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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license *//** * State class. * @class State * @ignore * @private */export default class State { constructor() { return { // chart drawn area dimension, excluding axes width: 0, width2: 0, height: 0, height2: 0, margin: { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 }, margin2: { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 }, margin3: { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 }, arcWidth: 0, arcHeight: 0, xAxisHeight: 0,
hasAxis: false, hasRadar: false, hasTreemap: false,
// for data CSS rule index (used when boost.useCssRule is true) cssRule: {},
current: { // current domain value. Assigned when is zoom is called domain: undefined,
// chart whole dimension width: 0, height: 0, dataMax: 0,
maxTickSize: { x: { width: 0, height: 0, ticks: <(number | string)[]>[], clipPath: 0, domain: "" }, y: {width: 0, height: 0, domain: ""}, y2: {width: 0, height: 0, domain: ""} },
// current used chart type list types: <string[]>[], needle: undefined // arc needle current value },
// legend isLegendRight: false, isLegendInset: false, isLegendTop: false, isLegendLeft: false, legendStep: 0, legendItemWidth: 0, legendItemHeight: 0, legendHasRendered: false,
eventReceiver: { currentIdx: -1, // current event interaction index rect: {}, // event rect's clientBoundingRect data: [], // event data bound of previoous eventRect coords: [] // coordination value of previous eventRect },
axis: { x: { padding: {left: 0, right: 0}, tickCount: 0 } },
rotatedPadding: { left: 30, right: 0, top: 5 },
withoutFadeIn: {}, inputType: "",
datetimeId: "",
// clip id string clip: { id: "", idXAxis: "", idYAxis: "", idXAxisTickTexts: "", idGrid: "", idSubchart: "", // clipIdForSubchart path: "", pathXAxis: "", pathYAxis: "", pathXAxisTickTexts: "", pathGrid: "" },
// state event: null, // event object dragStart: null, dragging: false, flowing: false, cancelClick: false, mouseover: false, rendered: false, transiting: false, redrawing: false, // if redraw() is on process resizing: false, // resize event called toggling: false, // legend toggle zooming: false, hasNegativeValue: false, hasPositiveValue: true,
orgAreaOpacity: "0.2", orgConfig: {}, // user original genration config
// ID strings hiddenTargetIds: <string[]>[], hiddenLegendIds: <string[]>[], focusedTargetIds: <string[]>[], defocusedTargetIds: <string[]>[],
// value for Arc radius: 0, innerRadius: <{[key: string]: number} | number>0, outerRadius: <{[key: string]: number} | number | undefined>undefined, innerRadiusRatio: 0, gaugeArcWidth: 0, radiusExpanded: 0,
// xgrid attribute xgridAttr: { x1: <number | null>null, x2: <number | null>null, y1: <number | null>null, y2: <number | null>null } }; }}