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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import {line as d3Line} from "d3-shape";import {getScale} from "../internals/scale";import {$COMMON, $LINE} from "../../config/classes";import {getPointer, getRandom, isArray, isDefined, isUndefined, isValue, parseDate} from "../../module/util";
export default { initLine(): void { const {$el} = this;
$el.line = $`.${$COMMON.chart}`).append("g") .attr("class", $LINE.chartLines) .call(this.setCssRule(false, `.${$LINE.chartLines}`, ["pointer-events:none"])); },
updateTargetsForLine(t): void { const $$ = this; const {$el: {area, line, main}} = $$; const classChartLine = $$.getChartClass("Line"); const classLines = $$.getClass("lines", true); const classFocus = $$.classFocus.bind($$);
if (!line) { $$.initLine(); }
const targets = t.filter(d => !($$.isScatterType(d) || $$.isBubbleType(d)));
const mainLineUpdate =`.${$LINE.chartLines}`) .selectAll(`.${$LINE.chartLine}`) .data(targets) .attr("class", d => classChartLine(d) + classFocus(d));
const mainLineEnter = mainLineUpdate.enter().append("g") .attr("class", classChartLine) .style("opacity", "0") .style("pointer-events", $$.getStylePropValue("none"));
// Lines for each data mainLineEnter.append("g") .attr("class", classLines);
// Areas if ($$.hasTypeOf("Area")) { $$.initArea(!area && mainLineEnter.empty() ? mainLineUpdate : mainLineEnter); }
$$.updateTargetForCircle(targets, mainLineEnter); },
/** * Generate/Update elements * @param {boolean} withTransition Transition for exit elements * @param {boolean} isSub Subchart draw * @private */ updateLine(withTransition: boolean, isSub = false): void { const $$ = this; const {format: {extraLineClasses}, $el, $T} = $$; const $root = isSub ? $el.subchart : $el;
const line = $root.main .selectAll(`.${$LINE.lines}`) .selectAll(`.${$LINE.line}`) .data($$.lineData.bind($$));
$T(line.exit(), withTransition) .style("opacity", "0") .remove();
$root.line = line.enter() .append("path") .attr("class", d => `${$$.getClass("line", true)(d)} ${extraLineClasses(d) || ""}`) .style("stroke", $$.color) .merge(line) .style("opacity", $$.initialOpacity.bind($$)) .style("shape-rendering", d => ($$.isStepType(d) ? "crispEdges" : "")) .attr("transform", null); },
/** * Redraw function * @param {Function} drawFn Retuned functino from .generateDrawCandlestick() * @param {boolean} withTransition With or without transition * @param {boolean} isSub Subchart draw * @returns {Array} */ redrawLine(drawFn, withTransition?: boolean, isSub = false) { const $$ = this; const {$el, $T} = $$; const {line} = (isSub ? $el.subchart : $el);
return [ $T(line, withTransition, getRandom()) .attr("d", drawFn) .style("stroke", this.color) .style("opacity", null) ]; },
/** * Get the curve interpolate * @param {Array} d Data object * @returns {Function} * @private */ getCurve(d): Function { const $$ = this; const isRotatedStepType = $$.config.axis_rotated && $$.isStepType(d);
// when is step & rotated, should be computed in different way // return isRotatedStepType ? context => { const step = $$.getInterpolate(d)(context);
// keep the original method step.orgPoint = step.point;
// to get rotated path data step.pointRotated = function(x, y) { this._point === 1 && (this._point = 2);
const y1 = this._y * (1 - this._t) + y * this._t;
this._context.lineTo(this._x, y1); this._context.lineTo(x, y1);
this._x = x; this._y = y; };
step.point = function(x, y) { this._point === 0 ? this.orgPoint(x, y) : this.pointRotated(x, y); };
return step; } : $$.getInterpolate(d); },
generateDrawLine(lineIndices, isSub?: boolean): (d) => string { const $$ = this; const {config, scale} = $$; const lineConnectNull = config.line_connectNull; const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
const getPoints = $$.generateGetLinePoints(lineIndices, isSub); const yScale = $$.getYScaleById.bind($$);
const xValue = d => (isSub ? $$.subxx : $$.xx).call($$, d); const yValue = (d, i) => ( $$.isGrouped( ? getPoints(d, i)[0][1] : yScale(, isSub)($$.getBaseValue(d)) );
let line = d3Line();
line = isRotated ? line.x(yValue).y(xValue) : line.x(xValue).y(yValue);
if (!lineConnectNull) { line = line.defined(d => $$.getBaseValue(d) !== null); }
const x = isSub ? scale.subX : scale.x;
return d => { const y = yScale(, isSub); let values = lineConnectNull ? $$.filterRemoveNull(d.values) : d.values;
let x0 = 0; let y0 = 0; let path;
if ($$.isLineType(d)) { const regions = config.data_regions[];
if (regions) { path = $$.lineWithRegions(values, scale.zoom || x, y, regions); } else { if ($$.isStepType(d)) { values = $$.convertValuesToStep(values); }
path = line.curve($$.getCurve(d))(values); } } else { if (values[0]) { x0 = x(values[0].x); y0 = y(values[0].value); }
path = isRotated ? `M ${y0} ${x0}` : `M ${x0} ${y0}`; }
return path || "M 0 0"; }; },
lineWithRegions(d, x, y, _regions): string { const $$ = this; const {config} = $$; const isRotated = config.axis_rotated; const isTimeSeries = $$.axis.isTimeSeries(); const xOffset = $$.axis.isCategorized() ? 0.5 : 0; const regions: any[] = []; const dasharray = "2 2"; // default value
let xp; let yp; let diff; let diffx2;
// check weather data is within region const isWithinRegions = (withinX, withinRegions) => { for (let i = 0, reg; (reg = withinRegions[i]); i++) { if (reg.start < withinX && withinX <= reg.end) { return; } }
return false; };
// Check start/end of regions if (isDefined(_regions)) { const getValue = (v: Date | any, def: number): Date | any => ( isUndefined(v) ? def : (isTimeSeries ?$$, v) : v) );
for (let i = 0, reg; (reg = _regions[i]); i++) { const start = getValue(reg.start, d[0].x); const end = getValue(reg.end, d[d.length - 1].x); const style = || {dasharray};
regions[i] = {start, end, style}; } }
// Set scales const xValue = isRotated ? dt => y(dt.value) : dt => x(dt.x); const yValue = isRotated ? dt => x(dt.x) : dt => y(dt.value);
// Define svg generator function for region const generateM = points => `M${points[0][0]},${points[0][1]}L${points[1][0]},${points[1][1]}`;
const sWithRegion = isTimeSeries ? (d0, d1, k, timeseriesDiff) => { const x0 = d0.x.getTime(); const xDiff = d1.x - d0.x; const xv0 = new Date(x0 + xDiff * k); const xv1 = new Date(x0 + xDiff * (k + timeseriesDiff));
const points = isRotated ? [[y(yp(k)), x(xv0)], [y(yp(k + diff)), x(xv1)]] : [[x(xv0), y(yp(k))], [x(xv1), y(yp(k + diff))]];
return generateM(points); } : (d0, d1, k, otherDiff) => { const points = isRotated ? [[y(yp(k), true), x(xp(k))], [y(yp(k + otherDiff), true), x(xp(k + otherDiff))]] : [[x(xp(k), true), y(yp(k))], [x(xp(k + otherDiff), true), y(yp(k + otherDiff))]];
return generateM(points); };
// Generate const axisType = {x: $$.axis.getAxisType("x"), y: $$.axis.getAxisType("y")}; let path = "";
for (let i = 0, data; (data = d[i]); i++) { const prevData = d[i - 1]; const hasPrevData = prevData && isValue(prevData.value); let style = isWithinRegions(data.x, regions);
// if (!isValue(data.value)) { continue; }
// Draw as normal if (isUndefined(regions) || !style || !hasPrevData) { path += `${i && hasPrevData ? "L" : "M"}${xValue(data)},${yValue(data)}`; } else if (hasPrevData) { try { style = style.dasharray.split(" "); } catch (e) { style = dasharray.split(" "); }
// Draw with region // TODO: Fix for horizotal charts xp = getScale(axisType.x, prevData.x + xOffset, data.x + xOffset); yp = getScale(axisType.y, prevData.value, data.value);
const dx = x(data.x) - x(prevData.x); const dy = y(data.value) - y(prevData.value); const dd = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dx, 2) + Math.pow(dy, 2));
diff = style[0] / dd; diffx2 = diff * style[1];
for (let j = diff; j <= 1; j += diffx2) { path += sWithRegion(prevData, data, j, diff);
// to make sure correct line drawing if (j + diffx2 >= 1) { path += sWithRegion(prevData, data, 1, 0); } } } }
return path; },
isWithinStep(that, y: number): boolean { return Math.abs(y - getPointer(this.state.event, that)[1]) < 30; },
shouldDrawPointsForLine(d): boolean { const linePoint = this.config.line_point;
return linePoint === true || (isArray(linePoint) && linePoint.indexOf( !== -1); },};