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🎲 Use BCDice-API from Deno easily
interface Options
implements Omit<RequestInit, "headers">
import { type Options } from "";

Options are the same as window.fetch, with some exceptions.


method: LiteralUnion<HttpMethod, string>

HTTP method used to make the request.

Internally, the standard methods (`GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, `PATCH`, `HEAD` and `DELETE`) are uppercased in order to avoid server errors due to case sensitivity.
headers: KyHeadersInit

HTTP headers used to make the request.

You can pass a `Headers` instance or a plain object.

You can remove a header with `.extend()` by passing the header with an `undefined` value.
json: unknown

Shortcut for sending JSON. Use this instead of the body option.

Accepts any plain object or value, which will be `JSON.stringify()`'d and sent in the body with the correct header set.
parseJson: (text: string) => unknown

User-defined JSON-parsing function.

1. Parse JSON via the [`bourne` package]( to protect from prototype pollution.
2. Parse JSON with [`reviver` option of `JSON.parse()`](
searchParams: SearchParamsOption

Search parameters to include in the request URL. Setting this will override all existing search parameters in the input URL.

Accepts any value supported by [`URLSearchParams()`](
prefixUrl: URL | string

A prefix to prepend to the input URL when making the request. It can be any valid URL, either relative or absolute. A trailing slash / is optional and will be added automatically, if needed, when it is joined with input. Only takes effect when input is a string. The input argument cannot start with a slash / when using this option.

Useful when used with [`ky.extend()`](#kyextenddefaultoptions) to create niche-specific Ky-instances.

 - After `prefixUrl` and `input` are joined, the result is resolved against the [base URL]( of the page (if any).
 - Leading slashes in `input` are disallowed when using this option to enforce consistency and avoid confusion about how the `input` URL is handled, given that `input` will not follow the normal URL resolution rules when `prefixUrl` is being used, which changes the meaning of a leading slash.
retry: RetryOptions | number

An object representing limit, methods, statusCodes and maxRetryAfter fields for maximum retry count, allowed methods, allowed status codes and maximum Retry-After time.

If `retry` is a number, it will be used as `limit` and other defaults will remain in place.

If `maxRetryAfter` is set to `undefined`, it will use `options.timeout`. If [`Retry-After`]( header is greater than `maxRetryAfter`, it will cancel the request.

Delays between retries is calculated with the function `0.3(2 ** (retry - 1)) * 1000`, where `retry` is the attempt number (starts from 1).

Retries are not triggered following a timeout.
timeout: number | false

Timeout in milliseconds for getting a response, including any retries. Can not be greater than 2147483647. If set to false, there will be no timeout.

hooks: Hooks

Hooks allow modifications during the request lifecycle. Hook functions may be async and are run serially.

throwHttpErrors: boolean

Throw an HTTPError when, after following redirects, the response has a non-2xx status code. To also throw for redirects instead of following them, set the redirect option to 'manual'.

Setting this to `false` may be useful if you are checking for resource availability and are expecting error responses.

Note: If `false`, error responses are considered successful and the request will not be retried.
onDownloadProgress: (progress: DownloadProgress, chunk: Uint8Array) => void

Download progress event handler.

fetch: (input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>

User-defined fetch function. Has to be fully compatible with the Fetch API standard.

1. Use custom `fetch` implementations like [`isomorphic-unfetch`](
2. Use the `fetch` wrapper function provided by some frameworks that use server-side rendering (SSR).