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Module for performing Basic Auth in Deno Deploy
import secureCompare from "";
export interface MapWithGettableValues { get(headerName: string): string | null;}
export interface Requestlike { headers: MapWithGettableValues;}
/** * Authenticates the given request with the given user-password table. * Returns unauthorized response if the request is not authenticated, otherwise * returns undefined. * * ``` * import { basicAuth } from ""; * * addEventListener("fetch", (e) => { * const unauthorized = basicAuth(e.request, "Access to my site", { * "user": "password", * }); * if (unauthorized) { * e.respondWith(unauthorized); * return; * } * e.respondWith(new Response("You are authorized!")); * }); * ``` */export function basicAuth( request: Requestlike, realm: string, userPasswordTable: Record<string, string>,): Response | undefined { const authorization = request.headers.get("authorization"); if (authorization) { const match = authorization.match(/^Basic\s+(.*)$/); if (match) { const [user, pw] = atob(match[1]).split(":"); if (, user)) { const expectedPw = userPasswordTable[user]; if (secureCompare(pw, expectedPw)) { return; } } } }
return new Response("401 Unauthorized", { status: 401, statusText: "Unauthorized", headers: { "www-authenticate": `Basic realm="${realm}"`, }, });}