import * as ayonliJsext from "";
Breaks the array into smaller chunks according to the given length. | |
Counts the occurrence of the element in the array. | |
Checks if the array ends with the given suffix. | |
Performs a shallow compare to another array and see if it contains the same elements as this array. | |
Returns the first element of the array, or | |
Checks if the array contains another array as a slice of its contents. | |
f last | Returns the last element of the array, or |
Returns a tuple of two arrays with the first one containing all elements in the given array that match the given predicate and the second one containing all that do not. | |
Returns a random element of the array, or | |
Reorganizes the elements in the array in random order. | |
Breaks the array into smaller chunks according to the given delimiter. | |
Checks if the array starts with the given prefix. | |
Returns a subset of the array that contains only unique items. | |
Returns a subset of the array that contains only unique items filtered by the given callback function. |