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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import {axisRight as d3AxisRight} from "d3-axis";import {format as d3Format} from "d3-format";import {scaleSequential as d3ScaleSequential, scaleSymlog as d3ScaleSymlog} from "d3-scale";import CLASS from "./classes";import {getRange, isFunction} from "./util";
/** * Stanford diagram plugin color scale class * @class ColorScale * @param {Stanford} owner Stanford instance * @private */export default class ColorScale { private owner; private colorScale;
constructor(owner) { this.owner = owner; }
drawColorScale(): void { const {$$, config} = this.owner; const target = $$.data.targets[0]; const height = $$.state.height - config.padding_bottom - config.padding_top; const barWidth = config.scale_width; const barHeight = 5; const points = getRange(config.padding_bottom, height, barHeight);
const inverseScale = d3ScaleSequential(target.colors) .domain([points[points.length - 1], points[0]]);
if (this.colorScale) { this.colorScale.remove(); }
this.colorScale = $$.$el.svg.append("g") .attr("width", 50) .attr("height", height) .attr("class", CLASS.colorScale);
this.colorScale.append("g") .attr("transform", `translate(0, ${config.padding_top})`) .selectAll("bars") .data(points) .enter() .append("rect") .attr("y", (d, i) => i * barHeight) .attr("x", 0) .attr("width", barWidth) .attr("height", barHeight) .attr("fill", d => inverseScale(d));
// Legend Axis const axisScale = d3ScaleSymlog() .domain([target.minEpochs, target.maxEpochs]) .range([ points[0] + config.padding_top + points[points.length - 1] + barHeight - 1, points[0] + config.padding_top ]);
const legendAxis = d3AxisRight(axisScale); const scaleFormat = config.scale_format;
if (scaleFormat === "pow10") { legendAxis.tickValues([1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000]); } else if (isFunction(scaleFormat)) { legendAxis.tickFormat(scaleFormat); } else { legendAxis.tickFormat(d3Format("d")); }
// Draw Axis const axis = this.colorScale.append("g") .attr("class", "legend axis") .attr("transform", `translate(${barWidth},0)`) .call(legendAxis);
if (scaleFormat === "pow10") { axis.selectAll(".tick text") .text(null) .filter(d => d / Math.pow(10, Math.ceil(Math.log(d) / Math.LN10 - 1e-12)) === 1) // Power of Ten .text(10) .append("tspan") .attr("dy", "-.7em") // .text(d => Math.round(Math.log(d) / Math.LN10)); }
this.colorScale.attr("transform", `translate(${$$.state.current.width - this.xForColorScale()}, 0)`); }
xForColorScale(): number { return this.owner.config.padding_right + this.colorScale.node().getBBox().width; }
getColorScalePadding(): number { return this.xForColorScale() + this.owner.config.padding_left + 20; }}