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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
/** * Copyright (c) 2021 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license *//** * TableView plugin option class * @class TableviewOptions * @param {Options} options TableView plugin options * @augments Plugin * @returns {TableviewOptions} * @private */export default class Options { constructor() { return { /** * Set tableview holder selector. * - **NOTE:** If not set, will append new holder element dynamically right after chart element. * @name selector * @memberof plugin-tableview * @type {string} * @default undefined * @example * selector: "#table-holder" */ selector: undefined,
/** * Set category title text * @name categoryTitle * @memberof plugin-tableview * @type {string} * @default "Category" * @example * categoryTitle: "#table-holder" */ categoryTitle: "Category",
/** * Set category text format function. * @name categoryFormat * @memberof plugin-tableview * @type {Function} * @returns {string} * @default function(v) { // will return formatted value according x Axis type }} * @example * categoryFormat: "#table-holder" */ categoryFormat: function(v: Date | number | string): string { let category = v;
if (this.$$.axis.isCategorized()) { category = this.$$.categoryName(v); } else if (this.$$.axis.isTimeSeries()) { category = (v as Date).toLocaleDateString(); }
return category as string; },
/** * Set tableview holder class name. * @name class * @memberof plugin-tableview * @type {string} * @default undefined * @example * class: "table-class-name" */ class: undefined,
/** * Set to apply default style(`.bb-tableview`) to tableview element. * @name style * @memberof plugin-tableview * @type {boolean} * @default true * @example * style: false */ style: true,
/** * Set tableview title text. * - **NOTE:** If set [title.text](, will be used when this option value is empty. * @name title * @memberof plugin-tableview * @type {string} * @default undefined * @example * title: "Table Title Text" */ title: undefined,
/** * Update tableview from data visibility update(ex. legend toggle). * @name updateOnToggle * @memberof plugin-tableview * @type {boolean} * @default true * @example * legendToggleUpdate: false */ updateOnToggle: true,
/** * Set how null value to be shown. * @name nullString * @memberof plugin-tableview * @type {string} * @default "-" * @example * nullString: "N/A" */ nullString: "-" }; }}