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Chainable iterators (sync and async) for TypeScript, with support for opt-in, bounded parallelism
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import * as betterIterators from "";

Better Iterators

This module provides Lazy and LazyAsync classes which make it easy to chain together data transformations.

The lazy function is the simplest way to get started.

import { lazy, range } from "./mod.ts"

// You can use any Iterable here (such as an Array, or Generator), but
// Lazy objects are themselves Iterable:
let iterable = range({to: 1000})

let results = lazy(iterable)
    .filter(it => it % 2 == 0)
    .map(it => it*it)

// No iteration has happened yet.
// This will trigger it:
for (let item of results) { console.log(item) }

Lazy Iteration Consumes All Input

Note that iterating a Lazy(Async) will consume its items -- the operation is not repeatable. If you need to iterate multiple times, save your result to an array with Lazy#toArray

import { lazy, range } from "./mod.ts"

let results = lazy([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).map(it => `number: ${it}`)

for (let result of results) { console.log("first pass:", result)}

// Has no more values to yield, will throw an exception:
for (let result of results) { console.log("second pass:", result)}

Asynchronous Iteration With Promises (Not Recommended)

You could use a Lazy directly for async work, but it has some problems:

import { lazy, range } from "./mod.ts"
let urls = [
let lazySizes = lazy(urls)
    .map(async (url) => {
        let response = await fetch(url)
        return await response.text()
    // The type is now Lazy<Promise<string>> so we're stuck having to deal
    // with  promises for the rest of the lazy chain:
    .map(async (bodyPromise) => (await bodyPromise).length)
    // and so on...

// `lazySizes` also ends up as a `Lazy<Promise<number>>`, so we've got to 
// await all of the items ourselves:
let sizes = await Promise.all(lazySizes.toArray())

This approach might seem to work, but it has unbounded parallelism. If you have N URLs, .toArray() will create N promises, and the JavaScript runtime will start making progress on all of them simultaneously.

Lazy Asynchronous Iteration

For a simpler, safer API when working with async code, you can convert a Lazy to a LazyAsync:

import { lazy, range } from "./mod.ts"
let urls = [
let lazySizes = lazy(urls)
    .map(async (url) => {
        let response = await fetch(url)
        return await response.text()
    // here the type is LazyAsync<string> (not Lazy<Promise<string>>)
    // so further lazy functions are easier to work with:
    .map(it => it.length)

Here, LazyAsync#map does the least surprising thing and does not introduce parallelism implicitly. You've still got serial lazy iteration.

If you DO want parallelism, the LazyAsync#mapPar and LazyAsync#mapParUnordered methods let you explicitly opt in at your chosen level of parallelism.

Functional Idioms

You'll find other common Functional Programming idioms on the Lazy and LazyAsync types, like associateBy, groupBy, fold, sum, partition, etc.


Create a Lazy(Async) from your (Async)Iterator.

Returns a Lazy which will yield consecutive numbers.


The result of partitioning according to a Filter<T>

Type Aliases

Filters for matches (where boolean is true)

A function that transforms from In to Out