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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import {$LEGEND} from "../../config/classes";import {endall} from "../../module/util";
/** * Call done callback with resize after transition * @param {Function} fn Callback function * @param {boolean} resizeAfter Weather to resize chart after the load * @private */export function callDone(fn, resizeAfter = false) { const $$ = this; const {api} = $$;
resizeAfter && $$.api.flush(true); fn?.call(api);}
export default { load(rawTargets, args): void { const $$ = this; const {axis, data, org, scale} = $$; const {append} = args; const zoomState = { domain: <any>null, currentDomain: <any>null, x: <any>null }; let targets = rawTargets;
if (targets) { // filter loading targets if needed if (args.filter) { targets = targets.filter(args.filter); }
// set type if args.types || args.type specified if (args.type || args.types) { targets.forEach(t => { const type = args.types?.[] || args.type;
$$.setTargetType(, type); }); }
// Update/Add data data.targets.forEach(d => { for (let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { if ( === targets[i].id) { d.values = append ? d.values.concat(targets[i].values) : targets[i].values;
targets.splice(i, 1); break; } } });
data.targets = data.targets.concat(targets); // add remained }
// Set targets $$.updateTargets(data.targets);
if (scale.zoom) { zoomState.x = axis.isCategorized() ? scale.x.orgScale() : (org.xScale || scale.x).copy(); zoomState.domain = $$.getXDomain(data.targets); // get updated xDomain
zoomState.x.domain(zoomState.domain); zoomState.currentDomain = $$.zoom.getDomain(); // current zoomed domain
// reset zoom state when new data loaded is out of range if (!$$.withinRange(zoomState.currentDomain, undefined, zoomState.domain)) { scale.x.domain(zoomState.domain); scale.zoom = null; $$.$"__zoom", null); } }
// Redraw with new targets $$.redraw({ withUpdateOrgXDomain: true, withUpdateXDomain: true, withLegend: true });
// when load happens on zoom state if (scale.zoom) { // const x = (axis.isCategorized() ? scale.x.orgScale() : (org.xScale || scale.x)).copy();
org.xDomain = zoomState.domain; org.xScale = zoomState.x;
if (axis.isCategorized()) { zoomState.currentDomain = $$.getZoomDomainValue(zoomState.currentDomain); org.xDomain = $$.getZoomDomainValue(org.xDomain); org.xScale = zoomState.x.domain(org.xDomain); }
$$.updateCurrentZoomTransform(zoomState.x, zoomState.currentDomain); }
// Update current state chart type and elements list after redraw $$.updateTypesElements();$$, args.done, args.resizeAfter); },
loadFromArgs(args): void { const $$ = this;
// prevent load when chart is already destroyed if (!$$.config) { return; }
// reset internally cached data $$.cache.reset();
$$.convertData(args, d => { const data = || d;
args.append && (data.__append__ = true); data && $$.load($$.convertDataToTargets(data), args); }); },
unload(rawTargetIds, customDoneCb): void { const $$ = this; const {state, $el, $T} = $$; const hasLegendDefsPoint = !!$$.hasLegendDefsPoint?.(); let done = customDoneCb; let targetIds = rawTargetIds;
// reset internally cached data $$.cache.reset();
if (!done) { done = () => {}; }
// filter existing target targetIds = targetIds.filter(id => $$.hasTarget($$.data.targets, id));
// If no target, call done and return if (!targetIds || targetIds.length === 0) { done(); return; }
const targets = $el.svg.selectAll( => $$.selectorTarget(id)));
$T(targets) .style("opacity", "0") .remove() .call(endall, done);
targetIds.forEach(id => { const suffixId = $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(id);
// Reset fadein for future load state.withoutFadeIn[id] = false;
// Remove target's elements if ($el.legend) { $el.legend.selectAll(`.${$LEGEND.legendItem}${suffixId}`).remove(); }
// Remove target $$.data.targets = $$.data.targets.filter(t => !== id);
// Remove custom point def element hasLegendDefsPoint && $el.defs?.select(`#${$$.getDefsPointId(suffixId)}`).remove(); });
// since treemap uses different data types, it needs to be transformed state.hasTreemap && $$.updateTargetsForTreemap($$.data.targets);
// Update current state chart type and elements list after redraw $$.updateTypesElements(); }};