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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import type {AxisType} from "../../../types/types";import {isNumber} from "../../module/util";
export default { /** * Get Axis size according its position * @param {string} id Axis id value - x, y or y2 * @returns {number} size Axis size value * @private */ getAxisSize(id: AxisType): number { const $$ = this; const isRotated = $$.config.axis_rotated;
return (isRotated && id === "x") || (!isRotated && /y2?/.test(id)) ? $$.getAxisWidthByAxisId(id, true) : $$.getHorizontalAxisHeight(id); },
getAxisWidthByAxisId(id: AxisType, withoutRecompute?: boolean): number { const $$ = this;
if ($$.axis) { const position = $$.axis?.getLabelPositionById(id); const {width} = $$.axis.getMaxTickSize(id, withoutRecompute); const gap = width === 0 ? 0.5 : 0;
return width + ( $$.config.padding?.mode === "fit" ? position.isInner ? (10 + gap) : 10 : position.isInner ? (20 + gap) : 40 ); } else { return 40; } },
getHorizontalAxisHeight(id: AxisType): number { const $$ = this; const {config, state} = $$; const {rotatedPadding, isLegendRight, isLegendInset} = state; const isRotated = config.axis_rotated; const isFitPadding = config.padding?.mode === "fit"; const isInner = config[`axis_${id}_inner`]; const hasLabelText = config[`axis_${id}_label`].text; const defaultHeight = 13; let h = config.padding?.mode === "fit" ? (isInner && !hasLabelText ? (id === "y" ? 1 : 0) : 20) : 30;
if (id === "x" && !config.axis_x_show) { return 8; }
if (id === "x" && isNumber(config.axis_x_height)) { return config.axis_x_height; }
if (id === "y" && !config.axis_y_show) { return config.legend_show && !isLegendRight && !isLegendInset ? 10 : 1; }
if (id === "y2" && !config.axis_y2_show) { return isFitPadding ? 0 :; }
const maxtickSize = $$.axis.getMaxTickSize(id);
const isXAxisTickRotated = Math.abs(config.axis_x_tick_rotate) > 0 && ( !config.axis_x_tick_autorotate || $$.needToRotateXAxisTickTexts() );
if ( (config.axis_x_tick_multiline || isXAxisTickRotated) && maxtickSize.height > defaultHeight ) { h += maxtickSize.height - defaultHeight; }
return h + ($$.axis.getLabelPositionById(id).isInner ? 0 : 10) + (id === "y2" && !isRotated ? -10 : 0); },
getEventRectWidth(): number { const $$ = this; const {config, axis} = $$; const isInverted = config.axis_x_inverted; const tickInterval = axis.x.tickInterval();
return Math.max(0, isInverted ? Math.abs(tickInterval) : tickInterval); },
/** * Get axis tick test rotate value * @param {string} id Axis id * @returns {number} rotate value * @private */ getAxisTickRotate(id: AxisType): number { const $$ = this; const {axis, config, state, $el} = $$; let rotate = config[`axis_${id}_tick_rotate`];
if (id === "x") { const allowedXAxisTypes = axis.isCategorized() || axis.isTimeSeries();
if (config.axis_x_tick_fit && allowedXAxisTypes) { const xTickCount = config.axis_x_tick_count; const currentXTicksLength = state.current.maxTickSize.x.ticks.length; let tickCount = 0;
if (xTickCount) { tickCount = xTickCount > currentXTicksLength ? currentXTicksLength : xTickCount; } else if (currentXTicksLength) { tickCount = currentXTicksLength; }
if (tickCount !== state.axis.x.tickCount) { const {targets} = $$.data;
state.axis.x.padding = $$.getXDomainPadding([ $$.getXDomainMinMax(targets, "min"), $$.getXDomainMinMax(targets, "max") ], tickCount); }
state.axis.x.tickCount = tickCount; }
if ( $el.svg && config.axis_x_tick_autorotate && config.axis_x_tick_fit && !config.axis_x_tick_multiline && !config.axis_x_tick_culling && allowedXAxisTypes ) { rotate = $$.needToRotateXAxisTickTexts() ? config.axis_x_tick_rotate : 0; } }
return rotate; },
/** * Check weather axis tick text needs to be rotated * @returns {boolean} * @private */ needToRotateXAxisTickTexts(): boolean { const $$ = this; const {state: {axis, current, isLegendRight, legendItemWidth}} = $$; const legendWidth = isLegendRight && legendItemWidth; const xAxisLength = current.width - legendWidth - $$.getCurrentPaddingByDirection("left") - $$.getCurrentPaddingByDirection("right"); const tickCountWithPadding = axis.x.tickCount + axis.x.padding.left + axis.x.padding.right;
const {width} = $$.axis.getMaxTickSize("x"); const tickLength = tickCountWithPadding ? xAxisLength / tickCountWithPadding : 0;
return width > tickLength; }};