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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license *//** * CSS class names definition * @private */export const $COMMON = { button: "bb-button", chart: "bb-chart", empty: "bb-empty", main: "bb-main", target: "bb-target", EXPANDED: "_expanded_"};
export const $ARC = { arc: "bb-arc", arcLabelLine: "bb-arc-label-line", arcs: "bb-arcs", chartArc: "bb-chart-arc", chartArcs: "bb-chart-arcs", chartArcsBackground: "bb-chart-arcs-background", chartArcsTitle: "bb-chart-arcs-title"};
export const $AREA = { area: "bb-area", areas: "bb-areas"};
export const $AXIS = { axis: "bb-axis", axisX: "bb-axis-x", axisXLabel: "bb-axis-x-label", axisY: "bb-axis-y", axisY2: "bb-axis-y2", axisY2Label: "bb-axis-y2-label", axisYLabel: "bb-axis-y-label"};
export const $BAR = { bar: "bb-bar", bars: "bb-bars", chartBar: "bb-chart-bar", chartBars: "bb-chart-bars"};
export const $CANDLESTICK = { candlestick: "bb-candlestick", candlesticks: "bb-candlesticks", chartCandlestick: "bb-chart-candlestick", chartCandlesticks: "bb-chart-candlesticks", valueDown: "bb-value-down", valueUp: "bb-value-up"};
export const $CIRCLE = { chartCircles: "bb-chart-circles", circle: "bb-circle", circles: "bb-circles"};
export const $COLOR = { colorPattern: "bb-color-pattern", colorScale: "bb-colorscale"};
export const $DRAG = { dragarea: "bb-dragarea", INCLUDED: "_included_"};
export const $GAUGE = { chartArcsGaugeMax: "bb-chart-arcs-gauge-max", chartArcsGaugeMin: "bb-chart-arcs-gauge-min", chartArcsGaugeUnit: "bb-chart-arcs-gauge-unit", chartArcsGaugeTitle: "bb-chart-arcs-gauge-title", gaugeValue: "bb-gauge-value"};
export const $LEGEND = { legend: "bb-legend", legendBackground: "bb-legend-background", legendItem: "bb-legend-item", legendItemEvent: "bb-legend-item-event", legendItemHidden: "bb-legend-item-hidden", legendItemPoint: "bb-legend-item-point", legendItemTile: "bb-legend-item-tile"};
export const $LINE = { chartLine: "bb-chart-line", chartLines: "bb-chart-lines", line: "bb-line", lines: "bb-lines"};
export const $EVENT = { eventRect: "bb-event-rect", eventRects: "bb-event-rects", eventRectsMultiple: "bb-event-rects-multiple", eventRectsSingle: "bb-event-rects-single",
export const $FOCUS = { focused: "bb-focused", defocused: "bb-defocused", legendItemFocused: "bb-legend-item-focused", xgridFocus: "bb-xgrid-focus", ygridFocus: "bb-ygrid-focus"};
export const $GRID = { grid: "bb-grid", gridLines: "bb-grid-lines", xgrid: "bb-xgrid", xgridLine: "bb-xgrid-line", xgridLines: "bb-xgrid-lines", xgrids: "bb-xgrids", ygrid: "bb-ygrid", ygridLine: "bb-ygrid-line", ygridLines: "bb-ygrid-lines", ygrids: "bb-ygrids"};
export const $LEVEL = { level: "bb-level", levels: "bb-levels"};
export const $RADAR = { chartRadar: "bb-chart-radar", chartRadars: "bb-chart-radars"};
export const $REGION = { region: "bb-region", regions: "bb-regions"};
export const $SELECT = { selectedCircle: "bb-selected-circle", selectedCircles: "bb-selected-circles", SELECTED: "_selected_"};
export const $SHAPE = { shape: "bb-shape", shapes: "bb-shapes",};
export const $SUBCHART = { brush: "bb-brush", subchart: "bb-subchart"};
export const $TEXT = { chartText: "bb-chart-text", chartTexts: "bb-chart-texts", text: "bb-text", texts: "bb-texts", title: "bb-title", TextOverlapping: "text-overlapping"};
export const $TOOLTIP = { tooltip: "bb-tooltip", tooltipContainer: "bb-tooltip-container", tooltipName: "bb-tooltip-name"};
export const $ZOOM = { buttonZoomReset: "bb-zoom-reset", zoomBrush: "bb-zoom-brush"};
export default { ...$COMMON, ...$ARC, ...$AREA, ...$AXIS, ...$BAR, ...$CANDLESTICK, ...$CIRCLE, ...$COLOR, ...$DRAG, ...$GAUGE, ...$LEGEND, ...$LINE, ...$EVENT, ...$FOCUS, ...$GRID, ...$RADAR, ...$REGION, ...$SELECT, ...$SHAPE, ...$SUBCHART, ...$TEXT, ...$TOOLTIP, ...$ZOOM};