier(x)), acceptedMediaTypes: params["acceptedMediaTypes"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "BatchGetImage", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "images": [toImage], "failures": [toImageFailure], }, }, await resp.json()); }
async batchGetRepositoryScanningConfiguration( params: s.BatchGetRepositoryScanningConfigurationRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.BatchGetRepositoryScanningConfigurationResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { repositoryNames: params["repositoryNames"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "BatchGetRepositoryScanningConfiguration", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "scanningConfigurations": [toRepositoryScanningConfiguration], "failures": [toRepositoryScanningConfigurationFailure], }, }, await resp.json()); }
async completeLayerUpload( params: s.CompleteLayerUploadRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.CompleteLayerUploadResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], uploadId: params["uploadId"], layerDigests: params["layerDigests"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "CompleteLayerUpload", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "repositoryName": "s", "uploadId": "s", "layerDigest": "s", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async createPullThroughCacheRule( params: s.CreatePullThroughCacheRuleRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.CreatePullThroughCacheRuleResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { ecrRepositoryPrefix: params["ecrRepositoryPrefix"], upstreamRegistryUrl: params["upstreamRegistryUrl"], registryId: params["registryId"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "CreatePullThroughCacheRule", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "ecrRepositoryPrefix": "s", "upstreamRegistryUrl": "s", "createdAt": "d", "registryId": "s", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async createRepository( params: s.CreateRepositoryRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.CreateRepositoryResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], tags: params["tags"]?.map(x => fromTag(x)), imageTagMutability: params["imageTagMutability"], imageScanningConfiguration: fromImageScanningConfiguration(params["imageScanningConfiguration"]), encryptionConfiguration: fromEncryptionConfiguration(params["encryptionConfiguration"]), }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "CreateRepository", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "repository": toRepository, }, }, await resp.json()); }
async deleteLifecyclePolicy( params: s.DeleteLifecyclePolicyRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.DeleteLifecyclePolicyResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "DeleteLifecyclePolicy", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "repositoryName": "s", "lifecyclePolicyText": "s", "lastEvaluatedAt": "d", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async deletePullThroughCacheRule( params: s.DeletePullThroughCacheRuleRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.DeletePullThroughCacheRuleResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { ecrRepositoryPrefix: params["ecrRepositoryPrefix"], registryId: params["registryId"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "DeletePullThroughCacheRule", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "ecrRepositoryPrefix": "s", "upstreamRegistryUrl": "s", "createdAt": "d", "registryId": "s", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async deleteRegistryPolicy( opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.DeleteRegistryPolicyResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = {}; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "DeleteRegistryPolicy", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "policyText": "s", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async deleteRepository( params: s.DeleteRepositoryRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.DeleteRepositoryResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], force: params["force"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "DeleteRepository", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "repository": toRepository, }, }, await resp.json()); }
async deleteRepositoryPolicy( params: s.DeleteRepositoryPolicyRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.DeleteRepositoryPolicyResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "DeleteRepositoryPolicy", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "repositoryName": "s", "policyText": "s", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async describeImageReplicationStatus( params: s.DescribeImageReplicationStatusRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.DescribeImageReplicationStatusResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], imageId: fromImageIdentifier(params["imageId"]), registryId: params["registryId"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "DescribeImageReplicationStatus", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "repositoryName": "s", "imageId": toImageIdentifier, "replicationStatuses": [toImageReplicationStatus], }, }, await resp.json()); }
async describeImageScanFindings( params: s.DescribeImageScanFindingsRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.DescribeImageScanFindingsResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], imageId: fromImageIdentifier(params["imageId"]), nextToken: params["nextToken"], maxResults: params["maxResults"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "DescribeImageScanFindings", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "repositoryName": "s", "imageId": toImageIdentifier, "imageScanStatus": toImageScanStatus, "imageScanFindings": toImageScanFindings, "nextToken": "s", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async describeImages( params: s.DescribeImagesRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.DescribeImagesResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], imageIds: params["imageIds"]?.map(x => fromImageIdentifier(x)), nextToken: params["nextToken"], maxResults: params["maxResults"], filter: fromDescribeImagesFilter(params["filter"]), }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "DescribeImages", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "imageDetails": [toImageDetail], "nextToken": "s", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async describePullThroughCacheRules( params: s.DescribePullThroughCacheRulesRequest = {}, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.DescribePullThroughCacheRulesResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], ecrRepositoryPrefixes: params["ecrRepositoryPrefixes"], nextToken: params["nextToken"], maxResults: params["maxResults"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "DescribePullThroughCacheRules", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "pullThroughCacheRules": [toPullThroughCacheRule], "nextToken": "s", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async describeRegistry( opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.DescribeRegistryResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = {}; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "DescribeRegistry", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "replicationConfiguration": toReplicationConfiguration, }, }, await resp.json()); }
async describeRepositories( params: s.DescribeRepositoriesRequest = {}, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.DescribeRepositoriesResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryNames: params["repositoryNames"], nextToken: params["nextToken"], maxResults: params["maxResults"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "DescribeRepositories", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "repositories": [toRepository], "nextToken": "s", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async getAuthorizationToken( params: s.GetAuthorizationTokenRequest = {}, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.GetAuthorizationTokenResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryIds: params["registryIds"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "GetAuthorizationToken", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "authorizationData": [toAuthorizationData], }, }, await resp.json()); }
async getDownloadUrlForLayer( params: s.GetDownloadUrlForLayerRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.GetDownloadUrlForLayerResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], layerDigest: params["layerDigest"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "GetDownloadUrlForLayer", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "downloadUrl": "s", "layerDigest": "s", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async getLifecyclePolicy( params: s.GetLifecyclePolicyRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.GetLifecyclePolicyResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "GetLifecyclePolicy", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "repositoryName": "s", "lifecyclePolicyText": "s", "lastEvaluatedAt": "d", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async getLifecyclePolicyPreview( params: s.GetLifecyclePolicyPreviewRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.GetLifecyclePolicyPreviewResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], imageIds: params["imageIds"]?.map(x => fromImageIdentifier(x)), nextToken: params["nextToken"], maxResults: params["maxResults"], filter: fromLifecyclePolicyPreviewFilter(params["filter"]), }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "GetLifecyclePolicyPreview", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "repositoryName": "s", "lifecyclePolicyText": "s", "status": (x: jsonP.JSONValue) => cmnP.readEnum<s.LifecyclePolicyPreviewStatus>(x), "nextToken": "s", "previewResults": [toLifecyclePolicyPreviewResult], "summary": toLifecyclePolicyPreviewSummary, }, }, await resp.json()); }
async getRegistryPolicy( opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.GetRegistryPolicyResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = {}; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "GetRegistryPolicy", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "policyText": "s", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async getRegistryScanningConfiguration( opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.GetRegistryScanningConfigurationResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = {}; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "GetRegistryScanningConfiguration", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "scanningConfiguration": toRegistryScanningConfiguration, }, }, await resp.json()); }
async getRepositoryPolicy( params: s.GetRepositoryPolicyRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.GetRepositoryPolicyResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "GetRepositoryPolicy", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "repositoryName": "s", "policyText": "s", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async initiateLayerUpload( params: s.InitiateLayerUploadRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.InitiateLayerUploadResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "InitiateLayerUpload", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "uploadId": "s", "partSize": "n", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async listImages( params: s.ListImagesRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.ListImagesResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], nextToken: params["nextToken"], maxResults: params["maxResults"], filter: fromListImagesFilter(params["filter"]), }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "ListImages", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "imageIds": [toImageIdentifier], "nextToken": "s", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async listTagsForResource( params: s.ListTagsForResourceRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.ListTagsForResourceResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { resourceArn: params["resourceArn"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "ListTagsForResource", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "tags": [toTag], }, }, await resp.json()); }
async putImage( params: s.PutImageRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.PutImageResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], imageManifest: params["imageManifest"], imageManifestMediaType: params["imageManifestMediaType"], imageTag: params["imageTag"], imageDigest: params["imageDigest"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "PutImage", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "image": toImage, }, }, await resp.json()); }
async putImageScanningConfiguration( params: s.PutImageScanningConfigurationRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.PutImageScanningConfigurationResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], imageScanningConfiguration: fromImageScanningConfiguration(params["imageScanningConfiguration"]), }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "PutImageScanningConfiguration", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "repositoryName": "s", "imageScanningConfiguration": toImageScanningConfiguration, }, }, await resp.json()); }
async putImageTagMutability( params: s.PutImageTagMutabilityRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.PutImageTagMutabilityResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], imageTagMutability: params["imageTagMutability"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "PutImageTagMutability", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "repositoryName": "s", "imageTagMutability": (x: jsonP.JSONValue) => cmnP.readEnum<s.ImageTagMutability>(x), }, }, await resp.json()); }
async putLifecyclePolicy( params: s.PutLifecyclePolicyRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.PutLifecyclePolicyResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], lifecyclePolicyText: params["lifecyclePolicyText"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "PutLifecyclePolicy", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "repositoryName": "s", "lifecyclePolicyText": "s", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async putRegistryPolicy( params: s.PutRegistryPolicyRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.PutRegistryPolicyResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { policyText: params["policyText"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "PutRegistryPolicy", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "policyText": "s", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async putRegistryScanningConfiguration( params: s.PutRegistryScanningConfigurationRequest = {}, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.PutRegistryScanningConfigurationResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { scanType: params["scanType"], rules: params["rules"]?.map(x => fromRegistryScanningRule(x)), }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "PutRegistryScanningConfiguration", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryScanningConfiguration": toRegistryScanningConfiguration, }, }, await resp.json()); }
async putReplicationConfiguration( params: s.PutReplicationConfigurationRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.PutReplicationConfigurationResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { replicationConfiguration: fromReplicationConfiguration(params["replicationConfiguration"]), }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "PutReplicationConfiguration", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "replicationConfiguration": toReplicationConfiguration, }, }, await resp.json()); }
async setRepositoryPolicy( params: s.SetRepositoryPolicyRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.SetRepositoryPolicyResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], policyText: params["policyText"], force: params["force"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "SetRepositoryPolicy", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "repositoryName": "s", "policyText": "s", }, }, await resp.json()); }
async startImageScan( params: s.StartImageScanRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.StartImageScanResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], imageId: fromImageIdentifier(params["imageId"]), }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "StartImageScan", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "repositoryName": "s", "imageId": toImageIdentifier, "imageScanStatus": toImageScanStatus, }, }, await resp.json()); }
async startLifecyclePolicyPreview( params: s.StartLifecyclePolicyPreviewRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.StartLifecyclePolicyPreviewResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], lifecyclePolicyText: params["lifecyclePolicyText"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "StartLifecyclePolicyPreview", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "repositoryName": "s", "lifecyclePolicyText": "s", "status": (x: jsonP.JSONValue) => cmnP.readEnum<s.LifecyclePolicyPreviewStatus>(x), }, }, await resp.json()); }
async tagResource( params: s.TagResourceRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<void> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { resourceArn: params["resourceArn"], tags: params["tags"]?.map(x => fromTag(x)), }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "TagResource", }); await resp.body?.cancel(); }
async untagResource( params: s.UntagResourceRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<void> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { resourceArn: params["resourceArn"], tagKeys: params["tagKeys"], }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "UntagResource", }); await resp.body?.cancel(); }
async uploadLayerPart( params: s.UploadLayerPartRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.UploadLayerPartResponse> { const body: jsonP.JSONObject = { registryId: params["registryId"], repositoryName: params["repositoryName"], uploadId: params["uploadId"], partFirstByte: params["partFirstByte"], partLastByte: params["partLastByte"], layerPartBlob: serializeBlob(params["layerPartBlob"]), }; const resp = await this.#client.performRequest({ opts, body, action: "UploadLayerPart", }); return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "repositoryName": "s", "uploadId": "s", "lastByteReceived": "n", }, }, await resp.json()); }
// Resource State Waiters
/** * Wait until an image scan is complete and findings can be accessed * Checks state up to 60 times, 5 seconds apart (about 5 minutes max wait time). */ async waitForImageScanComplete( params: s.DescribeImageScanFindingsRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.DescribeImageScanFindingsResponse> { const errMessage = 'ResourceNotReady: Resource is not in the state ImageScanComplete'; for (let i = 0; i < 60; i++) { const resp = await this.describeImageScanFindings(params, opts); const field = resp?.imageScanStatus?.status; if (field === "COMPLETE") return resp; if (field === "FAILED") throw new Error(errMessage); await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 5000)); } throw new Error(errMessage); }
/** * Wait until a lifecycle policy preview request is complete and results can be accessed * Checks state up to 20 times, 5 seconds apart (about 2 minutes max wait time). */ async waitForLifecyclePolicyPreviewComplete( params: s.GetLifecyclePolicyPreviewRequest, opts: client.RequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<s.GetLifecyclePolicyPreviewResponse> { const errMessage = 'ResourceNotReady: Resource is not in the state LifecyclePolicyPreviewComplete'; for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { const resp = await this.getLifecyclePolicyPreview(params, opts); const field = resp?.status; if (field === "COMPLETE") return resp; if (field === "FAILED") throw new Error(errMessage); await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 5000)); } throw new Error(errMessage); }
function fromImageIdentifier(input?: s.ImageIdentifier | null): jsonP.JSONValue { if (!input) return input; return { imageDigest: input["imageDigest"], imageTag: input["imageTag"], }}function toImageIdentifier(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.ImageIdentifier { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "imageDigest": "s", "imageTag": "s", }, }, root);}
function fromTag(input?: s.Tag | null): jsonP.JSONValue { if (!input) return input; return { Key: input["Key"], Value: input["Value"], }}function toTag(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.Tag { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "Key": "s", "Value": "s", }, }, root);}
function fromImageScanningConfiguration(input?: s.ImageScanningConfiguration | null): jsonP.JSONValue { if (!input) return input; return { scanOnPush: input["scanOnPush"], }}function toImageScanningConfiguration(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.ImageScanningConfiguration { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "scanOnPush": "b", }, }, root);}
function fromEncryptionConfiguration(input?: s.EncryptionConfiguration | null): jsonP.JSONValue { if (!input) return input; return { encryptionType: input["encryptionType"], kmsKey: input["kmsKey"], }}function toEncryptionConfiguration(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.EncryptionConfiguration { return jsonP.readObj({ required: { "encryptionType": (x: jsonP.JSONValue) => cmnP.readEnum<s.EncryptionType>(x), }, optional: { "kmsKey": "s", }, }, root);}
function fromDescribeImagesFilter(input?: s.DescribeImagesFilter | null): jsonP.JSONValue { if (!input) return input; return { tagStatus: input["tagStatus"], }}
function fromLifecyclePolicyPreviewFilter(input?: s.LifecyclePolicyPreviewFilter | null): jsonP.JSONValue { if (!input) return input; return { tagStatus: input["tagStatus"], }}
function fromListImagesFilter(input?: s.ListImagesFilter | null): jsonP.JSONValue { if (!input) return input; return { tagStatus: input["tagStatus"], }}
function fromRegistryScanningRule(input?: s.RegistryScanningRule | null): jsonP.JSONValue { if (!input) return input; return { scanFrequency: input["scanFrequency"], repositoryFilters: input["repositoryFilters"]?.map(x => fromScanningRepositoryFilter(x)), }}function toRegistryScanningRule(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.RegistryScanningRule { return jsonP.readObj({ required: { "scanFrequency": (x: jsonP.JSONValue) => cmnP.readEnum<s.ScanFrequency>(x), "repositoryFilters": [toScanningRepositoryFilter], }, optional: {}, }, root);}
function fromScanningRepositoryFilter(input?: s.ScanningRepositoryFilter | null): jsonP.JSONValue { if (!input) return input; return { filter: input["filter"], filterType: input["filterType"], }}function toScanningRepositoryFilter(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.ScanningRepositoryFilter { return jsonP.readObj({ required: { "filter": "s", "filterType": (x: jsonP.JSONValue) => cmnP.readEnum<s.ScanningRepositoryFilterType>(x), }, optional: {}, }, root);}
function fromReplicationConfiguration(input?: s.ReplicationConfiguration | null): jsonP.JSONValue { if (!input) return input; return { rules: input["rules"]?.map(x => fromReplicationRule(x)), }}function toReplicationConfiguration(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.ReplicationConfiguration { return jsonP.readObj({ required: { "rules": [toReplicationRule], }, optional: {}, }, root);}
function fromReplicationRule(input?: s.ReplicationRule | null): jsonP.JSONValue { if (!input) return input; return { destinations: input["destinations"]?.map(x => fromReplicationDestination(x)), repositoryFilters: input["repositoryFilters"]?.map(x => fromRepositoryFilter(x)), }}function toReplicationRule(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.ReplicationRule { return jsonP.readObj({ required: { "destinations": [toReplicationDestination], }, optional: { "repositoryFilters": [toRepositoryFilter], }, }, root);}
function fromReplicationDestination(input?: s.ReplicationDestination | null): jsonP.JSONValue { if (!input) return input; return { region: input["region"], registryId: input["registryId"], }}function toReplicationDestination(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.ReplicationDestination { return jsonP.readObj({ required: { "region": "s", "registryId": "s", }, optional: {}, }, root);}
function fromRepositoryFilter(input?: s.RepositoryFilter | null): jsonP.JSONValue { if (!input) return input; return { filter: input["filter"], filterType: input["filterType"], }}function toRepositoryFilter(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.RepositoryFilter { return jsonP.readObj({ required: { "filter": "s", "filterType": (x: jsonP.JSONValue) => cmnP.readEnum<s.RepositoryFilterType>(x), }, optional: {}, }, root);}
function toLayer(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.Layer { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "layerDigest": "s", "layerAvailability": (x: jsonP.JSONValue) => cmnP.readEnum<s.LayerAvailability>(x), "layerSize": "n", "mediaType": "s", }, }, root);}
function toLayerFailure(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.LayerFailure { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "layerDigest": "s", "failureCode": (x: jsonP.JSONValue) => cmnP.readEnum<s.LayerFailureCode>(x), "failureReason": "s", }, }, root);}
function toImageFailure(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.ImageFailure { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "imageId": toImageIdentifier, "failureCode": (x: jsonP.JSONValue) => cmnP.readEnum<s.ImageFailureCode>(x), "failureReason": "s", }, }, root);}
function toImage(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.Image { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "repositoryName": "s", "imageId": toImageIdentifier, "imageManifest": "s", "imageManifestMediaType": "s", }, }, root);}
function toRepositoryScanningConfiguration(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.RepositoryScanningConfiguration { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "repositoryArn": "s", "repositoryName": "s", "scanOnPush": "b", "scanFrequency": (x: jsonP.JSONValue) => cmnP.readEnum<s.ScanFrequency>(x), "appliedScanFilters": [toScanningRepositoryFilter], }, }, root);}
function toRepositoryScanningConfigurationFailure(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.RepositoryScanningConfigurationFailure { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "repositoryName": "s", "failureCode": (x: jsonP.JSONValue) => cmnP.readEnum<s.ScanningConfigurationFailureCode>(x), "failureReason": "s", }, }, root);}
function toRepository(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.Repository { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "repositoryArn": "s", "registryId": "s", "repositoryName": "s", "repositoryUri": "s", "createdAt": "d", "imageTagMutability": (x: jsonP.JSONValue) => cmnP.readEnum<s.ImageTagMutability>(x), "imageScanningConfiguration": toImageScanningConfiguration, "encryptionConfiguration": toEncryptionConfiguration, }, }, root);}
function toImageReplicationStatus(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.ImageReplicationStatus { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "region": "s", "registryId": "s", "status": (x: jsonP.JSONValue) => cmnP.readEnum<s.ReplicationStatus>(x), "failureCode": "s", }, }, root);}
function toImageScanStatus(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.ImageScanStatus { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "status": (x: jsonP.JSONValue) => cmnP.readEnum<s.ScanStatus>(x), "description": "s", }, }, root);}
function toImageScanFindings(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.ImageScanFindings { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "imageScanCompletedAt": "d", "vulnerabilitySourceUpdatedAt": "d", "findingSeverityCounts": x => jsonP.readMap(x => cmnP.readEnumReq<s.FindingSeverity>(x), Number, x), "findings": [toImageScanFinding], "enhancedFindings": [toEnhancedImageScanFinding], }, }, root);}
function toImageScanFinding(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.ImageScanFinding { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "name": "s", "description": "s", "uri": "s", "severity": (x: jsonP.JSONValue) => cmnP.readEnum<s.FindingSeverity>(x), "attributes": [toAttribute], }, }, root);}
function toAttribute(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.Attribute { return jsonP.readObj({ required: { "key": "s", }, optional: { "value": "s", }, }, root);}
function toEnhancedImageScanFinding(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.EnhancedImageScanFinding { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "awsAccountId": "s", "description": "s", "findingArn": "s", "firstObservedAt": "d", "lastObservedAt": "d", "packageVulnerabilityDetails": toPackageVulnerabilityDetails, "remediation": toRemediation, "resources": [toResource], "score": "n", "scoreDetails": toScoreDetails, "severity": "s", "status": "s", "title": "s", "type": "s", "updatedAt": "d", }, }, root);}
function toPackageVulnerabilityDetails(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.PackageVulnerabilityDetails { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "cvss": [toCvssScore], "referenceUrls": ["s"], "relatedVulnerabilities": ["s"], "source": "s", "sourceUrl": "s", "vendorCreatedAt": "d", "vendorSeverity": "s", "vendorUpdatedAt": "d", "vulnerabilityId": "s", "vulnerablePackages": [toVulnerablePackage], }, }, root);}
function toCvssScore(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.CvssScore { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "baseScore": "n", "scoringVector": "s", "source": "s", "version": "s", }, }, root);}
function toVulnerablePackage(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.VulnerablePackage { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "arch": "s", "epoch": "n", "filePath": "s", "name": "s", "packageManager": "s", "release": "s", "sourceLayerHash": "s", "version": "s", }, }, root);}
function toRemediation(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.Remediation { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "recommendation": toRecommendation, }, }, root);}
function toRecommendation(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.Recommendation { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "url": "s", "text": "s", }, }, root);}
function toResource(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.Resource { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "details": toResourceDetails, "id": "s", "tags": x => jsonP.readMap(String, String, x), "type": "s", }, }, root);}
function toResourceDetails(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.ResourceDetails { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "awsEcrContainerImage": toAwsEcrContainerImageDetails, }, }, root);}
function toAwsEcrContainerImageDetails(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.AwsEcrContainerImageDetails { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "architecture": "s", "author": "s", "imageHash": "s", "imageTags": ["s"], "platform": "s", "pushedAt": "d", "registry": "s", "repositoryName": "s", }, }, root);}
function toScoreDetails(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.ScoreDetails { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "cvss": toCvssScoreDetails, }, }, root);}
function toCvssScoreDetails(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.CvssScoreDetails { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "adjustments": [toCvssScoreAdjustment], "score": "n", "scoreSource": "s", "scoringVector": "s", "version": "s", }, }, root);}
function toCvssScoreAdjustment(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.CvssScoreAdjustment { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "metric": "s", "reason": "s", }, }, root);}
function toImageDetail(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.ImageDetail { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "registryId": "s", "repositoryName": "s", "imageDigest": "s", "imageTags": ["s"], "imageSizeInBytes": "n", "imagePushedAt": "d", "imageScanStatus": toImageScanStatus, "imageScanFindingsSummary": toImageScanFindingsSummary, "imageManifestMediaType": "s", "artifactMediaType": "s", }, }, root);}
function toImageScanFindingsSummary(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.ImageScanFindingsSummary { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "imageScanCompletedAt": "d", "vulnerabilitySourceUpdatedAt": "d", "findingSeverityCounts": x => jsonP.readMap(x => cmnP.readEnumReq<s.FindingSeverity>(x), Number, x), }, }, root);}
function toPullThroughCacheRule(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.PullThroughCacheRule { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "ecrRepositoryPrefix": "s", "upstreamRegistryUrl": "s", "createdAt": "d", "registryId": "s", }, }, root);}
function toAuthorizationData(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.AuthorizationData { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "authorizationToken": "s", "expiresAt": "d", "proxyEndpoint": "s", }, }, root);}
function toLifecyclePolicyPreviewResult(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.LifecyclePolicyPreviewResult { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "imageTags": ["s"], "imageDigest": "s", "imagePushedAt": "d", "action": toLifecyclePolicyRuleAction, "appliedRulePriority": "n", }, }, root);}
function toLifecyclePolicyRuleAction(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.LifecyclePolicyRuleAction { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "type": (x: jsonP.JSONValue) => cmnP.readEnum<s.ImageActionType>(x), }, }, root);}
function toLifecyclePolicyPreviewSummary(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.LifecyclePolicyPreviewSummary { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "expiringImageTotalCount": "n", }, }, root);}
function toRegistryScanningConfiguration(root: jsonP.JSONValue): s.RegistryScanningConfiguration { return jsonP.readObj({ required: {}, optional: { "scanType": (x: jsonP.JSONValue) => cmnP.readEnum<s.ScanType>(x), "rules": [toRegistryScanningRule], }, }, root);}