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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
/** * Copyright (c) 2021 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import {loadConfig} from "../../config/config";import {isNumber, tplProcess} from "../../module/util";import Plugin from "../Plugin";import {defaultStyle, tpl} from "./const";import Options from "./Options";
/** * Table view plugin.<br> * Generates table view for bound dataset. * - **NOTE:** * - Plugins aren't built-in. Need to be loaded or imported to be used. * - Non required modules from billboard.js core, need to be installed separately. * @class plugin-tableview * @param {object} options table view plugin options * @augments Plugin * @returns {TableView} * @example * // Plugin must be loaded before the use. * <script src="$YOUR_PATH/plugin/billboardjs-plugin-tableview.js"></script> * * var chart = bb.generate({ * ... * plugins: [ * new bb.plugin.tableview({ * selector: "#my-table-view", * categoryTitle: "Category", * categoryFormat: function(v) { * // do some transformation * ... * return v; * }, * class: "my-class-name", * style: true, * title: "My Data List", * updateOnToggle: false, * nullString: "N/A" * }), * ] * }); * @example * import {bb} from "billboard.js"; * import TableView from "billboard.js/dist/billboardjs-plugin-tableview"; * * bb.generate({ * ... * plugins: [ * new TableView({ ... }) * ] * }) */export default class TableView extends Plugin { private config; private element;
constructor(options) { super(options); this.config = new Options();
return this; }
$beforeInit(): void {, this.options); }
$init(): void { const {class: className, selector, style} = this.config; let element = document.querySelector( selector || `.${className || defaultStyle.class}` );
if (!element) { const chart = this.$$.$el.chart.node();
element = document.createElement("table"); chart.parentNode.insertBefore(element, chart.nextSibling); }
if (element.tagName !== "TABLE") { const table = document.createElement("table");
element.appendChild(table); element = table; }
// append default css style if (style && !document.getElementById( { const s = document.createElement("style"); =; s.innerHTML = defaultStyle.rule;
(document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]) .appendChild(s); }
element.classList.add(...[style && defaultStyle.class, className].filter(Boolean));
this.element = element; }
/** * Generate table * @private */ generateTable(): void { const {$$, config, element} = this; const dataToShow = $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets);
let thead = tplProcess(tpl.thead, { title: dataToShow.length ? this.config.categoryTitle : "" }); let tbody = ""; const rows: (number | string)[][] = [];
dataToShow.forEach(v => { thead += tplProcess(tpl.thead, {title:});
// make up value rows v.values.forEach((d, i: number) => { if (!rows[i]) { rows[i] = [d.x]; }
rows[i].push(d.value); }); });
rows.forEach(v => { tbody += `<tr>${, i) => tplProcess(i ? tpl.tbody : tpl.tbodyHeader, { value: i === 0 ? config.categoryFormat.bind(this)(d) : (isNumber(d) ? d.toLocaleString() : config.nullString) }) ).join("") }</tr>`; });
const rx = /(<\/?(script|img)[^>]*>|<[^>]+><\/[^>]+>)/ig; const r = tplProcess(tpl.body, { ...config, title: config.title || $$.config.title_text || "", thead, tbody }).replace(rx, "");
element.innerHTML = r; }
$redraw(): void { const {state} = this.$$; const doNotUpdate = state.resizing || (!this.config.updateOnToggle && state.toggling);
!doNotUpdate && this.generateTable(); }
$willDestroy(): void { this.element.parentNode?.removeChild(this.element);
// remove default css style when left one chart instance if (this.$$.charts.length === 1) { const s = document.getElementById(;
s?.parentNode?.removeChild(s); } }}