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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import {select as d3Select} from "d3-selection";import {$BAR, $CANDLESTICK, $COMMON} from "../../config/classes";import {KEY} from "../../module/Cache";import { findIndex, getScrollPosition, getUnique, hasValue, isArray, isboolean, isDefined, isFunction, isNumber, isObject, isObjectType, isString, isUndefined, isValue, mergeArray, notEmpty, parseDate, sortValue} from "../../module/util";import type {IData, IDataPoint, IDataRow} from "./IData";
export default { isX(key) { const $$ = this; const {config} = $$; const dataKey = config.data_x && key === config.data_x; const existValue = notEmpty(config.data_xs) && hasValue(config.data_xs, key);
return dataKey || existValue; },
isNotX(key): boolean { return !this.isX(key); },
isStackNormalized(): boolean { const {config} = this;
return !!(config.data_stack_normalize && config.data_groups.length); },
/** * Check if given id is grouped data or has grouped data * @param {string} id Data id value * @returns {boolean} is grouped data or has grouped data * @private */ isGrouped(id?: string): boolean { const groups = this.config.data_groups;
return id ? groups.some(v => v.indexOf(id) >= 0 && v.length > 1) : groups.length > 0; },
getXKey(id) { const $$ = this; const {config} = $$;
return config.data_x ? config.data_x : (notEmpty(config.data_xs) ? config.data_xs[id] : null); },
getXValuesOfXKey(key, targets) { const $$ = this; const ids = targets && notEmpty(targets) ? $$.mapToIds(targets) : []; let xValues;
ids.forEach(id => { if ($$.getXKey(id) === key) { xValues = $$.data.xs[id]; } });
return xValues; },
/** * Get index number based on given x Axis value * @param {Date|number|string} x x Axis to be compared * @param {Array} basedX x Axis list to be based on * @returns {number} index number * @private */ getIndexByX(x: Date | number | string, basedX: (Date | number | string)[]): number { const $$ = this;
return basedX ? basedX.indexOf(isString(x) ? x : +x) : ($$.filterByX($$.data.targets, x)[0] || {index: null}).index; },
getXValue(id: string, i: number): number { const $$ = this;
return id in $$.data.xs && $$.data.xs[id] && isValue($$.data.xs[id][i]) ? $$.data.xs[id][i] : i; },
getOtherTargetXs(): string | null { const $$ = this; const idsForX = Object.keys($$.data.xs);
return idsForX.length ? $$.data.xs[idsForX[0]] : null; },
getOtherTargetX(index: number): string | null { const xs = this.getOtherTargetXs();
return xs && index < xs.length ? xs[index] : null; },
addXs(xs): void { const $$ = this; const {config} = $$;
Object.keys(xs).forEach(id => { config.data_xs[id] = xs[id]; }); },
isMultipleX(): boolean { return notEmpty(this.config.data_xs) || this.hasType("bubble") || this.hasType("scatter"); },
addName(data) { const $$ = this; const {config} = $$; let name;
if (data) { name = config.data_names[]; = name !== undefined ? name :; }
return data; },
/** * Get all values on given index * @param {number} index Index * @param {boolean} filterNull Filter nullish value * @returns {Array} * @private */ getAllValuesOnIndex(index: number, filterNull = false) { const $$ = this;
let value = $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets) .map(t => $$.addName($$.getValueOnIndex(t.values, index)));
if (filterNull) { value = value.filter(v => v && "value" in v && isValue(v.value)); }
return value; },
getValueOnIndex(values, index: number) { const valueOnIndex = values.filter(v => v.index === index);
return valueOnIndex.length ? valueOnIndex[0] : null; },
updateTargetX(targets, x) { const $$ = this;
targets.forEach(t => { t.values.forEach((v, i) => { v.x = $$.generateTargetX(x[i],, i); });
$$.data.xs[] = x; }); },
updateTargetXs(targets, xs) { const $$ = this;
targets.forEach(t => { xs[] && $$.updateTargetX([t], xs[]); }); },
generateTargetX(rawX, id: string, index: number) { const $$ = this; const {axis} = $$; let x = axis?.isCategorized() ? index : (rawX || index);
if (axis?.isTimeSeries()) { const fn = parseDate.bind($$);
x = rawX ? fn(rawX) : fn($$.getXValue(id, index)); } else if (axis?.isCustomX() && !axis?.isCategorized()) { x = isValue(rawX) ? +rawX : $$.getXValue(id, index); }
return x; },
updateXs(values): void { if (values.length) { this.axis.xs = => v.x); } },
getPrevX(i: number): number[] | null { const x = this.axis.xs[i - 1];
return isDefined(x) ? x : null; },
getNextX(i: number): number[] | null { const x = this.axis.xs[i + 1];
return isDefined(x) ? x : null; },
/** * Get base value isAreaRangeType * @param {object} data Data object * @returns {number} * @private */ getBaseValue(data): number { const $$ = this; const {hasAxis} = $$.state; let {value} = data;
// In case of area-range, data is given as: [low, mid, high] or {low, mid, high} // will take the 'mid' as the base value if (value && hasAxis) { if ($$.isAreaRangeType(data)) { value = $$.getRangedData(data, "mid"); } else if ($$.isBubbleZType(data)) { value = $$.getBubbleZData(value, "y"); } }
return value; },
/** * Get min/max value from the data * @private * @param {Array} data array data to be evaluated * @returns {{min: {number}, max: {number}}} */ getMinMaxValue(data): {min: number, max: number} { const getBaseValue = this.getBaseValue.bind(this); let min; let max;
(data || => t.values)) .forEach((v, i) => { const value =;
min = Math.min(i ? min : Infinity, ...value); max = Math.max(i ? max : -Infinity, ...value); });
return {min, max}; },
/** * Get the min/max data * @private * @returns {{min: Array, max: Array}} */ getMinMaxData(): {min: IDataRow[], max: IDataRow[]} { const $$ = this; const cacheKey = KEY.dataMinMax; let minMaxData = $$.cache.get(cacheKey);
if (!minMaxData) { const data = $$ => t.values); const minMax = $$.getMinMaxValue(data);
let min = []; let max = [];
data.forEach(v => { const minData = $$.getFilteredDataByValue(v, minMax.min); const maxData = $$.getFilteredDataByValue(v, minMax.max);
if (minData.length) { min = min.concat(minData); }
if (maxData.length) { max = max.concat(maxData); } });
// update the cached data $$.cache.add(cacheKey, minMaxData = {min, max}); }
return minMaxData; },
/** * Get sum of data per index * @private * @returns {Array} */ getTotalPerIndex() { const $$ = this; const cacheKey = KEY.dataTotalPerIndex; let sum = $$.cache.get(cacheKey);
if (($$.config.data_groups.length || $$.isStackNormalized()) && !sum) { sum = [];
$$.data.targets.forEach(row => { row.values.forEach((v, i) => { if (!sum[i]) { sum[i] = 0; }
sum[i] += isNumber(v.value) ? v.value : 0; }); }); }
return sum; },
/** * Get total data sum * @param {boolean} subtractHidden Subtract hidden data from total * @returns {number} * @private */ getTotalDataSum(subtractHidden) { const $$ = this; const cacheKey = KEY.dataTotalSum; let total = $$.cache.get(cacheKey);
if (!isNumber(total)) { const sum = mergeArray($$ => t.values)) .map(v => v.value);
total = sum.length ? sum.reduce((p, c) => p + c) : 0;
$$.cache.add(cacheKey, total); }
if (subtractHidden) { total -= $$.getHiddenTotalDataSum(); }
return total; },
/** * Get total hidden data sum * @returns {number} * @private */ getHiddenTotalDataSum() { const $$ = this; const {api, state: {hiddenTargetIds}} = $$; let total = 0;
if (hiddenTargetIds.length) { total = .reduce((p, c) => p + c); }
return total; },
/** * Get filtered data by value * @param {object} data Data * @param {number} value Value to be filtered * @returns {Array} filtered array data * @private */ getFilteredDataByValue(data, value) { return data.filter(t => this.getBaseValue(t) === value); },
/** * Return the max length of the data * @returns {number} max data length * @private */ getMaxDataCount(): number { return Math.max( => t.values.length), 0); },
getMaxDataCountTarget() { let target = this.filterTargetsToShow() || []; const length = target.length; const isInverted = this.config.axis_x_inverted;
if (length > 1) { target = => t.values) .reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b)) .map(v => v.x);
target = sortValue(getUnique(target)) .map((x, index, array) => ({ x, index: isInverted ? array.length - index - 1 : index })); } else if (length) { target = target[0].values.concat(); }
return target; },
mapToIds(targets): string[] { return =>; },
mapToTargetIds(ids) { const $$ = this;
return ids ? (isArray(ids) ? ids.concat() : [ids]) : $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets); },
hasTarget(targets, id): boolean { const ids = this.mapToIds(targets);
for (let i = 0, val; (val = ids[i]); i++) { if (val === id) { return true; } }
return false; },
isTargetToShow(targetId): boolean { return this.state.hiddenTargetIds.indexOf(targetId) < 0; },
isLegendToShow(targetId): boolean { return this.state.hiddenLegendIds.indexOf(targetId) < 0; },
filterTargetsToShow(targets?) { const $$ = this;
return (targets || $$.data.targets).filter(t => $$.isTargetToShow(; },
mapTargetsToUniqueXs(targets) { const $$ = this; const {axis} = $$; let xs: any[] = [];
if (targets?.length) { xs = getUnique( mergeArray( => => +v.x))) );
xs = axis?.isTimeSeries() ? => new Date(+x)) :; }
return sortValue(xs); },
/** * Add to the state target Ids * @param {string} type State's prop name * @param {Array|string} targetIds Target ids array * @private */ addTargetIds(type: string, targetIds: string[] | string): void { const {state} = this; const ids = (isArray(targetIds) ? targetIds : [targetIds]) as [];
ids.forEach(v => { state[type].indexOf(v) < 0 && state[type].push(v); }); },
/** * Remove from the state target Ids * @param {string} type State's prop name * @param {Array|string} targetIds Target ids array * @private */ removeTargetIds(type: string, targetIds: string[] | string): void { const {state} = this; const ids = (isArray(targetIds) ? targetIds : [targetIds]) as [];
ids.forEach(v => { const index = state[type].indexOf(v);
index >= 0 && state[type].splice(index, 1); }); },
addHiddenTargetIds(targetIds: string[]): void { this.addTargetIds("hiddenTargetIds", targetIds); },
removeHiddenTargetIds(targetIds: string[]): void { this.removeTargetIds("hiddenTargetIds", targetIds); },
addHiddenLegendIds(targetIds: string[]): void { this.addTargetIds("hiddenLegendIds", targetIds); },
removeHiddenLegendIds(targetIds: string[]): void { this.removeTargetIds("hiddenLegendIds", targetIds); },
getValuesAsIdKeyed(targets) { const $$ = this; const {hasAxis} = $$.state; const ys = {}; const isMultipleX = $$.isMultipleX(); const xs = isMultipleX ? $$.mapTargetsToUniqueXs(targets) .map(v => (isString(v) ? v : +v)) : null;
targets.forEach(t => { const data: any[] = [];
t.values .filter(({value}) => isValue(value) || value === null) .forEach(v => { let {value} = v;
// exclude 'volume' value to correct mis domain calculation if (value !== null && $$.isCandlestickType(v)) { value = isArray(value) ? value.slice(0, 4) : [, value.high, value.low, value.close]; }
if (isArray(value)) { data.push(...value); } else if (isObject(value) && "high" in value) { data.push(...Object.values(value)); } else if ($$.isBubbleZType(v)) { data.push(hasAxis && $$.getBubbleZData(value, "y")); } else { if (isMultipleX) { data[$$.getIndexByX(v.x, xs)] = value; } else { data.push(value); } } });
ys[] = data; });
return ys; },
checkValueInTargets(targets, checker: Function): boolean { const ids = Object.keys(targets); let values;
for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { values = targets[ids[i]].values;
for (let j = 0; j < values.length; j++) { if (checker(values[j].value)) { return true; } } }
return false; },
hasMultiTargets(): boolean { return this.filterTargetsToShow().length > 1; },
hasNegativeValueInTargets(targets): boolean { return this.checkValueInTargets(targets, v => v < 0); },
hasPositiveValueInTargets(targets): boolean { return this.checkValueInTargets(targets, v => v > 0); },
/** * Sort targets data * Note: For stacked bar, will sort from the total sum of data series, not for each stacked bar * @param {Array} targetsValue Target value * @returns {Array} * @private */ orderTargets(targetsValue: IData[]): IData[] { const $$ = this; const targets = [...targetsValue]; const fn = $$.getSortCompareFn();
fn && targets.sort(fn);
return targets; },
/** * Get data.order compare function * @param {boolean} isReversed for Arc & Treemap type sort order needs to be reversed * @returns {Function} compare function * @private */ getSortCompareFn(isReversed = false): Function | null { const $$ = this; const {config} = $$; const order = config.data_order; const orderAsc = /asc/i.test(order); const orderDesc = /desc/i.test(order); let fn;
if (orderAsc || orderDesc) { const reducer = (p, c) => p + Math.abs(c.value); const sum = v => (isNumber(v) ? v : ( "values" in v ? v.values.reduce(reducer, 0) : v.value ));
fn = (t1: IData | IDataRow, t2: IData | IDataRow) => { const t1Sum = sum(t1); const t2Sum = sum(t2);
return isReversed ? (orderAsc ? t1Sum - t2Sum : t2Sum - t1Sum) : (orderAsc ? t2Sum - t1Sum : t1Sum - t2Sum); }; } else if (isFunction(order)) { fn = order.bind($$.api); }
return fn || null; },
filterByX(targets, x) { return mergeArray( => t.values)).filter(v => v.x - x === 0); },
filterRemoveNull(data) { return data.filter(d => isValue(this.getBaseValue(d))); },
filterByXDomain(targets, xDomain) { return => ({ id:, id_org: t.id_org, values: t.values.filter(v => xDomain[0] <= v.x && v.x <= xDomain[1]) })); },
hasDataLabel() { const dataLabels = this.config.data_labels;
return (isboolean(dataLabels) && dataLabels) || (isObjectType(dataLabels) && notEmpty(dataLabels)); },
/** * Get data index from the event coodinates * @param {Event} event Event object * @returns {number} */ getDataIndexFromEvent(event): number { const $$ = this; const {$el, config, state: {hasRadar, inputType, eventReceiver: {coords, rect}}} = $$; let index;
if (hasRadar) { let target =;
// in case of multilined axis text if (/tspan/i.test(target.tagName)) { target = target.parentNode; }
const d: any = d3Select(target).datum();
index = d && Object.keys(d).length === 1 ? d.index : undefined; } else { const isRotated = config.axis_rotated; const scrollPos = getScrollPosition($el.chart.node());
// get data based on the mouse coords const e = inputType === "touch" && event.changedTouches ? event.changedTouches[0] : event;
index = findIndex( coords, isRotated ? e.clientY + scrollPos.y - : e.clientX + scrollPos.x - rect.left, 0, coords.length - 1, isRotated ); }
return index; },
getDataLabelLength(min, max, key) { const $$ = this; const lengths = [0, 0]; const paddingCoef = 1.3;
$$.$"svg").selectAll(".dummy") .data([min, max]) .enter() .append("text") .text(d => $$.dataLabelFormat( .each(function(d, i) { lengths[i] = this.getBoundingClientRect()[key] * paddingCoef; }) .remove();
return lengths; },
isNoneArc(d) { return this.hasTarget(,; },
isArc(d) { return "data" in d && this.hasTarget(,; },
findSameXOfValues(values, index) { const targetX = values[index].x; const sames: any[] = []; let i;
for (i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (targetX !== values[i].x) { break; }
sames.push(values[i]); }
for (i = index; i < values.length; i++) { if (targetX !== values[i].x) { break; }
sames.push(values[i]); }
return sames; },
findClosestFromTargets(targets, pos: [number, number]): IDataRow | undefined { const $$ = this; const candidates = => $$.findClosest(target.values, pos)); // map to array of closest points of each target
// decide closest point and return return $$.findClosest(candidates, pos); },
findClosest(values, pos: [number, number]): IDataRow | undefined { const $$ = this; const {$el: {main}} = $$; const data = values.filter(v => v && isValue(v.value));
let minDist; let closest;
// find mouseovering bar/candlestick // data .filter(v => $$.isBarType( || $$.isCandlestickType( .forEach(v => { const selector = $$.isBarType( ? `.${$BAR.chartBar}.${$}${ $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix( } .${$}-${v.index}` : `.${$CANDLESTICK.chartCandlestick}.${$}${ $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix( } .${$CANDLESTICK.candlestick}-${v.index} path`;
if (!closest && $$.isWithinBar( { closest = v; } });
// find closest point from non-bar/candlestick data .filter(v => !$$.isBarType( && !$$.isCandlestickType( .forEach((v: IDataPoint) => { const d = $$.dist(v, pos);
minDist = $$.getPointSensitivity(v);
if (d < minDist) { minDist = d; closest = v; } });
return closest; },
dist(data: IDataPoint, pos: [number, number]) { const $$ = this; const {config: {axis_rotated: isRotated}, scale} = $$; const xIndex = +isRotated; // true: 1, false: 0 const yIndex = +!isRotated; // true: 0, false: 1 const y = $$.circleY(data, data.index); const x = (scale.zoom || scale.x)(data.x);
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x - pos[xIndex], 2) + Math.pow(y - pos[yIndex], 2)); },
/** * Convert data for step type * @param {Array} values Object data values * @returns {Array} * @private */ convertValuesToStep(values) { const $$ = this; const {axis, config} = $$; const stepType = config.line_step_type; const isCategorized = axis ? axis.isCategorized() : false; const converted = isArray(values) ? values.concat() : [values];
if (!(isCategorized || /step\-(after|before)/.test(stepType))) { return values; }
// when all datas are null, return empty array // if (converted.length) { // insert & append cloning first/last value to be fully rendered covering on each gap sides const head = converted[0]; const tail = converted[converted.length - 1]; const {id} = head; let {x} = head;
// insert head converted.unshift({x: --x, value: head.value, id});
isCategorized && stepType === "step-after" && converted.unshift({x: --x, value: head.value, id});
// append tail x = tail.x; converted.push({x: ++x, value: tail.value, id});
isCategorized && stepType === "step-before" && converted.push({x: ++x, value: tail.value, id}); }
return converted; },
convertValuesToRange(values) { const converted = isArray(values) ? values.concat() : [values]; const ranges: {x: string | number, id: string, value: number}[] = [];
converted.forEach(range => { const {x, id} = range;
ranges.push({ x, id, value: range.value[0] });
ranges.push({ x, id, value: range.value[2] }); });
return ranges; },
updateDataAttributes(name, attrs) { const $$ = this; const {config} = $$; const current = config[`data_${name}`];
if (isUndefined(attrs)) { return current; }
Object.keys(attrs).forEach(id => { current[id] = attrs[id]; });
$$.redraw({withLegend: true});
return current; },
getRangedData(d, key = "", type = "areaRange"): number | undefined { const value = d?.value;
if (isArray(value)) { if (type === "bar") { return value.reduce((a, c) => c - a); } else { // @ts-ignore const index = { areaRange: ["high", "mid", "low"], candlestick: ["open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"] }[type].indexOf(key);
return index >= 0 && value ? value[index] : undefined; } } else if (value && key) { return value[key]; }
return value; },
/** * Set ratio for grouped data * @param {Array} data Data array * @private */ setRatioForGroupedData(data: (IDataRow | IData)[]): void { const $$ = this; const {config} = $$;
// calculate ratio if grouped data exists if (config.data_groups.length && data.some(d => $$.isGrouped( { const setter = (d: IDataRow) => $$.getRatio("index", d, true);
data.forEach(v => { "values" in v ? v.values.forEach(setter) : setter(v); }); } },
/** * Get ratio value * @param {string} type Ratio for given type * @param {object} d Data value object * @param {boolean} asPercent Convert the return as percent or not * @returns {number} Ratio value * @private */ getRatio(type: string, d, asPercent = false): number { const $$ = this; const {config, state} = $$; const api = $$.api; let ratio = 0;
if (d && { ratio = d.ratio || d.value;
if (type === "arc") { // if has padAngle set, calculate rate based on value if ($$.pie.padAngle()()) { ratio = d.value / $$.getTotalDataSum(true);
// otherwise, based on the rendered angle value } else { const gaugeArcLength = config.gauge_fullCircle ? $$.getArcLength() : $$.getStartingAngle() * -2; const arcLength = $$.hasType("gauge") ? gaugeArcLength : Math.PI * 2;
ratio = (d.endAngle - d.startAngle) / arcLength; } } else if (type === "index") { const dataValues =; let total = this.getTotalPerIndex();
if (state.hiddenTargetIds.length) { let hiddenSum = dataValues(state.hiddenTargetIds, false);
if (hiddenSum.length) { hiddenSum = hiddenSum .reduce((acc, curr) =>, i) => (isNumber(v) ? v : 0) + curr[i]) );
total =, i) => v - hiddenSum[i]); } }
const divisor = total[d.index];
d.ratio = isNumber(d.value) && total && divisor ? d.value / divisor : 0;
ratio = d.ratio; } else if (type === "radar") { ratio = ( parseFloat(String(Math.max(d.value, 0))) / state.current.dataMax ) * config.radar_size_ratio; } else if (type === "bar") { const yScale = $$.getYScaleById.bind($$)(; const max = yScale.domain().reduce((a, c) => c - a);
// when all data are 0, return 0 ratio = max === 0 ? 0 : Math.abs( $$.getRangedData(d, null, type) / max ); } else if (type === "treemap") { ratio /= $$.getTotalDataSum(true); } }
return asPercent && ratio ? ratio * 100 : ratio; },
/** * Sort data index to be aligned with x axis. * @param {Array} tickValues Tick array values * @private */ updateDataIndexByX(tickValues) { const $$ = this;
const tickValueMap = tickValues.reduce((out, tick, index) => { out[Number(tick.x)] = index; return out; }, {});
$$.data.targets.forEach(t => { t.values.forEach((value, valueIndex) => { let index = tickValueMap[Number(value.x)];
if (index === undefined) { index = valueIndex; } value.index = index; }); }); },
/** * Determine if bubble has dimension data * @param {object|Array} d data value * @returns {boolean} * @private */ isBubbleZType(d): boolean { const $$ = this;
return $$.isBubbleType(d) && ( (isObject(d.value) && ("z" in d.value || "y" in d.value)) || (isArray(d.value) && d.value.length >= 2) ); },
/** * Determine if bar has ranged data * @param {Array} d data value * @returns {boolean} * @private */ isBarRangeType(d): boolean { const $$ = this; const {value} = d;
return $$.isBarType(d) && isArray(value) && value.length >= 2 && value.every(v => isNumber(v)); },
/** * Get data object by id * @param {string} id data id * @returns {object} * @private */ getDataById(id: string) { const d = this.cache.get(id) ||;
return d?.[0] ?? d; }};