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📊 Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import {zoomIdentity as d3ZoomIdentity, zoomTransform as d3ZoomTransform} from "d3-zoom";import {extend, getMinMax, isDefined, isObject, parseDate} from "../../module/util";
/** * Check if the given domain is within zoom range * @param {Array} domain Target domain value * @param {Array} current Current zoom domain value * @param {Array} range Zoom range value * @returns {boolean} * @private */function withinRange(domain: (number|Date)[], current, range: number[]): boolean { const [min, max] = range;
return domain.every((v, i) => ( i === 0 ? (v >= min) : (v <= max) ) && !(domain.every((v, i) => v === current[i])));}
/** * Zoom by giving x domain range. * - **NOTE:** * - For `wheel` type zoom, the minimum zoom range will be set as the given domain range. To get the initial state, [.unzoom()](#unzoom) should be called. * - To be used [zoom.enabled](Options.html#.zoom) option should be set as `truthy`. * @function zoom * @instance * @memberof Chart * @param {Array} domainValue If domain range is given, the chart will be zoomed to the given domain. If no argument is given, the current zoomed domain will be returned. * @returns {Array} domain value in array * @example * // Zoom to specified domain range * chart.zoom([10, 20]); * * // For timeseries, the domain value can be string, but the format should match with the 'data.xFormat' option. * chart.zoom(["2021-02-03", "2021-02-08"]); * * // Get the current zoomed domain range * chart.zoom(); */const zoom = function(domainValue?: (Date|number|string)[]): (Date|number)[]|undefined { const $$ = this.internal; const {$el, axis, config, org, scale} = $$; const isRotated = config.axis_rotated; const isCategorized = axis.isCategorized(); let domain = domainValue;
if (config.zoom_enabled && domain) { if (axis.isTimeSeries()) { domain = => parseDate.bind($$)(x)); }
if (withinRange(domain as (number|Date)[], $$.getZoomDomain(true), $$.getZoomDomain())) { if (isCategorized) { domain =, i) => Number(v) + (i === 0 ? 0 : 1)); }
// hide any possible tooltip show before the zoom $$.api.tooltip.hide();
if (config.subchart_show) { const x = scale.zoom || scale.x;
$$.brush.getSelection().call($$.brush.move,; // resultDomain = domain; } else { // in case of 'config.zoom_rescale=true', use org.xScale const x = isCategorized ? scale.x.orgScale() : (org.xScale || scale.x);
// Get transform from given domain value // const translate = [-x(domain[0]), 0]; const transform = d3ZoomIdentity .scale(x.range()[1] / ( x(domain[1]) - x(domain[0]) )) .translate( ...(isRotated ? translate.reverse() : translate) as [number, number] );
$el.eventRect .call($$.zoom.transform, transform); }
$$.setZoomResetButton(); } } else { domain = scale.zoom ? scale.zoom.domain() : scale.x.orgDomain(); }
return domain as (Date|number)[];};
extend(zoom, { /** * Enable and disable zooming. * @function zoom․enable * @instance * @memberof Chart * @param {string|boolean} enabled Possible string values are "wheel" or "drag". If enabled is true, "wheel" will be used. If false is given, zooming will be disabled.<br>When set to false, the current zooming status will be reset. * @example * // Enable zooming using the mouse wheel * chart.zoom.enable(true); * // Or * chart.zoom.enable("wheel"); * * // Enable zooming by dragging * chart.zoom.enable("drag"); * * // Disable zooming * chart.zoom.enable(false); */ enable: function(enabled: boolean | "wheel" | "drag" | any): void { const $$ = this.internal; const {config} = $$;
if (/^(drag|wheel)$/.test(enabled)) { config.zoom_type = enabled; }
config.zoom_enabled = !!enabled;
if (!$$.zoom) { $$.initZoom(); $$.bindZoomEvent(); } else if (enabled === false) { $$.bindZoomEvent(false); }
$$.updateAndRedraw(); },
/** * Set or get x Axis maximum zoom range value * @function zoom․max * @instance * @memberof Chart * @param {number} [max] maximum value to set for zoom * @returns {number} zoom max value * @example * // Set maximum range value * chart.zoom.max(20); */ max: function(max?: number): number { const $$ = this.internal; const {config, org: {xDomain}} = $$;
if (max === 0 || max) { config.zoom_x_max = getMinMax("max", [xDomain[1], max]); }
return config.zoom_x_max; },
/** * Set or get x Axis minimum zoom range value * @function zoom․min * @instance * @memberof Chart * @param {number} [min] minimum value to set for zoom * @returns {number} zoom min value * @example * // Set minimum range value * chart.zoom.min(-1); */ min: function(min?: number): number { const $$ = this.internal; const {config, org: {xDomain}} = $$;
if (min === 0 || min) { config.zoom_x_min = getMinMax("min", [xDomain[0], min]); }
return config.zoom_x_min; },
/** * Set zoom range * @function zoom․range * @instance * @memberof Chart * @param {object} [range] zoom range * @returns {object} zoom range value * { * min: 0, * max: 100 * } * @example * chart.zoom.range({ * min: 10, * max: 100 * }); */ range: function(range): {min: (number|undefined)[], max: (number|undefined)[]} { const zoom = this.zoom;
if (isObject(range)) { const {min, max} = range;
isDefined(min) && zoom.min(min); isDefined(max) && zoom.max(max); }
return { min: zoom.min(), max: zoom.max() }; }});
export default { zoom,
/** * Unzoom zoomed area * - **NOTE:** Calling .unzoom() will not trigger zoom events. * @function unzoom * @instance * @memberof Chart * @example * chart.unzoom(); */ unzoom(): void { const $$ = this.internal; const {config, $el: {eventRect, zoomResetBtn}} = $$;
if ($$.scale.zoom) { config.subchart_show ? $$.brush.getSelection().call($$.brush.move, null) : $$.zoom.updateTransformScale(d3ZoomIdentity);
$$.updateZoom(true); zoomResetBtn?.style("display", "none");
// reset transform if (d3ZoomTransform(eventRect.node()) !== d3ZoomIdentity) { $$.zoom.transform(eventRect, d3ZoomIdentity); } } }};